Double Navigation: No Harm Without Contrast

45. Do Things, Model Worker Kizaru Vs No. 2 Kizaru? ! (5, Ask For A Monthly Ticket For Flower Evalua

[Zhan Taowan No. 2: Mr. Sengoku, Golden Lion destroyed the 003 laboratory and fled away in the air. We can't catch up! 】

[2 Good Sengoku: Damn it! I should have thought of this a long time ago, Magellan, keep an eye on your Impel down, I will immediately apply for reinforcements from above! 】

[No. 2 Magellan: Understood! 】

Once let advance into some old monsters answering the right questions.

Choose the right reward to escape!

Then the sea is completely messed up!

[No. 2 Red Earl: After so many years, I finally see the hope of leaving here! 】

[No. 2 Bullet: I want to revive Captain Roger, only he is the existence I should surpass! ! 】

[No. 1 Sengoku: Our side has also stepped up vigilance! Not only dead criminals may be resurrected, but also serious criminals who are imprisoned may escape! 】

Although the No. 2 Rocks was resurrected before.

But their hearts Shendu was attracted by the comparison video.

No. 2 Golden Lion escaped from prison again! Ring the alarm bell again for everyone!

It's not that they haven't thought about it before, it's just that these criminals were already imprisoned.

Didn't pay much attention, but the Golden Lion unexpectedly regained enough strength to leave.

Be more careful next time!

And this makes various government departments vigilant at the same time.

It also gave hope to many powerful but arrested criminals!

This comparison video touched the hearts of each of them!

[No. 2 Sengoku: Damn it, why did the pirates get the first rewards twice! It's still our world! 】

And Sengoku's words fell.

The answer to the second question, the comparison video is also released!

[Question two, the answer is Rennes! The winner is World No. 2 Akainu! In addition, after the comparison of the first video is over, a random reward will be given to the comparator. Rennes and No. 2 Akainu will each get 1 resurrection chance! 】

[No. 2 Sengoku: Great! ! Two rewards! Very good! ! 】

Sengoku couldn't help but be delighted!

At this time, he also remembered!

The comparison video did mention at the beginning that after the comparison, no matter what the result is!

Participants are rewarded!

Now this comparison video is over!

Of course, the comparison should be rewarded a little bit!

However, in contrast, the rewards seem to be random at present!

For those who answer correctly, the reward can be freely chosen!

[No.1 Akainu: I'm sorry, brother...]

[Rennes: It's okay, your answers are all correct, but you sent two answers, which is 0.1 second behind him! 】

[Roger No. 1: My two answers are also correct, but they are also a bit slower. It seems that being correct is not enough, but also fast enough! 】

【No. 2 Sengoku: You have to remember this, too greedy and sometimes you won’t get any of them! 】

After all, many people are peak powerhouses!

The speed is very fast! More hesitation, and more editing bullet chatting.

It may be a missed opportunity.

"Resurrected as a reward? Then I..."

No. 2 Akainu couldn't help trembling at the moment!

Just now when it was announced that he was the winner.

Although he thought before was to summon Rennes from another world.

But this ability seems to be after summoning a person.

Only this person can be summoned in the future.

Unless you continue to get the same rewards!

Moreover, in his personal selfishness, he actually wanted to revive his family!

But after thinking about it in the end, the sea is so messy, after resurrecting his family!

I'm afraid with my past style.

Many enemies will retaliate.

Maybe... Wait until he ends the era of great pirates!

Resurrect the family and let them live in a better era!

And one resurrection is not enough...

Save this for yourself to change the world.

What is the second choice? Summon Rennes?

【No. 2 Rocks: That bastard Akainu, wouldn't he really want to choose that parallel world summoning ability? 】

[No. 2 Golden Lion: Gee ha ha ha... don't be afraid, although that ability is heaven-defying, but the comment shows that only one can be summoned! And you have to agree with others before you can be summoned! Although they are both Marines from another world, it is not certain whether they can really help each other! 】

On the 2nd Akainu heard the words and fell silent!

That's just another world's own big brother, not his own!

Will you really help yourself unconditionally?

[No. 2 Whitebeard: The best reward is always the power in your own hands! 】

[No. 2 Saturn: Sakazuki, choose to resurrect. There are many very powerful strongmen in history. If you have one more chance to resurrect, use this ability according to the wishes of the World government. The World government will not forget your sacrifice! 】

【Venus No. 2: We respect your choice and believe in you, you can make your own choice. 】

The Five Elders couldn't sit still.

Even if some of them lived for hundreds of years!

No shortage of strength, no shortage of Devil Fruit.

But resurrection is the ability to rewrite death!

This is so powerful!

Jin Xing's words are full of playing hard to get!

Obviously he wants it too, but he knows better than Saturn.

Akainu, holding two rewards, has become a favorite at this moment!

And it needs to be given more attention.

They don't know if the comparison video was a flash in the pan.

If it's a flash in the pan, each reward is very precious.

Even if it is not a flash in the pan, among so many strong people.

It is not easy to get rewards.

Number 2 Akainu frowned slightly.

If it weren't for the attitude of Five Elders towards Marshal Marine at the end of the video.

Akainu will not hesitate and will choose resurrection again.

But now...he had to think about it.

Resurrection once, for him personally, is already very good.

No matter how many resurrections there are, it may need to be turned over to the World government.

And if the strength is not strong enough!

No matter how many resurrections there are, it's just being killed a few more times!

This world... After all, what is needed is strength!

In terms of strength, from the video, although the self in the other world was stronger than himself at the beginning.

But now it should also be stuck at the peak of this human limit!

Then I or Xu Ying should choose a force that has the hope of breaking through this limit.

It is also a kind of power that many overlords who have crossed the limit half a step often possess!

Soon Akainu has a decision!

[No. 2 Akainu: I choose the perfect Conqueror's Haki! 】

The perfect Conqueror's Haki, bully!

A power possessed by very few powerful people.

If he can have it, his strength will definitely be stronger.

And Conqueror's are more closely related to the spirit of human will!

Help him push his limits!

This time, the Akainu Uncommon disobeyed the Five Elders' orders!

[No. 2 Rocks: Not the best, but it can really enhance your own strength! Conqueror's hides the potential to break through the limits of human beings...]

[No. 2 Kizaru: Sakazuki's physical skills, abilities, and armed colors are all at their peak. There is no need to exchange them. Conqueror's Haki is indeed a good choice! 】

【No. 2 Saturn: Sakazuki...】

【No. 2 Venus: We respect your choice. 】

"Sakazuki, bastard, how dare you ignore my opinion..." Holy Land, Saturn's face was rather gloomy.

"It's related to that video, now we can't provoke him, and we have to show more trust! Besides, he still has a resurrection in his hand, there is no need to rush, he still trusts us very much!" Jin Xing explained lightly.


"Congratulations to the host, this comparison has received a huge response, the comparison is successful, the number of revivals obtained in the dormitory has increased by 12 times, and the number of perfect body skills has been obtained by 5 times, which can be given to others and used by oneself! The overall strength has increased by 30%!"

Rennes got a bigger reward!

Be careful not to attract the attention of the Five Elders and others!

Rennes are all questions that are answered casually later!

Sometimes no answer at all!

Afraid of affecting the subsequent world master change plan!

And he is the host of the comparison system!

Every time you compare him, you can get more generous rewards!

Keep a low profile and make a fortune in silence is the kingly way!

"Originally, I planned to kill Five Elders with one life. Now I add the previous ones, and there are more than 20 more. How can I lose? Don't worry too much about the people you care about will die in this operation!"

Rennes couldn't help getting excited inside!

And the perfect body technique can greatly improve a person's strength!

Everything is going on the good side!


After all rewards are distributed!

The comparison video has started a new round of comparison!

The video shows the object and content of this comparison!

[The second comparison will start in one hour! 】

[The object of this comparison is Kizaru, a model worker in the No. 1 world for five consecutive years, and Kizaru Admiral in the No. 2 world! 】

[This video uses the flashback comparison method, first comparing the highlight moments, and then reviewing the important turning points of fate, and announcing the questions in advance. When watching, please ask the audience to watch and think carefully with questions! Question: Who is most hurt by this comparison? 】


"Damn it! Comparing videos is going to cause trouble..."

Rennes saw the title and content of this comparison video!

My heart suddenly lifted!

[No. 2 Sengoku: Model worker Kizaru? 】

[No. 2 Kizaru: Why compare me? I'm a Marine Admiral who eats and dies! 】

[No. 2 Aokiji: Ah la la la... It seems that our Admiral is very popular here. 】

[Garp No. 2: Judging from the title, I feel that I may not be very friendly to Kizaru! 】

【No. 1 Sengoku: A comparison of the two Kizaru? Looks very contrasting! This time, we have to try to answer the questions correctly. In our world, there was not even a single one that answered correctly before! 】

[Garp No. 1: That's right, cheer up, people don't know and think we have no talent here! 】

[No. 1 Kizaru: Me in another world? What will it be like? 】

[No. 2 Rocks: Is there no kid like Rennes this time? 】

【No. 2 Golden Lion: The world doesn't revolve around him! How could every video be about him! 】

Rennes looked at the barrage! The corner of his mouth twitched slightly!

He also hoped that this time it would have nothing to do with him!


Who is bad to compare, but Kizaru! ?

I don't know if there will be any sensitive incidents that I did with Ryu and Kizaru at that time...

This time, is the plan to overthrow the world government really going to be exposed in advance?

No. 2 Akainu looked at Kizaru next to him, with thoughtful eyes!

Maybe this comparison video can tell me when I'm shopping for Whitebeard!

What is Kizaru up to...

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