In the Hokage office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered to Anbu who was kneeling below:

"From now on, start surveillance on Hidden Grass Village, and once they leave the Land of Fire, bring Uzumaki orphans back secretly!"


Anbu disappeared instantly,

Sarutobi Hiruzen took two puffs of the pipe and shook his head:

"It seems that there is a substitute for Naruto. It seems that Danzo from another world has not successfully brainwashed Naruto. What a waste! How can this kind of thing be brought to the bright side? Fortunately, he is still the darkness of the ninja world."

At this time, in the examination room,

When Karin saw the two Kusanagi approaching, she showed no signs of timidity.

"Come here for us!"

Kusanagi yelled at Xiang Rin with a ferocious expression, "Don't look at who made you survive!"

As soon as these words came out, a trace of scarlet flashed across Xianglin's eyes under the glasses,

In the next second, she appeared next to the companion who opened the mouth, and the fist containing the strange power directly hit the companion's head.

Boom~! !

a bang,

A huge pothole suddenly appeared on the ground of the playground.

Kusanagi Village Genin's head can no longer be seen at this time.

Weird power!

The art of gathering Chakra in a little burst! Basically, it is the unique talent of the Uzumaki who can skillfully control Chakra, or a powerful medical ninja like Tsunade.

"Go away! Don't disturb my relationship with Naruto-kun!"

The Xiaoqiangs who originally planned to step forward to help froze in place.

Naruto looked at this fellow who was trembling just now with a confused face.


Xiang Rin, who turned her head, changed her face in an instant, but at this time, Naruto had jumped 5 meters, pointing to the projection that lit up again in the sky with a frightened face and stammering: "Look, look, look at the projection."

It's too scary, it's more than ten times scarier than little Sakura!

Xiang Rin nodded, and continued to look at Naruto with a nympho.

The reason why Xianglin has such a big change is that the Adamantine Sealing Chains rewarded by the blackened Naruto were learned in the Tsukuyomi space through Infinite Tsukuyomi for three years.

And the applied training experience is exactly the memory space after Xianglin was abducted by Orochimaru. It can be said that except for the change of the object of love, Xianglin at this time is not much different from the Xianglin of Shippuden.

Orochimaru: "Old man, how about I trade you a big secret for that White Zetsu?"

At this time, Orochimaru's barrage suddenly lit up in the chat room.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Orochimaru, don't forget that you are Konoha's rebellious ninja."

Orochimaru: "Hehe, you sent someone to arrest me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Jiraiya has been looking for you, you can't escape, I believe Jiraiya."

At this time, Jiraiya, who was taking care of Miss Infinite Tsukuyomi in Konoha Onsen, twitched the corner of his mouth, and then he turned his attention to the girls who were naked and continued to collect materials.

In the forest outside the leaves, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth, and a look of longing flashed in his eyes.

Although he didn't know what the White Zetsu was, he was very clear about the Impure World Reincarnation sacrifice. Since it was marked, it must be better than the ninja he caught casually as a sacrifice.

It's just that now the entire ninja world has been disrupted due to the sudden projection, and his identity has been exposed. It is not good to use Konoha's collapse plan to kill the teacher. Now he can only take one step at a time and look for opportunities to get what he wants. s things.

At this time, the black projection in the sky lights up again, it seems that because Naruto in this world has experienced more, the playback has not yet ended.

【Kakashi who completed the task went back to explain the task to Danzo, while Naruto and Itachi took off their Anbu clothes and got ready to leave work. 】

【Naruto stopped suddenly when he walked to the fifth training ground. 】

【With a simple and honest smile on his face, he asked, "Is there anything you can do for me?"】

[At this time, behind a tree behind him, the figure of Uchiha Itachi slowly came out. 】

【"I just want to ask you some questions, I don't know if I can."】

[Naruto turned around and said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, you can just ask. I think I can answer you except for the matter of the grown-up."]

【After Naruto finished speaking, he stuck out his tongue, and showed the curse seal on it for Uchiha Itachi to see. 】

【"Is the tongue curse eradicated?" Uchiha Itachi thought in his heart, and then he said: "I want to know why you have murderous intentions towards me during the mission."】

【Naruto was taken aback, and was about to speak, when Uchiha Itachi on the opposite side continued to say: "You don't have to deny that Sharingan is the strongest observation eye, even the white eyes can't compare in peeking into people's hearts and micro expressions."】

【Naruto grinned when he heard the words: "I see, has it been exposed? You really deserve to be a genius of the Uchiha clan."】

【Uchiha Itachi said with some hesitation: "I shouldn't have offended you, and I heard that you were introduced by Mr. Danzo, could it be..."]

【 Naruto's eyes flashed, and he spoke slowly. 】

【"No, no, I want to kill you myself."】

【"For the Uchiha Clan!"】

ps. Looking for data, asking for a monthly pass, is there anyone else?

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