Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 65 Tsukuyomi With Remarkable Effects

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo on the moon turned black with Uchiha Madara's yelling.

Just when he was about to scold this unworthy descendant angrily, a sentence that made his scalp tingle faintly floated across the barrage.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "...Hagoromo?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "You are still alive, my dear boy."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "Give me back my Chakra!!"

Everyone in the ninja world looked strange,

This is the legendary Ōtsutsuki Kaguya who was rescued from the moon just now, right? Why does it feel like the speech in this chat room is getting more and more ridiculous.

Forget about the dead, and the legendary gods have begun to appear.

At this time, Kakashi looked at the projection with a pale face and muttered to himself: "Impossible, it can't be Obito! Obito is dead, he died in the battle of Kannabi Bridge."

He touched his Sharingan tremblingly, and the fear continued to emanate from his heart.

[ Naruto looked at Obito, who was crying in pain, with a contemptuous expression on his face. What Senju Tobirama said in the fourth battle was indeed right. 】

[Once these lunatics freeze a certain painful event, they will enter a state of extreme paranoia. 】

[Originally, Naruto was still thinking about torture, interrogation, and torturing him for a few days and nights. He suddenly remembered the Tsukuyomi that Itachi gave to Sasuke, and decided to use Lin's death as a test to start the experience of Mangekyō for Uchiha How much damage the family has. 】

[Now it seems that the effect is unexpectedly significant. The picture of Kakashi killing Lin is as good as the unforgettable stabbing for Obito, and there is no immunity. 】

[Unfortunately, Itachi used the wrong screen for Sasuke. If he gave Sasuke the scene of his own death in the world of Tsukuyomi, Sasuke might have already activated Mangekyō. to real pain. 】

【Feeling that Obito's spirit was on the verge of collapse, Naruto directly lifted Tsukuyomi's release. 】

【He rubbed his sore left eye, and rushed towards Obito who was kneeling on the ground! 】

【Obito's Kamui, he has been coveting for a long time. With the existence of Kamui, although he can't be invincible, he can already take revenge on Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo. 】

[It can be said that this time I came to join in the fun, in addition to preventing Sasuke from being slaughtered by the lunatics organized by Akatsuki, there is also a purpose to capture Obito's Mangekyō Kamui. 】

【"Bring it!"】

【 Naruto let out a low snort, and inserted his finger towards Obito's Mangekyō. 】

[At this time, Obito couldn't concentrate at all because of Tsukuyomi, and Naruto's fingers were getting closer to Obito's eyes. 】

【Sudden! 】

【Obito, who collapsed on the ground, suddenly fell back, dodging Naruto's attack in an instant. 】

[The next second, his movements suddenly changed, and the whole person was like a funny man, raising his hands and shouting towards the fierce battle area in the center of Uchiha: "Ah~ Senior~! Help! Someone is going to kill me~! "]

【While running, Obito's body sank toward the ground. 】

【 Naruto frowned, his face a little depressed. 】

【He let out a long breath and snorted coldly: "White Zetsu..."】

[He carelessly forgot that half of Obito's body and mask are made of an elite White Zetsu vortex. It is connected to Gedo Statue, and can borrow Gedo Statue's Chakra and share information at any time. It can also help Obito control it at critical times Body. 】

【Looking at the fleeing Obito, Naruto did not choose to pursue him. 】

[Because he is not sure which members of the Akatsuki organization are here to carry out the genocide mission. 】

【Orochimaru, Kakuzu, etc., he can still deal with them. If Tiandao Payne comes, he might not even be able to run. 】

[After all, this time there is no Kakashi and the others as bait. 】

【 Naruto glanced back at the lovely and pitiful Uchiha Izumi, he turned around and picked up the girl and left immediately. 】

[Not long after he left, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo came to the residence of the Uchiha clan with Anbu and Genbu. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the raging Susanoo with a livid face: "Impossible, how come there is still a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan!"】

【Danzo on the side snorted coldly: "Who told you to send the Uchiha clan to the Kirigakure battlefield? The Uchiha clan is responsible for defending the village. This is a plan that has been passed down. Nidaime has said that they should not be too strongly stimulated."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Shut up, if it weren't for the emergency of the war, how could I send them out!"】

【Danzo sneered: "After all, you didn't force Konoha Sannin away. If the three of Orochimaru and the others were still there, there would be no such thing as the Uchiha clan."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen squinted his eyes and glanced at Danzo: "Orochimaru researched the Forbidden Technique without authorization, and even used ninjas from the same village for human experiments. This has violated the taboo!"】

【Danzo snorted coldly: "He was just trying to increase the fighting power of the village. Which of the Forbidden Techniques in the sealed book was not created by Second Hokage? Did you see Master Hashirama driving Master Tobirama out? How many small countries are now recruiting Orochimaru , if it wasn't for me...huh!"]

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