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69. Thrilling Bright Future! Admiral Is After The Five Elders! (Please Subscribe, Please Order All!)

The video is running, and the speed is not slow.

But the hearts of many people did not follow suit!

Instead, immerse yourself in the video you just watched.

[No. 2 Civilian A: That is the frightening Whitebeard pirate group? Why is it a little different from my imagination, Whitebeard doesn’t seem so bad!~]

[No. 2 Pingming B: Yes, after the Fire Fist Ace was arrested, I thought he would go through a severe torture, but he didn’t even have punishment, so he kept the Fire Fist Ace! Even after being assassinated many times, he still didn’t get off. Killer!]

[No. 1 Civilian C: Not only that, the atmosphere on the Whitebeard Pirates is also very good, I feel that the captains call him old love from the bottom of their hearts!]

【No.1 Civilian D: Is there such a harmless pirate group in the world?】

When the notoriety of the spread has been around for a long time, seeing the advantages will attract the attention of many people!

No matter which world the Whitebeard Pirates are in.

They have been promoted by the World government and Marine as evil spirits enough to make children stop their tears.

But through the fast-forwarded video just now.

The world has seen another side of the Whitebeard Pirates that is not known to the public!

Compared to most pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates seem less vicious!

Even full of human touch, it is not like the rumored, heinous evil spirit at all!!

So it caused quite a commotion.

If things go on like this, what else can they believe is a good person? What is a bad person?

[No.2 Akainu: Pirates are pirates, even if they don’t look like much harm sometimes, but when they get into trouble, they don’t even have time to escape, don’t be blinded by appearances!]

[No. 2 ghost spider Vice Admiral: Sakazuki Admiral is right, the danger of pirates must not be underestimated!]

Although Whitebeard is a special case.

But most pirates in the world are vicious and inhumane.

[No. 2 Rocks: It’s like saying that you Marines haven’t done anything evil. You are only powerful enough to stand in the position of law enforcers. It’s not because you are really righteous workers.

【Kaido No. 2: That’s right, in the previous two videos, there is also the disgraceful side of your Marine and World government! Justice and evil, there is no such clear distinction in this world!】

Most of the strong men who have dealt with Whitebeard.

Basically everyone knows what kind of person Whitebeard is.

So not much reaction.

It's just that Rocks and Kaido can't understand and hate their rhetoric.

World No. 1, under the execution platform, Ace, wearing the Marine Admiral cloak, stood up, his face slightly condensed.

"Just this bit of caring, will the other me fall..."

No. 1 Ace is quite incomprehensible.

He didn't even watch the battle between Ace and Blackbeard on the 2nd.

Instead, he paid attention to the life on the ship that he had just fast forwarded.

Who is Whitebeard, No. 1 Ace is clear.

He is a pirate, but he is also a principled and affectionate pirate.

But even so, the other self shouldn't be convinced so easily.

After much deliberation, Ace finally came to a conclusion.

"Before I met Rennes-san, I had always been so eager to be recognized by others, so eager to be cared for, just to prove that living in this world is meaningful for me."

In video 2, Ace and Blackbeard had a fierce battle.

In the end, it was because Dark Fruit restrained the ability user too much!

It can suck the ability user to the front and make the ability useless.

Ace is defeated!

That's why Rocks sent out the barrage full of doubts just now!

Why a person with such strong potential.

After three years on board the Whitebeard, little progress has been made!

This is unlikely!

[No. 2 redhead: Judging from the battle just now, Ace relied too much on Logia's Devil Fruit. It has been improved, and it has become more convenient, causing many people to prefer to develop the fruit ability, thus ignoring the development of their own potential! 1

[Kaido No. 2: More than that, that monster Whitebeard has always taken the safety of his own children too seriously. Once they encounter a little danger, they can't help but take action. It can be seen that he wants to protect Roger's blood, but As a result, in the past few years, Fire Fist Ace has not experienced a few bloody battles at all, and his strength has improved too slowly!]

【Golden Lion No. 2: Newgate, you are so reckless! Such a good seedling will be ruined in your place!】

【No.2 Whitebeard: Isn't it natural for a father to protect his son?】

【No. 1 Rocks: The world is very cruel, too mild environment is not conducive to the growth of the truly strong!】

[No. 1 Golden Lion: Excessive protection, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages! It’s impossible for you not to know such a simple truth, but you just can’t pass the level in your heart and don’t want them to take risks.

Listen to the strong people's scolding.

2 Whitebeard is silent!

He knows the truth.

But it is not easy to do it!

He did give Ace a warm home!

But also because this home was too safe, he couldn't really grow up.

At that time, I thought, as long as I can protect them by myself.

Slower is slower, after five or six years, Ace and the others will also become the world's top powerhouses.

Even if they die at that time, they are fully capable of protecting themselves.

But he forgot that plans are worse than changes!

In the past year, his body has deteriorated far faster than he expected.

When he reacted, there was not enough time to teach Ace them.

That's why he stopped Ace from going after Blackbeard!

It was too dangerous, and he would rather have his reputation damaged.

And I don't want Ace to take the risk!

But Ace went anyway!

"Without strength, how can we gain a foothold in this world! Without strength, all safety is only temporary...I am in another world, I am too addicted to the warmth of my family. This is a good thing, but it is also You shouldn't forget to cultivate yourself! In the end, you still rely on Devil Fruit so much!" No. 1 Ace lamented.

Such a good talent, but in the end, even a Blackbeard can't handle it!

The video advances, and after No. 2 Ace loses, he is arrested.

Used by Blackbeard as a bargaining chip in exchange for the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Now sent to the execution platform!

Video 2 is in fast forward, and soon to Summit War.

He was saved by Luffy, while escaping from Marine HQ.

But stopped by Admiral Aokiji!

"Mirror Flame!!"

"Storm Pheasant's Mouth!!"

The sea of ​​fire collided with the huge ice pheasant!

Countless water vapor and shock waves escaped!

After colliding with the blow, Ace immediately slips away with Luffy!

Aokiji didn't go after the first time!

【Golden Lion No. 2: Aokiji is also letting go. With the strength of Marine Admiral, he can catch up at this distance, but it’s just a matter of a moment, so he gave up the pursuit! 】

[No.2 Rocks: When you have a Marine hero grandfather! You will know how useful this identity is!]

【No. 2 Silver Ax: A man who can fight Akainu for ten days and ten nights, but in the end he can’t even take down two juniors? Does anyone believe this?】

【No. 2 Kaido: Really boring, there are so many people in Marine who are so sophisticated!】

[Aunt No. 2: I really don’t know what Akainu thinks now, if it’s me, I won’t fight this battle, whoever loves to fight will fight! 】

What's Akainu thinking? He's staring at Aokiji now!

He seriously doubts that this war will not be fought from beginning to end by himself alone!

He really had the urge to quit the business!

But for justice in my heart!

He still endured it, but said to Aokiji coldly; "A pirate is a pirate, don't forget the justice in your heart, and don't forget your original purpose as a Marine!"

"Ah la la la...that's right, but who made me owe so much favor, besides, winning Whitebeard in this battle is the most important thing, I have reason to believe that in the video I made this choice in order to preserve my strength against Whitebeard! Just now you saw that when I wanted to chase down Straw Hat and Fire Fist Ace, Whitebeard’s roar came from a distance!! He must have planned to Stayed and broke..." Aokiji explained.


Soon to the scene that appeared in Akainu's video!

Fire Fist Ace challenged by Akainu!

Fire Fist Ace blatantly counterattacked, and finally was killed by Akainu with a punch through the heart in order to protect Straw Hat Luffy

So far, the highlight moment of No. 2 Fire Fist Ace's brief confrontation with Aokiji and Akainu has come to an end!

because he died!!

After watching No. 2, Ace delivered his last words that he did not regret being Whitebeard's son.

He died smiling in front of Luffy!

People from two worlds read it!

There was a long silence.

[Rayleigh No. 2: All he wants is to prove that his life in this world is meaningful. In the end, he found the meaning of his existence! There are a group of people who love his family very much, and he is happy! 】

Number 2 Roger was just silent.

I owe too much to Ace!

Only now do I know that what my son wants is not complicated!

He wants a little caring, a little bit of others telling him that your life is meaningful and not superfluous!

That's all! Even a little humble wish...

0 for flowers...

[No. 2 Rocks: Roger’s bloodline is over. Although he seems to have found what he wants in the end, if he is as strong as himself in another world, he can do everything he wants without dying. If you die, there will be nothing left!】

As someone who has died.

He said this very convincingly.

[No. 2 Kaido: Although this guy Newgate is very good to his family, he wasted a real genius! If he was in our Beasts Pirates, in three years, the strength of this guy, Fire Fist Ace, would be enough to grow to rival me Of course, the premise is that you can survive the constant battle!]

Ace's talent is stronger than burning.

But he ended up dying for someone else.

Akainu Admiral can't face it head on!

"He was killed so easily..."

No. 1 Ace is quite angry, angry at the other self for not living up to expectations!

Whitebeard fell silent.

Ace is dead, and he has become a negative example!

Because of the comparison with the previous No. 1 World Ace!

Others felt that if they had the strength of No. 1 Ace.

Such tragedies are completely avoidable.

I haven't seen the terrifying strength of No. 1 Ace before.

They will think that being killed by Akainu Admiral is a very reasonable thing.

But seeing the strength of No. 1 Ace, he can draw with Whitebeard at the age of 17.

And this No. 2 Ace is 20 years old, but his strength is still at the level of three years ago, and he hasn't made much progress!

The gap is too big!

With another possibility, everyone is more sorry for the fate of No. 2 Ace!

"Did I.....kill Ace?" Even No. 2 Whitebeard couldn't help thinking this at the moment.

I overprotected them, but harmed them instead!

[No. 2 Rocks: What's going on in No. 1 video?!]

A barrage of Rocks immediately draws people's attention to the highlight moment of Ace in video No. 1!

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, the people in the two worlds are instantly stunned!

The Five Elders of the two worlds suddenly stood up!

Looking at the No. 1 video with disbelief!

Video No. 1, the time is Sea Circle Calendar 1520, no specific month.

The location is Holy Land, Mariejois!

The whole Mariejois flames Tongtian, the sound of killing is ready to prove!

War broke out here!

The abode of God, the offspring of the Creator, the safest place in the world!

Fallen now!

"Not good....." Rennes saw this vision of the future.

Suddenly there is a bad feeling.

Not that Rennes boasted.

It's someone who he feels has the ability to capture the Holy Land right now!

Should only be yourself!

That said, this should be a future video of your own rebellion!

Rennes is also curious about the result though!

But I don't want to expose myself early because of this video!

Ace is now helplessly exposed.

But don't come out by yourself!

Otherwise, if the Five Elders have the highest defense, it will be a little tricky!

"Saturn, you can't escape!"

Ace condensed a black solar fire spear, and threw it towards a figure that was speeding forward!


Although the speed and defense of Saturn are very strong!

But it was still pierced through the collarbone by the flame spear!

"Damn it!! You traitors!!" Saturn roared in pain!

Terrible dust billows from the body!

Like a yellow mist, extinguish the flame spear!

But at this moment, Ace has already caught up!

"Emperor Yan!! Purifying God Prison Fire!!" A black fireball the size of a human head filled the sky, appearing out of thin air.

Bombard Saturn all over the world!

Saturn unleashes fearsome powers! Fight back!

Smashed countless Black Fireballs!

Then he punched Ace, knocking him back again and again, and the blood splashed on Ace!

Ace is also extremely brave, his eyes are full of fiery fighting spirit!

With a roar, it turned into a titan filled with Black sun fire!

With one palm, Saturn flew away...

【No.1 Venus: What the hell is going on here!? Portgas·D·Ace!! As a Marine Admiral, why are you chasing and killing Five Elders?!!】

(Corrected the flaws that appeared in Blackbeard No. 1 before. There are about 100 characters of mistakes in No. 67! But I don’t know why it hasn’t been changed after refreshing with a mobile phone. In order not to affect the reading, I will make the modification very simple and talk about it here , Blackbeard did not die in World No. 1, but was killed by No. 1 Ace not long ago with two lives, and the last life was kept for execution. It is set that Blackbeard has three personalities, three lives, and the memories of each personality are not connected! Shan) .

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