Double Navigation: No Harm Without Contrast

85. Akainu: I Am Willing To Bear All The Infamy For My Elder Brother! (Seek Full Order!)

Rennes said there would be government and Marine darkness.

No one thought he was talking nonsense!

They're just curious what the Marine and Darkness of the World government will be like.

Some people speculated that there were corrupt elements inside.

Some people speculate that Marine is playing a pirate to rob the town.

Some people think it's the mischief of Celestial Dragons%

These are as evil and dark side as possible.

But they never expected that this is a darkness that has shrouded hundreds of years and gone through generations!

Everything Luo said, if true.

Then, for nearly a hundred years, Po lead disease must have always existed.

It's just being the royal family and the people above.

Use various excuses to suppress and flicker.

Now it's just accumulated to a certain point.

Inherited to future generations, it exploded after reaching a critical value.

The medical level of White Town is also ranked among the top ten in the world.

The reason may be related to the large number of patients and intractable diseases in this country.

Even Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu and other Marine generals frowned.

World government has some dark side, they also don't know.

Even Akainu sometimes implicates innocent people for the sake of the overall situation.

But it will not count innocent civilians in this way, not for justice.

Just to satisfy the greedy desires of the upper classes!

This is not what he thinks is justice!

No. 1 and No. 2 Five Elders all look ugly!

Especially the No. 2 Five Elders, they didn't expect that there would be survivors in that disaster.

In fact, there is, and the problem is not too big, because the flow of news is not fast.

Moreover, the power of public opinion is in their hands, and one person can spread the word everywhere!

How many people believe it?! What if they believe it?

At most, it is like a stone sinking into the sea, and after a slight ripple, it will soon return to calm.

But now it is different, there is a comparison video.

If there is such a video to play out!

The bad influence that caused was so great that "Nine Six Seven".

It will even directly shake the foundation of World government ruling the world!

But what can they do? There is no way to end this comparison video.

"Kaido, if this is true, this is a good opportunity for us. At that time, we can directly overthrow the World Government in the name of crusade against tyrants, and I think it will attract a lot of people!" Rocks No. 2 had a cunning and sinister look in his eyes shine!

"Boring! To conquer the world government is to conquer the world government. No name is needed. Strength is enough!"

"You don't like it, and I don't like it, but the world likes it!"

"You think too much. If they really want to join, they will also join Kizaru's new Marine. The exposure of this matter will be most beneficial to Kizaru's new Marine, especially with the support of Rennes behind it!"

"You mean to say that my charisma is no better than an Admiral?" Rocks was very unconvinced!

It's only been a few decades, and the world has forgotten its own terror and strength?

"Old captain, the times have changed. Now is not your time. Except for a few old guys, not many people remember you. Even if you remember, compared with Rennes, you are just a loser who was counted to death. Can the appeal be stronger than others?"

"That's me in another world!"

"There is no difference in the eyes of the world, that is you!"

"So, did you really look for a chance to kill Rennes first?"

And at the moment, because Rennes is a presence of contrast.

While fast-forwarding the 2nd video.

There is actually another No. 2 world split screen!

This video is the town of White in world 2.

At this moment, in the town of White, the corpses are everywhere, the flames are soaring, and the blood has stained one street after another!

The world government's fleet and soldiers from all over the world are all fooled into wearing gas masks!

A bloody massacre of an entire town, a fairytale town of yesteryear.

At this moment, it has become a veritable purgatory on earth!

The line of sight fell on the young Tora Fallo.

Because in another video.

His fate will intersect with that of Rennes.

Luo was on the run, and on the way he met a nun he knew.

The nun told him that some way the soldiers would let them and the children go!

And comforted Luo: "There is no despair in the world, and the light of salvation full of compassion will come to us!"

But because Luo's younger sister was still in the hospital, Luo hurried back to the hospital.

But the hospital where the younger sister was located was set on fire, and the younger sister failed to escape!

He also witnessed his parents being shot dead by soldiers!

And tell her kind nun and those children, when he rushes back again.

They were all killed too!

In the sea of ​​fire, Luo was distraught, and finally he hid in a pile of corpses and crossed the border.

Escaped from the town of White and became the only survivor!

And Luo, who suffered a great change, had a mental breakdown and twisted, and became a lunatic!

And he himself was suffering from the lead disease, which is not contagious but has almost no cure.

Only get Op-Op Fruit, with rich and superb medical technology and knowledge.

It is possible to survive!

After learning that his life is not long, the twisted and crazy love.

There is only one thought, and that is to kill enough people before you die!

Whether they are good guys or bad guys! Kill them all!

Crazy Luo, just want to destroy everything!

【No. 2 Whitebeard: This is the tragedy that happened under the influence and permission of the World government. A kid who has a family and a happy life [is driven into a lunatic!!]

【No. 2 Kaido: This kid is completely crazy, what awaits him is death, this kind of crazy eyes will definitely become a very powerful pirate in the future!】

【Aunt No. 2: No, he didn’t die. The one who sent the barrage just now is also called Luo, with the same name, and he said that he is the only survivor, so it should be him!】

【No.2 Rocks: Didn’t he suffer from that kind of lead disease? Can he still survive?】

[No. 2 Locke Dar: Is this the truth of White Town!]

【No. 1 Golden Lion: World government is much crazier and crueler than the original Rocks pirates! Good people, just like that!】

【No.1 Aokiji: Is such justice worth protecting?】

【No. 1 Sengoku: What happened to the White town on our side? At the beginning, I only heard a few words from the World government. It was also an infectious disease. I didn’t understand it in depth!】

Video 2 continues to advance.

Crazy Luo found Brother Ming and wanted to join the then 25-year-old but already notorious Donquixote family pirate group!

Wanting to kill more people, Brother Ming saw his childhood shadow in Luo!

So instead of killing him, allow him to join in!

Afterwards, Luo stayed in the pirate group, received various exercises, and became stronger!

A failed attempt to kill Corazon, one of the cadres!

It was also saved by Corazon's cover.

In order to keep Luo alive, he took Luo through discrimination and hardships, looking for famous doctors and Op-Op Fruit all over the world!

And Luo once again felt the warmth of humanity from Corazon, and slowly regained his humanity.

But when he got the Op-Op Fruit, Corazon was shot dead by Brother Ming in order to protect him...

【No. 1 Sengoku: Rosinante from another world is dead?! How come!?】

Even though the video is fast forwarding.

But the speed is enough for them to see clearly!

Seeing the moment of Corazon's death, No. 1 Sengoku was stunned, a little unimaginable!

But those are the things a gentle Rosinante would do!

It fits his character so well!

And the Rosinante of this world is alive, not dead!

In other words, the fate of the White town on their side and this Luo should be different!

Otherwise it wouldn't be in this Rennes-related twist of fate comparison video!

Under the serious eyes of everyone, video No. 1 "continues to play.

"Aren't the World government, Marine, and the royal family justified? Why!?"

Ace and Sabo from Rennes' conversation with Alyssa.

Knowing the truth about the town of White, they can't understand who is upholding justice.

Even darker and crueler than pirates!

It has fully used the entire kingdom for nearly a hundred years, and many generations!!

There is no justice here!

"Benefits!" Rennes just gave two words.

"Is it possible to ignore the life and death of so many people for profit, and to labor them, and throw them away like garbage after using them? Even burn them all," Ace finds it hard to accept this cruel reality!

"This is the justice and the answer you have to think about. I just want you to know that in this world, as long as you live, you will inevitably come into contact with the corresponding darkness!"

"No matter what kind of identity or family background you have, these are nothing compared to what kind of person you aspire to be, who you become is the most important thing, not that you are influenced by the past and family background, and you have to become who!"

Rennes' two words made Ace and Sabo both think!

It also touched their young hearts deeply!

Suddenly Sabo looked up at Rennes in surprise!

He realized that Rennes might have guessed Ace's identity!

This is to remind Ace, don't be fooled by the influence of your parents!

Don't think about all the influence he brings!

Instead, you should decide what kind of person you want to be after seeing the truth of the world!

While the two were thinking about it, Alisa continued: "It's a good thing that the town is destroyed, at least they won't be enslaved like this in the future, but there are a lot of residents in the White town, so if we want to act, we have to do it as soon as possible!"

"Many people in White town are very good at doing business. Expected, weapon making... If the Irons Chamber of Commerce can swallow all the population, the strength of Irons' basic team can at least double!"

"This is a list of important talents, but it is not an easy task to transfer the population of an entire town under the watchful eyes of everyone. If it is exposed, even if you are the Marine Chief Inspector, it will be very troublesome!"

Alyssa said and handed Rennes a list of personnel!

The above is the list of talents that the Irons Chamber of Commerce focuses on!

"Don't worry, the executor of the mission this time is Xiaoji. As long as he uses cover-type bombing to create a scene with no survivors when the warship is attacking, it is basically enough to deal with it!"

"But there are still many residents in White town who don't believe that other countries and the world government will destroy this town!" Alisa said quite distressed.

"It's not surprising. After all, their ancestors have lived here for so many years. Things haven't really reached a desperate situation. They always hold on to a glimmer of hope. At this time, we need to be villains! Let the guards go to the town for some Detonate the bomb at the iconic building! After causing panic, it's up to you! If some people still don't want to leave, then they can only resign themselves to their fate! After all, good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost!"

"Just do as you said. I have been operating here for many years, and I still have this appeal!" Alisa said confidently.

"I'm going to see these key talents." Rennes walked out of the village with the list

Sono, meet Ace and Sabo!

"Will the world government and other countries really bomb here?"

"We'll find out in a few hours."

"My sister's illness is still not cured, we will not go anywhere with you!" Xiao Xiao loves her sister Lamy!

Luo's parents are both doctors, and they are looking at Rennes with embarrassment at the moment: "Mr. Rennes, we are very grateful to the Irons Chamber of Commerce for its help and sponsorship, but

The equipment here is well-equipped, and once Lamy leaves here, the disease will worsen even faster!"

This disease is terminally ill, but terminally ill also needs to be cured. It is a little time to live as long as possible.

And the hospital is well-equipped, which can also reduce the suffering of patients!

The main reason is that they feel that the situation on the island should not be that tense yet!

Boom boom boom!! But at this moment, there was a strong explosion sound outside!

The sound of rioting suddenly resounded through the entire street!

"That's why I'm here." With a flicker, Rennes came to Luo.

Luo was taken aback, then Rennes raised his hand and sprinkled an emerald green light!

Lamy's illness recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"This!!" Luo's parents looked at the scene in disbelief!

"All the values ​​of the body have returned to normal, and they are in a very healthy state, how is this possible!!"

Luo also looked at this unexpected visitor in shock!

I didn't expect the problem that had troubled them for so long.

It was solved like this?

"Now you can leave with the Irons Chamber of Commerce!"

"Of course, thank you Mr. Rennes and Ellie for us!!"

Rennes followed suit and went to those important people who have patients at home!

Healed them with fruit power...

Time passes by little by little!

On the border of White Town, the kings of neighboring countries are afraid that the infectious disease will spread to their country!

Under the hint and permission of the above, a large number of soldiers pressed to the border, just put on protective clothing!

Before I could attack, I suddenly saw explosions billowing into the sky from multiple places in White town!

"What's the situation? It's not time for a general attack yet!" The generals of the neighboring countries looked confused!

Some didn't know what happened, so they hurriedly asked their superiors for instructions!

At the same time, on the sea level of the town of White, the Multi-National Combined Fleet and the World Government Marine Combined Fleet appeared!

"Sakazuki Admiral! The plague is severe, White Town, and will enter the shelling range in two minutes!"

"Yeah, I see!" Sakazuki Admiral checked the time!

Then in the puzzled eyes of this Rear Admiral!

Walk slowly to the bow!

"Meteor Volcano!!!3.3" Akainu ahead of the shelling and ships approaching the town of White!

Unleashed a devastating attack on the town of White ahead of schedule!

Akainu's full output, hundreds of volcanic bombs blasted into the sky, breaking through the clouds!

Then it aimed at the town of White, like thousands of meteorites! It fell down quickly again!

Covered the whole town in a flash!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!!!!

Look at the town that was bombarded by volcanic bombs in an instant!

The Rear Admiral and Marine around were all looking at Akainu Admiral in shock and fear!

Akainu Admiral is too decisive, too brutal! Too positive!

Even before reaching the shelling range, they took the lead in launching such a terrifying attack!

"How do I feel about this trip, only Sakazuki Admiral is enough!"

"Will this accidentally injure innocent people? After all, some children may not have..." A colonel looked at Akainu with some hesitation!

Always felt like it was overdone!

Even if the island may already be plagued by plague!

But what if anyone is spared?

Is it a little extreme?

"Shut up!! Say anything that can shake the morale of the army, you know the consequences!" Seeing this, Rear Admiral quickly reprimanded!

Although Akainu Admiral is usually mild, but encountered this kind of plague that may infect several islands and several countries!

His Lava-Lava Fruit purifies everything!

He thinks there is no problem, everything is excusable!

Akainu has no expression on his face, even this time, he may be misunderstood by his colleagues!

But for the great cause of big brother! He Sakazuki is willing to bear all the infamy!

Entering the shelling range, the whole army is shelling!!"

Boom boom boom!!! The artillery fire all over the sky also roared instantly!

The armies of various countries are also waiting at the borders!

After the indiscriminate bombing, they will enter the ruins and destroy the survivors!

"They really attacked..."

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