Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 36 The Strongest Illusion, Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

【“Complaints from the public about the excessive enforcement of the police force have increased.”】

【"People's suspicion of the army is also increasing day by day."】

【"Uchiha is starting to show off."】

【"No, this should be a rebellion, right? The impact of the Nine Tails incident six years ago."】

【"Hmph! Uchiha's isolation policy is the basic policy of Konoha that has continued since Nidaime. Why are you still talking about it?"】

[Konoha F4 in the reception room is discussing the recent conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village. 】

Uchiha Fugaku: "I see, did the tragedy of our Uchiha start from Second Hokage?"

Senju Hashirama: "Tobirama, what the hell is going on here?"

Orochimaru: "Hehe, the policies implemented by Master Second Hokage and the ninjutsu created have brought a lot of trouble to future generations."

Senju Tobirama: "Hmph, this is Uchiha's cursed fate. Isn't it normal for the family to be wiped out soon? And now they are trying to set off a coup. I have expected this kind of thing to happen. After all, Madara's followers also It never stopped."

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe, isn't your Senju clan also extinct now?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "The Senju clan just merged into Konoha."

Uchiha Obito: "Hey, do you think anyone will believe the nonsense you said? Why did Tsunade leave Konoha? Doesn't he have a B number?"

Orochimaru: "As a person who punishes crimes, it is easy to be hated by others. Such an organization will become defiant because of its power, and in the name of monitoring crimes, the security team and the prison are built together, blatantly making Uchiha The family rushed to the edge of the village, and this must be the root cause of the rebellion."

Senju Hashirama: "Tobirama! How many times have I reminded you not to take Uchiha lightly!"

Senju Tobirama: "Hmph, I just gave Uchiha the job that they can complete, just to be able to deal with it immediately when the next Madara appears. Brother, you also know that Uchiha's group of people are born evil!"

Uchiha Obito: "You fart! As far as evil is concerned, there is no rubbish evil you taught! How many unconscionable things Third Hokage has done are all guided by you!"

Orochimaru: "Tsk tsk, Madara is like your psychological shadow. Is Uchiha really that scary?"

Uchiha Izuna: "I have endured you for a long time! Senju Tobirama, when it comes to evil and despicability, who can compare to you! I have been watching for a long time, and I understand the general situation now. The root of all darkness comes from you Rise up! Whether it's Anbu or isolating Uchiha, it all started from you!"

Uchiha Madara: "Izuna, don't talk nonsense with him, wait until I build a peaceful world, this kind of garbage will not appear!"

Senju Tobirama: "Big words, he is already dead, what is he still clamoring about here?"

Uchiha Madara: "Hehe."

【"The Shisui team has completed their mission and returned."】

[An Elite Jōnin wearing a green vest led the team and kneeled respectfully in front of the Third Generation to return. 】

【"Really? The long-term mission has worked hard for you, so take a good vacation."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Shisui below with satisfaction. This is the descendant of Uchiha Kagami who was the first to accept the will of fire. It is considered the legacy of Second Hokage that he inherited. 】

【The reason why he is not worried about Naruto's rampage is precisely because of the powerful Shisui in front of him. If there is no exception, Shisui is the key to controlling Nine Tails. 】

【Shisui raised his head respectfully and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Well, actually, I have a request for the Third Generation project, and I hope I can discuss it with you alone."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shisui and frowned, then nodded: "You come with me."】

【The two came to the rooftop, Shisui respectfully half-kneeled in front of Third Generation and said: "Master Third Generation, I am deeply saddened by the mutual distrust between the Uchiha clan and the village."】

【 Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned. 】

【"Me too."】

[Shisui said confidently at this time: "I want to rebuild the trust relationship between the clan and the village, can you assign this task to me?"]

【Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned: "You want to stop the normal mission?"】

【Shisui: "Yes, please give me a certain level of authority."】

【"Do you have any good method?"】

【"Yes, Master Hokage." Shisui raised his head, and the scarlet three-goat jade spun wildly and finally connected into a strange windmill, "Just with my eyes."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils shrank, and the expression on his face twitched unconsciously. 】

【"Man, Mangekyō...!"】

【"Yes, I awakened the same power as Uchiha Madara in battle, Mangekyō Sharingan!"】

【"And the power of my Mangekyō is the Distinguished Heavenly Gods known as the strongest illusion, which can directly invade the opponent's brain and modify the opponent's will without being discovered by the opponent!"】

【"As long as I activate the power of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods during the Uchiha gathering, I will be able to prevent the coup d'etat from happening. At that time, Mr. Hokage will make the village make some concessions, and the conflict between Konoha Village and Uchiha will definitely be eased!"]

【Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded inexplicably: "Soga, so that's how it is..."】

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