Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 57 Reward Distribution, Tsukuyomi Reappears!

Senju Hashirama: "Hatake Kakashi."

Ohnoki: "Kakashi."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Kakashi."

Senju Tobirama: "Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Hatake Kakashi."

Hatake Kakashi: "Uzumaki Naruto."

Nara Shikamaru: "Uzumaki Naruto."

Kimimaro: "Master Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "Jiraiya."

A chain of answers appeared on the black slate,

Among them, Konoha Village's answer is Five Flowers Eight Gate, while the other four major ninja villages are almost all Hatake Kakashi.

Because they were not too familiar with Konoha's other ninjas, they didn't know who to choose, so they chose Hatake Kakashi, who often appeared in the projection.

Soon the ninjas who participated in answering the questions had all written their answers on the slate.

Heiming's figure appeared again, he glanced at the list and grinned:

"Let's congratulate this year's winner, Kaguya Kimimaro! As for the prize..."

Blackening Naruto touched his chin: "I'll help you cure your Bloodline disease."

Naruto stretched out his hand, and a thick tree vine suddenly rose from Orochimaru's base and inserted into Kimimaro's body in an instant.

The ninjas shivered when they saw the projection in front of them. Why are the rewards more violent than the other?

It’s okay to just draw One Tail hard, this time directly wear Wood Style on the chest.

During the projection, Kimimaro instantly entered the state of the curse mark, but the powerful Wood Style was not broken away by his strength at all.

Kimimaro couldn't help but shouted:

"Damn it! Let me go!!"

However, in the next second, many gray substances were forced out of his body, and majestic vitality was injected into his body.

Kaguya frowned and looked at Kimimaro in the projection and murmured, "To kill ashes together? No, it's much weaker."

When the vine was pulled away from Kimimaro's body, the big hole in his chest healed instantly.

Kimimaro froze for a moment, feeling the power of Nine Tails in his body with astonishment on his face.

Are you okay?

Bloodline disease, which was not cured even by Mr. Orochimaru and Dou, was cured so simply?

"Dead Bone Pulse Dance of the Early Ferns!"

Kimimaro shouted loudly, the terrifying bone spurs instantly turned the space around him into a forest of bones, as if Paramecia Devil Fruit had awakened.

With ecstasy on his face, he shouted to the sky: "Master Orochimaru, I can be your body!"

Orochimaru looked at Kimimaro in the projection, and just like he said, the first one he wanted to win was Kimimaro, not Sasuke.

To put it bluntly, Sasuke is just a cover for helping Konoha attract the bomb Uchiha Itachi.

In terms of talent, this waste of the whole family is not Kimimaro's opponent at all.

And Kimimaro's bloodline is not inferior to Sasuke's Indra bloodline. If it can really be developed to the level of killing ashes together, even Susano will die with just a poke.

Onogi: "I don't agree, why is his answer right! Why did Orochimaru save that girl!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Yes! Shady! This is definitely a shady! We don't agree with this answer!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Since the rules are proposed, let us be convinced? We know that you are strong, but this is not the reason for you to play us!"

Those high-ranking ninjas who saw someone gaining such benefits again couldn't help but protest.

Blackening Naruto looked at the doubts on the barrage, with a chilling smile on his face.

"So that's the case, I don't even believe it. It seems that I still have to show you evidence."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Yes! That's right! We need to see the evidence!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "You can't just say what you say."


Shikamaru turned blue looking at the barrage in the chat room: "It always feels like something bad is about to happen."

Chōji on the side was busy stuffing two mouthfuls of potato chips into his mouth: "Then let me fill my stomach first."

as expected,

Naruto's joking voice came from the sky again: "In this case, let you experience the evidence for yourself."

The familiar white light lights up again,

The faces of the ninjas in the ninja world changed drastically.


In the next second, everyone was dragged into the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi again.

Even civilians who have not woken up from the previous reincarnation also appeared in the new world of Tsukuyomi.

"I `m coming out?"

"I finally don't have to die?!"


Everyone who didn't pass the first round of Tsukuyomi world 'rewards' howled loudly with excitement.

In that world, although there are chat rooms, they are not in the same timeline with the outside world at all. They don't know what happened outside. They only know that they are being killed by Danzo's dogecoin over and over again, and then start all over again.

Everyone is almost numb.

Now they are finally out!


[Suddenly a coughing sound came from the side. 】

【The person who entered the world of Tsukuyomi looked at his side and exclaimed in astonishment: "Mother?!"】

[They looked around again and found that it was in a dilapidated and dark cabin. 】

[Suddenly, a ferocious-looking bald man from Kusanagi Village, Jōnin, rushed in, frowned and scolded: "Hurry up! It's time for you to go to work!"]

【This is the Jōnin of Kusanagi Village who dragged Xianglin to the hospital! 】

[The pupils of all the ninjas who watched the projection shrank, and their expressions changed drastically. 】

【They looked at their sick mother beside them, and an ominous premonition arose in their hearts. 】

[I became a 'Xianglin'? ! 】

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