Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 45 Black Zetsu Is Numb, Kaguya Is Out

A new round of answers appeared on the stone slabs of each ninja village.

When Blackened Naruto saw Black Zetsu's answer, a wicked smile cracked the corner of his mouth.

"Very well, that's it for now."

A glowing name on the black slate rushed up the first row,

The big word "Black Zetsu" surprised everyone.

【Black Zetsu: He wants Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

Blackened Naruto smiled: "The answer is that Naruto needs Mangekyō Sharingan. As for why, we can save it for the next quiz, but before that..."

The projection on the screen suddenly changed to the appearance of the earth, and a golden light appeared out of nowhere in the outer space and slashed straight towards the moon.


Everyone looked at the sky in horror, and suddenly two old man souls with Truth-Seeking Balls on their backs jumped out of the moon and shouted with livid faces:

"Do you know what you are doing?!"


A careless voice sounded,

The golden light, like a laser, instantly split the moon in two.

"Two half-dead old men also want to block me?!"

Blackening Naruto appeared in the projection with a sneer. At this time, his eyes were shining blue, and the golden laser light slowly turned into a Truth-Seeking Ball in his hand.

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explodes!

It is the ultimate trick originally created by the white eyes of the entire Moon Clan, Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Then Naruto bit his finger, took out a White Zetsu out of nowhere and put it beside him.


The spell emerges from White Zetsu's body,

With a strange twitch, White Zetsu's body changed rapidly and finally turned into a woman with silver hair and white eyes wearing a robe.

"Where is this place?"

The woman didn't seem to understand the current situation. She felt the breath of the blackened Naruto beside her, and tears flowed down her eyes unconsciously: "Hagoromo...Hamura..."

Blackened Naruto didn't have any emotional fluctuations, he stretched out his hand and put it on the woman's forehead.

With a swish, the woman disappeared from the spot in front of her.

And at the same time,

Black White Zetsu looked at the ecstasy of the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him in disbelief: "Mom?!"

At this time, Naruto's joking voice came from the sky:

"Congratulations to Black Zetsu for answering this quiz correctly, and I will reward one Ōtsutsuki Kaguya."

Everyone looked at the half moon in the sky with a confused face,

Fall, fall! !

I don't know who posted a sentence in the chat room. At this time, everyone realized that half of the moon was falling downward.

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo: "Do you even know who she is?! Do you know what you did!?"

Blackening Naruto didn't speak, a black ball appeared in the palm of his hand and threw it towards the falling moon in the sky.

The fragments that had turned into meteorites were once again attracted by the black ball, and the moon that had been broken in half shook again and closed again.

God Planetary Devastation!

Blackening Naruto didn't continue to speak, and disappeared into the projection again in a flash.

Black Zetsu looked at his own mother with a bewildered expression, his plan for thousands of years was so easily completed?

Kaguya seemed a little unaccustomed to the body in front of her. She frowned and looked around and asked, "Where is this place? What happened?"

Then she looked at Black Zetsu,

"Did you rescue me? It seems that you succeeded?"

But she immediately felt Chakra in her body: "This body is so weak, what's going on?"

Black Zetsu was excited and incoherent: "No, mom, this one is me, no, it's not me, it's the one in the sky, answering the question, rub~, you will come out! I suspect that guy is the reincarnation of Ashura."

"Ashura, you know? Ah yes, just, the child of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo."

White Zetsu: "I want to shit!"

Black Zetsu: "Get out!!"

Leaving aside the fact that Black Zetsu was explaining to her mother how she got here, the black frame projection in the sky started a new round of playback.

【In the Hokage Building】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen slammed the table at Danzo in front of him angrily: "You did a good job!"】

【"Both Shisui and Itachi defected, and Jinchūriki lost control and was seriously injured! Now the conflict between the Uchiha clan and us has become more intense! Once the civil war starts, it will be the fourth ninja war!"】

【Danzo frowned: "It can't be my fault. Who knew that the opponent had two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan, and I did nothing wrong. If these two geniuses choose to join the Uchiha clan's coup, I'm afraid the situation will get out of hand. "]

【"Fortunately, they didn't take Nine Tails away. As long as Nine Tails is still in our hands, with the group of tigers whose teeth have been pulled out, there will be absolutely no waves."】

【"Master Second Hokage's weakening of the Uchiha family has achieved the desired effect, and the family can be exterminated."】

ps. Ask for data

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