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102. One Sword Opens The Sky! Battered Hawkeye: Swordplay? Dogs Don't Practice! (Seek Full Orde

People from the two worlds watched this scene in the No. 1 video.

Many are reminded of Rennes' battle with the Ancient Lord of Songs not so long ago.

His sword at that time was indeed very simple and unadorned!

[No. 1, No. 2 Rocks: What an extremely arrogant guy! The world can’t handle his sword? I’d like to try it if I have a chance!]

[No.1 Akainu: Try it and die!]

【Hawkeye No. 2: Rennes really doesn’t know how to use swordsmanship. He didn’t have much skill or swordsmanship to speak of in his battle with the devil. He took the road of crushing everything with force!】

[No.2 Whitebeard: It is undeniable that Rennes is very strong, but it is indeed a bit too underestimated!]

Whitebeard is also a strong swordsman!

I really don't like what Rennes said!

Every improvement in swordsmanship is extremely rare for a swordsman!

In one day, by fighting a master of swordsmanship and surpassing him?

Never heard of such absurd things!

【Garp No. 2: If someone else said this, I wouldn’t agree with it, and I wouldn’t believe it, but if it’s Rennes, it might be possible to create a miracle!】

【No.2 Kizaru: Garp-san, have you become Rennes-san too!】

[No. 2 Eagle Eye: Swordsmanship is one way, pay attention to epiphany, and constantly challenge your own limits. Once you understand the sword, you can develop extremely powerful swordsmanship. It does not mean that the stronger the strength, the more qualified the swordsman is! 】

Hawkeye spoke again, he felt that Rennes underestimated swordsmanship too much! With all the sword masters in the world!

Their line of work is different from ordinary powerhouses!

Swordsmen generally have a faint sense of arrogance!

Because among the powerhouses at the same level, their path is the most difficult one to walk!

But once the swordsmanship is perfect, the top powerhouses of the same level usually have to avoid the edge for the time being!

Otherwise, with Zoro's strength, how could he block the attacks of the two Four Emperors at the same time!

But in this line of work, it is difficult to get started, and it is not enough to be strong in physical skills and Haki!

You have to be smart too!!

[No.2 Golden Lion: Maybe this Koshiro's strength is mediocre, but Rennes has a strong strength as a foundation, and after learning a few hands, it is indeed possible to overwhelm him!]

【Dragon No. 2: Koshiro's swordsmanship is extraordinary!】

Dragon's barrage falling! Koshiro in video #1.

The eyes that had been squinting slightly opened slowly!

Originally gentle and refined Koshiro, at this moment, his temperament, aura, and danger have instantly climbed to a terrifying level!!

A strong and like-minded person who can tell Zoro the true meaning of the swordsman, who can be valued by dragons!

How could its strength be mediocre!

An extremely sharp sword intent soared into the sky!

Koshiro wakes up like a sleeping dragon!

With a sword in hand, the great swordsman's will is unleashed, and the sky is full of rain and majesty!

The wind and rain are more urgent! The thunder and lightning are more violent!!

【Hawkeye No. 2: East Blue has such a powerful swordsman!!】

【Saturn No. 2: Immediately stop the Vice Admiral sent to East Blue for mission!】

Previous video found Koshiro making contact with dragons!

They immediately sent a strong man there! They want to take down one of the bases of the revolutionary army!

But now look, a Vice Admiral lead the words.

I'm afraid I won't know how to die later!

【No. 2 Zoro: Master is so strong!】

【No. 1 Kuina: Not strong, why do you care if we can reach the peak of swordsmanship?】

[Garp No. 2: Don't underestimate the world, there are still many strong people who hide their names and live a low-key life!]

[No. 1 Akainu: There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky! But my elder brother is above the sky!]

"I, do I feel that the owner of the museum suddenly became so scary!"

It was the first time for the onlookers to see such a fierce and formidable pavilion master!

"Could the host be Legendary's great swordsman!?"

"What is this?!" Kuina and Zoro as swordsmen, though!

But the talent is extremely outstanding, looking at Koshiro, who is usually gentle, has become the king of all swords at this moment!!

The sharp sword intent shocked the hearts of the two little ones!

"Please be careful, Sir Rennes!"

Koshiro waved the long sword in his hand slightly, pointing the sword at Rennes, the sword intent was aroused, and it actually touched the thunder and lightning in the sky!

A real swordsman! Even if you usually hide your strength and bide your time!

But once the sword is drawn, there must be an indomitable arrogance and arrogance!!

Zila! Three or four bolts of lightning fell from the sky, dripping into Koshiro's famous sword like water droplets!

!!!A gust of wind suddenly broke out!!

People can't stop going back and forth again and again!!

Vertical/horizontal criss-crossing invisible sword winds appeared on the ground out of thin air!

Before a single blow was fired, the surrounding area was already devastated!

"I didn't expect Mr. Koshiro to have such a bold and unrestrained sword intent. It seems that he was also a high-spirited swordsman when he was young. Please don't show mercy"!"

Rennes held the sword in one hand and smiled slightly!

"as you wish!"

Whoosh!! After the voice fell, Koshiro instantly launched a sharp slash!

In the blink of an eye, Koshiro approached Rennes like lightning!

"Asura Dao, thunderous thousand cuts!!"

whoosh whoosh!!

Approaching for a moment, the sword intent is released, and when the sword comes out, there are many sword shadows in the sky!

Like thousands of thunderbolts bursting at the same time!

Common people can't see Koshiro's sword move at all.

All I could see was the sky filled with lightning, and multiple roads converged, drowning towards Rennes together!

[No. 1 and No. 2 Hawkeye: Such a strong sword intent!! Without relying on any ability, one's own spiritual power is condensed into substance, leading to the thunder and light movie that dominates destruction!!]

At this moment, the pupils of the two eagle eyes suddenly shrank!

Those sharp hawk eyes revealed a strong heart of war!

Only the same great swordsman! Can arouse Hawkeye's desire to fight!

"It's really good!" Rennes raised the long sword in his hand, and without any skill, he blocked Geng Sihai like a leisurely stroll!

"Your Excellency Rennes, you are really powerful!" Koshiro said, his sword intent was stronger!

No longer reserved, although Rennes is not strong in swordsmanship, but as long as he is strong!

Can ignite the competitive heart of the swordsman.

Clang! The shadow of swords all over the sky has not dissipated yet.

Koshiro teleports back a few steps, sheathing his sword!

"Jaihe draws his sword and cuts. Thunder!!"

Crackling!! The sky is thundering! Koshiro draws his sword and cuts instantly!!

In an instant, Rennes flashed and appeared behind him!

Slash! Done!!

Clang!! The figure passed by first, followed by the sound of slashing!

"The speed is far faster than the speed of sound transmission, amazing swordsmanship!! I like this kind of wild and unbreakable sword intent!" Rennes held the sword vertically!

There is a clear cut mark on the sword body!

If not covered with Haki!

I'm afraid that with this blow, even people with swords will be cut in half!

Of course, that refers to the results faced by the general strong!

"Blocked!!" Koshiro's pupils contracted suddenly!

Before he had time to hesitate, the swordsman's instinct made him turn around and jump up in an instant!

"Sura Purgatory․Thundering Dragon King!"


People are in mid-air, the sky is full of thunder and lightning blessing on the famous knife!

He stomped on the air quickly, from top to bottom, and struck Rennes like a bolt of lightning!

Surrounded by an astonishing thunder and lightning sword intent, it turned the sky full of lightning into three ferocious sword-qi thunder dragons!

Opening its teeth and claws, it rushed towards Rennes swiftly and swiftly!

Rennes is just an unpretentious sword, breaking the three dragon king sword spirits!

clang clang clang!!!!!!!!!

Then came Koshiro's whirlwind melee slash!

Every hit is lightning fast!

Every hit is precise and tricky!

Every blow is murderous!

Ultimate sword fighting skills!

Shockingly sharp, decisive sword intent!

In less than two minutes!

Koshiro has scored thousands of hits!

The collision of swords and the sound waves produced form a war song that makes people's blood boil!!

Everyone held their breath and watched intently!

Especially for swordsmen, every move of Koshiro benefits them a lot!!

"Master, it's amazing!!" Little Zoro was dumbfounded!

"Father..." It was the first time that Kuina knew that her father's sword skills were so strong!

Perhaps, it is not impossible to become number one in the world!

Although Kuina doesn't know how strong the world number one is!

And when everyone is immersed in Koshiro's extremely fast and superb swordsmanship!

Rennes said suddenly, "It's almost my turn to attack!"

Rennes closed his eyes! Raised his sword!!

Comprehend Koshiro's sword intent, comprehend it for your own use!

Suddenly, Rennes slashed out with an ethereal, illusory sword

The majestic rain seems to be completely still!!

Hum!!! The blade of the sword swept across the air and the raindrops, before the raindrops split into two, the sword arrived and appeared in front of Koshiro!

Extremely fast sword intent, thousand cuts!!!


Koshiro's pupils froze suddenly, this is sword intent!!

What sword intent!? So fast!!!

As if faster than lightning!!

Koshiro sees every blow clearly!

It's amazing!! A thousand cuts with one blow! Like ten thousand thunders together!!

But when I blocked it, there was only one sound!

Killing with a thousand strikes, at the same instant!!

Gives the illusion of only one hit!!

This is more terrifying than his thousands of front and rear slashes! Even more amazing!

After Koshiro blocked, the whole person was directly sent flying!

"How is it possible?!" Not only is it fast, but every blow is extremely powerful!

Koshiro looked down at the sword he was holding in both hands!

He blocked it, but the sword was still vibrating, and his palms were numb!!

And at this moment... the water drop that was brushed by the sword exploded!

This blow shocked the powerhouses of the two worlds instantly!!

[No.2 Kaido: What's the situation?! He knows swordsmanship?!]

【No. 2 Rocks: I knew it before! How could such a profound sword intent and swordsmanship be learned only now!?】

【Hawkeye No. 2: What a terrifying fast sword!!】

[No. 2 Whitebeard: It has something in common with Koshiro's sword intent, and it is really possible that he just learned it! 】

[No. 1, No. 2 Golden Lion: What the hell is this monster!?]

[No.1 Kizaru: Not a monster! A god!]

[No. 1 Sengoku: This is an impossible miracle!! Enlightenment sword?!]

"You really didn't know swordsmanship before!?" Koshiro looked at Rennes in disbelief!

That blow, its sword intent was faster and stronger than his!

"Of course, but I like your sword skills!" Rennes said and took a step! At the same time, a light voice sounded!

"Jaihe draws his sword and cuts. Aurora!!"

Rennes sheathed his sword, drew it and cut again!!

The afterimage of the figure remains in place!

The real figure has appeared behind Koshiro!!


A bloodstain soared from Koshiro!! The wound was not deep!

Koshiro blocked, but not completely blocked!!

It’s impossible to accept, how can there be such a genius in the world!!” Koshiro broke his defenses in his heart!!

I have practiced swordsmanship all my life, but I can't compare with others

This brief copy of home?!

"Flying Thunder and Wild Sword Technique!!"

Koshiro turned around and unleashed his ultimate slash!!

The sky above the entire island is filled with extremely fierce sword intent!

"Lightning from above, open the sky with one sword!" Rennes is still strolling in the courtyard!

Holding the sword in both hands, the speedy sword intent of annihilating everything pervades the entire island!

A vertical chop, seems simple, but it is not a novice in pure calendar!

Rather, it is filled with an extremely fast sword intent that is enough to make everyone in the world horrified!!

In this moment of slashing, even some of the top powerhouses couldn't see the blade of the sword!

All I saw was a black red light flashing across the sky!

Go straight for dozens of miles!

A sword light stretched for dozens of miles, and the entire sky was divided into two!

And Koshiro blocked it with all his strength, but the famous sword in his hand broke with a click!

The whole person was also thrown out!

There was a sword wound on the body that hurt the internal organs!

Maybe the next moment, he will die!

But he doesn't care about life and death, but stares at the terrifying vision in the sky in astonishment!!

Tens of miles of sky were split open just like that!!

Such visions usually only happen occasionally when several top powerhouses confront each other!

And a single strong person can hardly cause such a phenomenon!

But Rennes' blow didn't just cause this anomaly!

Moreover, it is wider and deeper than the abyss created by the collision of two Four Emperors in general!!

It is the honor of every swordsman to die under this kind of swordsmanship!!

It's just that Koshiro still can't believe it!! Rennes is learning his sword skills now!

Then overtake him!!

"I lost!!" Koshiro was still staring blankly at the sky!!

[No. 2 Kira: Fuck!!]

【No. 2 Kid: Fuck!!】

【No. 2 Golden Lion: Fuck!!】

At this moment, no one can calm down!

【No. 2 Kaido: That big (Zhao Qian’s) swordsman lost! He lost because he was similar to himself, but surpassed his swordsmanship!!】

[No. 1 and No. 2 Garp: So scary!!]

【No. 1 and No. 2 Sengoku: In a flash, we witnessed a great swordsman who is unparalleled in the world?!】

But at this moment, Rennes still closed his eyes, savoring the unique sword intent carefully, and the next moment, he said amazingly: "Swordsmanship, it is really interesting, I have a new idea, if

Sword qi can also rapidly split each other, can it produce a fission reaction nuclear explosion!?"

[No. 1, No. 2 Whitebeard: He is still learning about the sword!!]

Koshiro looked at Rennes whose sword intent was still rising!

I was stunned!! He is still comprehending the sword intent?! Can he go to the next level?!

He was still unwilling just now, but at this moment Huali completely admires it!!

Just do what you think, Rennes flicked the long sword in his hand!

Slashing towards the sky, the sword energy in the sky does not form, and it is like a dense light particle slashing out!

It looks slow, but it suddenly expands and fissions, and has a terrible fusion reaction with other sword Qi light particles in an instant!


Then the sword energy exploded like never before!

The terrifying explosion ignited the oxygen in the entire sky!

At this moment, an unprecedented spectacle appeared over the entire island!!

A group of explosive flames enveloped the entire island, soaring into the air, and went straight to the sky at a height of 10,000 meters!!

And it's been a long time since I left!!

It made people think that the end of the world is coming!!

"What kind of sword technique is this?!!"

Hawkeye No. 2 trembled all over, and the sword energy exploded, covering the sky for dozens of miles in Fang Yuan!! Is this a slash that a sword can strike?!

He reached out and took off his black knife night!! After looking at it for a long time, he was in a daze for a long time!

The swordsmanship I have been chasing for many years!! Is it not as good as Rennes' achievements in this short period of time!?

Swordsmanship!? Fuck swordsmanship!! What have I learned all these years!!

Swordsmanship!! Not practiced!!

(Seek full order!! Yan ancestors! Pure).

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