Double Tang Dynasty

: Works Related (9)

"Tang Luren asked afterwards.

Oscar chuckled and said, "Hmph, of course it's not easy, Boss Dai, you should learn from Tang Luren, don't threaten me at every turn, this is a rare skill."

Dai Mubai curled his lips. Said: "A rare tasteless skill. It's not easy."

The colorful light in Oscar Peach Blossom's eyes seemed to become more obvious. "If this is flying for one minute. Is it at the speed of the wind-tailed cockscomb?"

"What?" Dai Mubai was taken aback. "You mean. Eat your mushroom intestines and you can fly at the speed of a cockscomb snake for a minute? Is this possible?"

Oscar proudly said: "What is impossible? My third spirit ring is from the wind-tailed cockscomb snake. The spirit ability is naturally related to it, and my feelings can’t be wrong. I want to eat my mushroom intestines in the future, You have to beg me."

Ning Rongrong just breathed a sigh of relief but was shocked again by what happened after Oscar. Although only one minute, but. Fly at the speed of the wind-tailed cockscomb for one minute. How far can you fly? I'm afraid it must be at least two kilometers away.

That is equivalent to being able to escape two kilometers in just one minute when encountering danger, still ignoring the terrain.

The power of this skill is by no means inferior to the pure flying support skill, you know. The effect produced by the general flying assist skills. The flight speed is very slow.

Zao Wou-ki nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Finally, no energy was wasted. Xiao Ao. Your third spirit ring is very good. With your current spirit power, how many such mushroom sausages can you create?"

Oscar thought for a while and said: "This mushroom intestine consumes more soul power than the first two sausages. In my current situation, I can only produce ten at most at a time. After that, the soul power is exhausted. All of it is needed. It can only be manufactured again after recovery."

Looking at the students, Zao Wou-ki said with satisfaction: "Ten roots are enough. As your soul power increases. This number will continue to increase. Among the food-type auxiliary martial souls, your sausage will start from now on. Already can be classified into the top grade. Okay. Everyone prepare. When Xiao San wakes up from the practice, we immediately leave here and return to the academy."

While talking. Zao Wuji raised his foot and walked in Tang San's direction. At this time Oscar had already absorbed the spirit ring. He decided to let the other children rest first. He protects Tang San himself. Then I can leave here as quickly as possible to avoid all possible troubles.

"Ms. Zhao, I'm afraid we can't leave yet." At this moment. Tang San suddenly opened his eyes while practicing. While talking. While looking at Zao Wou-Ki.

Zao Wou-ki was taken aback for a moment, "Can't go? Why? Little San. This Star Dou Great Forest is not a place to play, I am a teacher. I have the final say, the goal has been completed. We must return to the academy as soon as possible. Otherwise, who of you can do nothing but the problem. . How can I explain to Flander after I go back."

"Level 30." Tang Luren said. Tang Luren had already felt it, and Tang San was afraid he was already at level 30.

"What level 30, hurry up, I'm going back."

"No, Teacher Zhao, I'm 30th grade." Tang San said hurriedly.

"No, don't you understand me?" Zao Wou-ki said without thinking. Suddenly, his body stiffened. Staring at Tang San with wide eyes. Said: "What did you just say?"

Tang San repeated earnestly: "I said. I also need a spirit ring. After the battle with Meng still just now, perhaps because of the pressure she brought to me, my spirit power finally broke through the twenty-ninth level. , Also reached the level of 30. So. I also need a spirit ring to advance. Teacher Zhao. Do you think it’s okay?"

Zao Wuji stared at Tang San.

Everyone looked at Tang San in surprise. It was Li Mochen who reacted first and slapped Tang San's shoulder with a smile of approval. "Boy can do it."

Oscar rolled his eyes: "Oh, are the Tangs all perverted, so awesome."

Dai Mubai gave a thumbs up.

"After I go back, I must be told by the dean that I can't work hard again." Ma Hongjun mumbled.

Ning Rongrong looked unacceptable, he now knew his gap.

Although Zhu Zhuqing had no expression, he still looked at Tang San appreciatively. No matter what your reaction is, everyone is happy from the bottom of their hearts.

The author has something to say: Shrek Academy is the most exciting part of the full text. Because of the unfolding of the group portraits, but this part of the fan is really difficult to shine. A large number of original descriptions are not correct, and it is not correct if they are not deleted. Stop editing, I want to skip the plot. (?^?)

☆, little monster

Twelve-year-old land soul respect. It was already on the same level as Tang Luren and Li Mochen.

At the age of fourteen, Oscar became the soul sovereign. And now. Tang San, who was twelve years old, was about to enter this level.

Breaking through the 30th level means reaching another level of the soul master, which means that the future is unlimited. Possessing the third spirit ring, the strength will take a qualitative leap, which is also an important reason why Ning Rongrong cares so much about Oscar's breakthrough 30th level.

Zao Wuji looked at Tang San seriously, "Tell me, how old you are this year, you must be accurate to the month."

Tang San said without hesitation: "Twelve years and seven months."

Zao Wuji nodded and looked at the others. "You have seen it. Especially those who have not reached level 30. You have seen it. Tang San is as old as you, but he is about to enter another level now. This is the result of hard work. Twelve years old. Seven months. It’s a pity that Tang Luren was also at level 30 when he came. He is the record holder and has not broken the record."

"Tang San, I wonder if the surname Tang is so powerful." Dai Mubai said a bit of sourness, but he was really happy for him.

Oscar said: "Teacher Zhao. I don't agree with you, Tang San can break through level 30. This is not the result of hard work."

Zao Wou-ki glared at him. "Then tell me why this is?"

Oscar chuckled. Said: "Because we are Shrek's students, if we say. We are monsters, then. He is a monster among the monsters."

After hearing Oscar's words, Zao Wou-ki smiled. The other students also laughed. Even for Zhu Zhuqing, Tang Luren had a slight smile on his face.

"Teacher Zhao. Look. Can we stay and find a suitable soul beast for me?" Tang San asked tentatively.

Zao Wou-ki smiled slightly. "Of course, this is what you deserve. We will not only find a spirit beast for you as your third spirit ring. We also need to find a spirit beast that suits you best. It seems. We are in Star Dou this time. The time in the big forest will need to be extended."

Oscar won the third spirit ring, Tang San broke through the 29th level and entered the 30th level. Everyone is happy. After all, this result was obtained on the first day after entering the Star Dou Great Forest. It was enough to satisfy everyone. Even others who hadn't improved in their own strength had gained a lot of knowledge after entering this forest, and the relationship between everyone was constantly getting closer in this dangerous situation.

Zao Wou-ki didn't let everyone rest in place, because he was afraid that Duke Long would come back with the snake woman after he appeared, although the possibility of this was very small. But it has to be guarded. That night. He took seven Shrek students and walked about ten miles in one direction, after covering up all the traces. This was stationed.

Zao Wou-ki worried that it didn't help. Nothing happened overnight, after a night of dressing. Everyone's energy has also been restored to its best state.

Early the next morning, everyone started looking for a soul beast for Tang San.

The master had already planned for Tang San what kind of soul beast he would choose for his third spirit ring. So Tang San thought he should be easier to find spirit beasts than Oscar. after all. There are several soul beasts in the master plan. Some are relatively common, and as long as they have a suitable year of practice, they can become their third spirit ring.

But it was counterproductive, and two full days had passed. Although everyone looked carefully under the leadership of Zao Wou-ki. But never found a soul beast suitable for Tang San.

Due to the previous encounter with Snake Po Chaotianxiang, ancestors and grandchildren, Zao Wou-ki felt jealous, plus the danger in the Star Dou Great Forest itself. It made Zao Wou-ki more conservative in the strategy of searching for the soul beast, and did not go deep into the Star Dou Great Forest. Just lead the crowd to search the periphery.

Although they had encountered a thousand-year-old spirit beast along the way, none of those kinds of spirit beasts were suitable for Tang San. The rest of the land is just a few hundred-year-old soul beasts.

Two days passed. Although food supply is not a problem for everyone, living in the perilous forest every day is still very stressful. It's easier to feel tired.

but. Enter the Star Dou Great Forest. It is precisely because of the existence of this crisis. The cooperation between the students gradually became tacit. Tang San, Dai Mubai, Tang Luren, Li Mochen, and Ma Hongjun were responsible for fighting after encountering the soul beast, and Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing were responsible for investigating within a certain distance. Oscar and Ning Rongrong assisted, even without Zao Wou-ki's help. As long as it is not a soul beast that is more than a thousand years old. There is no threat to their small group.

A tacit understanding can only be possessed by constantly cooperating with the battle. They successfully transformed stress into motivation. Coupled with Zao Wou-ki's guidance from the side, their soul power progress speed did not change. However, actual combat experience and comprehensive strength have been continuously enhanced in subtle ways.

As night fell, it was time to rest again. There was no need for Zao Wou-ki to give instructions. Tang Luren could allocate everyone. The male students were responsible for setting up temporary tents, and the female students were responsible for getting some food, of course. Oscar is an exception. They were directly put into the category of female students by Dai Mubai, Li Mochen, and Tang San.

Oscar's 100,000 points protest: "Why do I want to be assigned to the girls group."

Li Mochen said, "Isn't there still Tang Luren?" Tang Luren is rather miserable. He not only has to do boys' affairs, but also takes care of girls' affairs. Who makes him cook? He is mainly responsible for logistics.

Oscar still refused: "This is different."

Dai Mubai rolled his eyes and stretched out the tiger's claws to threaten a little, and Oscar was shocked.

The tent is not big, so naturally it is not enough for everyone to lie down and sleep, but there is no problem for everyone to sit and practice. For them, maintaining the best fighting condition at all times is more important than sleeping.

As a teacher, Zao Wou-ki naturally did the work of the night watch.

After having dinner in a hurry, Zao Wou-ki let the others enter the tent to rest. But he called Tang San in front of him. Tang Luren glanced at them and went back to meditate in the tent. The killer's keen intuition made him feel pressure quickly, and Tang Luren stepped out of the tent.

Just heard a low growl, it was Zao Wou-ki.

"Everyone leave the tent. Hurry up."

After several days of cooperation, the students had already reached a certain tacit understanding and quickly got out of the tent.

"Teacher Zhao, what's the matter?" Dai Mubai stepped to Zhao Wuji's side and asked in confusion.

Zao Wou-ki did not answer his question, "Everyone is behind me. If anything happens later, you don’t care about me, leave here immediately, go out of the Star Dou Forest first, Mubai, when I’m not here, protect everyone’s land. The responsibility is left to you."

Whether it was Dai Mubai, Tang San, or others. I don't understand what happened. It made Zao Wou-ki, who had always been self-reliant on his strength, so nervous. And at this moment, they suddenly saw a scene of surprise.

☆, King of the Forest

It is like a mountain. The dark hair of the whole body shone with a faint brilliance under the faint light of stars and moons. Although it is on all fours. But the height of the shoulder is definitely more than seven meters.

If you stand upright, I'm afraid the height will be 15 meters away.

Look on the outside. This is an existence that looks like a monkey and a chimpanzee. Except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes that glow with citrine-like luster, the whole body is pitch black. If it weren't for it to move in the night, it would not even be clear where it was. body.

This big guy's body is too strong. Unbelievably majestic, it is not only huge, but every part of its body is covered with strong muscles that are even more terrifying than granite, and the protrusions are like small hills.

But such a huge guy didn't make any sound while walking, not even breathing.

"It turned out to be the King of the Forest. Titan Great Ape." Even Tang San, who had always been calm, had a slight change in his voice at this time.

In the forest, the absolute king.

Whether it was Tang San or Zao Wuji, they couldn't think of it. Why does this kind of forest king and soul beast king who should live in the core of the Star Dou Great Forest appear here?

"Dear King of the Forest. We have no intention of offending, if this is your territory. We are willing to withdraw immediately." Zao Wou-ki said in a deep voice.

The Titan Great Ape did not pay attention to Zao Wou-ki's words. It just made a simple movement and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, because it took a step forward.

Although it was only one step, with its majestic body, this step had already narrowed the distance from everyone in Shrek Academy.

At this time, Zao Wou-ki's brain was running rapidly, but only three words appeared the most. what to do? Although Zao Wou-ki relied on his strength. But he knew very well that the horror of the giant giant ape in front of him was absolutely higher than that of the Dragon and Snake couple, he would rather face a Titled Douluo. Nor would he face such a king of soul beasts.

After gritting his teeth, Zao Wou-ki said solemnly: "I blocked it. You immediately eat Oscar's mushroom sausage and leave here. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long. You must move fast." Dropped this sentence. Zao Wou-ki took a deep breath, and the seven halos on his body shone brightly, rushing up in the direction of the Titan Great Ape.

The first, second, third, and fifth auras were shining at the same time. Facing a tyrannical opponent, King Fudo Ming directly used four of his seven spirit abilities.

How dazzling are the four spirit rings shining at the same time. Fudo King's body protector, gravity control envelops the Titan Great Ape from the center of Zhao Wuji. Gravity squeeze and gravity control are fully activated. As much as possible to limit the body of the Titan Great Ape, at the same time, his palms were also lifted, and the strong diamond palms urged with all their strength, and the tyrannical energy fluctuations were suddenly released. Zao Wou-ki rushed into the air on a towering tree next to him, raising his hands, not hesitating his soul power. Go straight to the Titan Great Ape to pounce,

"Tang San. You cover everyone and I will help Teacher Zhao." Dai Mubai confessed. In the roar of the rising sky tiger, he launched a sprint, directly using his white tiger martial spirit, and at the same time, he activated his strongest third spirit ability in an instant. White Tiger King Kong changed.

Attack and defense suddenly improved. Dai Mubai launched a full sprint amidst the roar of the tiger. Zao Wuji's target was the top of the Titan Great Ape's head, while Dai Mubai's target was the Titan Great Ape's forefoot supporting his body.

But no one quit.

Everyone opened their own martial soul.

"I'm the eldest lady of the Qibao Liuli Sect, how can I leave my teammates behind."

Ning Rongrong said proudly.

The dazzling Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spun out of Ning Rongrong's palm.

These days, everyone has cooperated with each other and each other has accepted her. No one can help but admit it. The Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda does have its own unique features. Being called the first auxiliary Wuhun is definitely not a false statement.

"Qibao is famous, one day: power."

"Qibao is famous, the second day: Su."

Accompanied by Ning Rongrong's short and crisp voice, four rays of light shot out at the same time. Two of them fell on Zao Wou-ki just when he was about to hit the ground on the top of the Titan Gorilla's head.

The strongest characteristic of Qibao Glazed Glazed Pagoda's martial spirit is that it ignores its increase. The side effect that Ning Rongrong can achieve now is 30%, that is to say. Regardless of the strength of the augmentation target, the magnitude of the augmentation was 30%, and the 37th-level Dai Mubai's strength and speed increased by 30%. The same goes for Zao Wou-ki at the 76th level.

Sure enough, with the increase in Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Zao Wou-ki's speed suddenly increased, and the spirit power on the two bears' palms also increased significantly. In an instant, it had already climbed to an attack power of over 80 soul power.

Neither Tang San nor Lu Ren spoke.

Their targets were the same as Dai Mubai's, they were both the front stocks of the Titan Great Apes. Lan Yincao gushed out of madness without hesitation, and headed directly towards the front strand of the Titan Great Ape. Try to limit other actions as much as possible.

Two rays of light are attached to them. Tang San's blue silver grass suddenly became more luxuriant, firmly entwining the two front strands of the Titan Great Ape, and the spikes on the blue silver grass worked hard to pierce out the Titan Great Ape, hoping to cause some toxins to the Titan Great Ape. harm.

And Tang Luren's arrows were more powerful, and he kept flying to the front.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure disappeared at the same time Tang San rushed out. Of course she will not leave, at this time. She was already flying above the big tree where Zao Wuji had spared no effort before. Look for opportunities to attack.

Fatty Ma Hongjun didn't know what he was muttering. The two spirit rings on his body released a strong light at the same time, and purple fire rose up all over his body. A phoenix fire line as thick as an arm spit out from his mouth, but this guy was very sinister. The target turned out to be a certain part of the lower abdomen of the Titan Great Ape.

Xiao Wu started almost at the same time as Zhu Zhuqing. She chose another big tree.

Fighting tough battles like Titan Giant Apes was actually her worst place, but Xiao Wu still rushed forward without hesitation. do not know why. She looked relaxed instead. It's just that no one will notice her expression at this time.

The author has something to say: Thank you for mine in Yitang Valley. I suddenly felt confident and decided to update the article while revising it so that everyone could read it. I also thank the salted fish and the old dreams of the deserted city, who have been commenting on it. Thank you ヾ( @^▽^@)ノ

By the way, during this period of time, the content of the previous 22 chapters was revised, the main thing was to correct the typo, polish up a bit, delete the long string of original fights that impulsive, and the 23rd chapter smirk was also changed a lot. Others have not yet come, but will gradually be revised and improved. There is also a "silent" idea outside the fan, which is sent out irregularly.

Do you love you (? 3?)?

☆, save

Oscar didn't rush forward, but he kept repeating that sentence. Lao Tzu has a mushroom intestine, and he worked hard to prepare a tool for everyone to escape.


Zao Wou-ki's two vigorous vajra palms, which had been increased by 30%, were heavily placed on top of the giant giant apes. The power and speed of the instant increase made Zao Wou-ki sure that this was his peak strength beyond activating the seventh spirit ring.

but. Immediately after Zao Wou-ki hit the Titan Great Ape with both palms, his entire body had been shot out like a cannonball.

The Titan Great Ape also seemed to underestimate Zao Wou-ki's power. The whole head was smashed and raised back. Then, the king of the forest broke out with a terrifying roar.

Tang Luren only saw everyone flying out, and hurriedly drove Jinghong Youlong. As expected, the wave made his chest feel tight.

Li Mochen also opened the guard, blocking Xiao Wu's front.

At this time, Zao Wou-ki’s body was still in the air, he was stunned diagonally upwards, even if he wanted to rescue it, it was too late.

The extremely large body flew at an illusory speed. The horror of Mount Tarzan made everyone feel breathless.

At the critical moment, it shows the different reaction speeds of individuals.

The fastest response was Tang Luren, who shouted "Withdraw" and immediately grabbed Tang San. Tang San kicked the fat man’s fat buttocks heavily. With Tang Luren’s words, Dai Mubai reacted quickly and hugged Zhu Zhuqing. Li Mochen also reacted. He mounted his horse and protected Xiao Wu and ran, but the possibility of running away was unlikely. He could only cover Xiao Wu with his whole body. Oscar's reaction was undoubtedly the slowest, and his mind was not at all. Not stupid. Oscar unceremoniously threw Ning Rongrong next to him under him. He hugged her and fell directly to the ground. After taking a hand, it was the so-called dying under the peony, and being a ghost, Oscar felt that even if he died, Ning Rongrong was slammed by Oscar and fainted.


The Titan Great Ape crashed to the ground, just as he expected. This Titan Great Ape was on all fours, and where he and Ning Rongrong were. It happened to be the place where the lower abdomen of the Titan Great Ape was located, and apart from the strong shock, it did not suffer any trauma.

Xiao Wu suddenly rushed out of Li Mochen's arms and ran into the air to escape, just when she was caught by the Titan Great Ape.

"Xiao Wu." Li Mochen's eyes suddenly turned red, and he immediately turned his horse's head and ran over.

Naturally, Tang Luren and Tang San also saw them. They shot at almost the same time, and all the hidden weapons flew to one place, eyes.

Zao Wou-ki finally landed. The scene where Xiao Wu fell into the hands of the Titan Great Ape was also seen in his eyes, and he roared up to the sky. The seventh spirit ring on his body suddenly burst out with a deep black color, and a strong black light instantly spread across Zao Wou-ki's body, immediately afterwards. Use the Wuhun real body. He showed it. It is the main body of Wuhun Dali Jingangxiong.

Zao Wou-ki, who had displayed his martial spirit, immediately got the attention of the Titan Great Ape, after all. In this state, Zao Wou-ki has been able to bring a certain threat to it.

At the same time, the Titan Great Ape only made one simple action, which made the two of them use their hidden weapons with all their strength to lose their effect.

He closed his eyes.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.... In a series of dense crisp noises. All the hidden weapons that flew towards the eyes of the Titan Great Ape were blocked by its eyelids. Damn, the faces of both were pale and they hated their weakness. At the same time, the Titan Great Ape's body suddenly stood upright and grabbed Xiao Wu. The big hand avoided Zao Wuji's pounce, but his other majestic arm collided with Zao Wuji's body abruptly.


Zao Wou-Ki, who had displayed his Wuhun real-body skills, was really tough. The defense has increased by 200%, and the strong King Kong bear is now possessed. This time he was not directly shocked, even so, as a power spirit master, he was still far from the Titan Great Ape in strength after all.

There was a loud noise. Zao Wou-ki staggered and withdrew seven or eight steps before he could barely stabilize his figure, but the Titan Great Ape was confused and roared again.

Li Mochen, who had already jumped up and wanted to save Xiao Wu, immediately flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

The black air wave Tang San and Tang Luren blew the ground and flew into the distance. Tang Luren's figure turned over, padded Tang San's back, and slammed heavily on a big tree.

"No." Xiao Wu exclaimed as he looked at the three people who were blown away.

The Titan Great Ape lowered his head to look at Xiao Wu in his grasp. He let out a low growl again. This time. He ignored Zao Wou-ki, who rushed up again, suddenly jumped up and disappeared into the woods.

"Xiao Wu—" Zao Wuji screamed, trying to chase after him, but the speed really couldn't be better than you. And the strong shock force that the Titan Great Ape had just brought him almost shattered his martial spirit body. At this time, the soul power was greatly consumed. he knows. Even if he catches up, it doesn't help.

Tang San slipped from the big tree and it was all right. On the contrary, Tang Luren, who was on his back, coughed out.

"Brother Lu Ren!" Tang San blinked, seeing Tang Luren's injured appearance, his heart became more and more sorrowful.

Fatty Ma Hongjun stood up grimly, rubbing his **** kicked by Tang San.

Ning Rongrong had woken up from the faint. Supported by Oscar, stood up. But because the mind is still a little groggy. Half of his body was hanging from Oscar.

Dai Mubai hugged Zhu Zhuqing and got up. Everyone looked at each other, with a feeling of being left behind.

Li Mochen suddenly yelled to the sky, and everyone knew the grief and anger in his heart.


Li Mochen's red eyes seemed to come from hell.

Oscar was taken aback, and immediately stuffed him with a few big sausages.

Li Mochen bitten it fiercely, and Zao Wou-ki could no longer maintain his martial spirit real body at this time, showing his body. His face was pale. "How could the Titan Great Ape appear outside the Star Dou Great Forest, I'm sorry everyone, it's all my fault, let's sorrow..."

"Don't be sad, I will accompany him in life or death, Oscar, mushroom sausage."

Oscar subconsciously took it out, but was immediately stopped by Zao Wou-ki.

"Smelly boy, don't do stupid things." Zao Wou-ki stopped him

"It's not a stupid thing, it's something a man should do." Li Mochen's eyes were firm, which made Zao Wou-ki inexplicably relieved.

Li Mochen snatched the mushroom sausage from Oscar's hand and flew over.

"I'll go too, I promised to protect Xiao Wu." Tang San stood up, and Tang Luren stood beside Tang San without saying a word, fixedly looking at Zao Wou-ki.

Zao Wou-ki immediately shouted "No!"

But Oscar had already thrown the sausage into Tang Luren and Tang San's hands. The two swallowed immediately. The moment Zao Wou-ki pounced on the ground, he lifted his body into the air.

"Qibao is famous. The second day: Speed." Ning Rongrong's crisp voice sounded, and a brilliant light fell on Tang San's body, making the flapping speed of the six illusory wings behind him suddenly become faster.

"Hmph, as my teammate, of course I have to look like a man. I have to bring Xiao Wu back." Ning Rongrong didn't seem to see Zao Wou-ki's murderous look, and said loudly to the three of them.

"You... You..." Looking at Oscar and Ning Rongrong, Zao Wou-ki was already a little speechless with anger.

Oscar smiled bitterly: "If we don't let him go, Teacher Zhao, I'm afraid they will go, and they will probably chase him by walking. I can understand his feelings. If you want to blame, blame me."

Zao Wou-ki said angrily: "Weird? What's the blame, quickly get me out of your mushroom sausage. Since you are chasing, everyone will go together, die and die together. If you don't want to go, get out of Star Dou Great forest."

Although Zao Wou-ki's voice was angry, after listening to his words, everyone's face showed determination, even the fat Ma Hongjun nodded firmly.

☆, pursue

The Titan Great Ape is swiftly galloping in the forest. At this time, Xiao Wu is no longer held by it in the giant hand, but is sitting on the broad shoulders of the Titan Great Ape. Although the Titan Great Ape runs fast, but Extremely stable. Sitting on his shoulders. Xiao Wu couldn't even feel the shock.

Xiao Wu's face was full of worries at this time. From time to time, he looked in the opposite direction of the Titan Great Ape's rush.

"Er Ming. Just stay here, don't leave, I want to go back as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will be worried, Er Ming. You really shouldn't come out to find me."

After listening to Xiao Wu's words. The Titan Great Ape unexpectedly stopped miraculously, and crawled down. Let Xiao Wu fall to the ground from her shoulders. The big head shook. There was an innocent look in his eyes.

Xiao Wu murmured to herself: "Everyone is injured. I was taken away by you. Ergou must be very anxious. Ergou. Don't be impulsive. I will go back immediately. Erming. You will come back next time. If you feel my breath, observe it from a distance. Don't take it rashly, otherwise, it will be troublesome if it hurts my friend."

Xiao Wu was also very abrupt when seeing it today, but in that case, she couldn't explain to the giant giant ape in front of her. She could only tell it repeatedly not to hurt people in a special way, but in the end it was brought out by the giant giant ape. . Although Xiao Wu knew it was worried about her. However, this situation is definitely not what Xiao Wu wants to see. The Titan Giant Ape seemed to be able to listen to the words of Hitomi Xiaowu, the light in his giant lantern-sized eyes, but his expression was extremely gentle.

Xiao Wu looked up at the Titan Great Ape, "Er Ming. Is Daming okay?"

The Titan Great Ape nodded.

Xiao Wu said: "That's good, I'm afraid my friends are worried, so I must go back as soon as possible. Since I was brought out by you, I will simply complete my third spirit ring, and I will save time to find another opportunity next time. I will start now. You protect the law for me, I'm sorry, Er Ming, although I won't help them hunt down soul beasts. But I can't stop them either."

The Titan Great Ape Erming shook his head. Suddenly, he let out a dull growl.

Its voice doesn't sound loud, but it spreads for thousands of meters. All the spirit beasts in this area received the most terrifying fright, and quickly left their territory and fled outside.

Xiao Wu was worried about Li Mochen's condition and did not dare to waste time. Sit cross-legged directly in front of Erming. Squeeze the orchid finger with both hands, with the palm of your right hand facing upwards. He lay flat on his thigh, with his left hand on his chest, and a series of strange sounds began to be heard in his mouth.

Accompanied by this strange sound. Xiao Wu's eyes gradually turned red, and two circles of yellow spirit rings appeared quietly. Move up and down around her body, at the same time. A huge white shadow gradually formed behind her. It turned out to be her martial soul jade rabbit form.

A faint red light gradually spread from Xiao Wu's body. Over time, the red light became stronger and stronger. The bright red light permeated like blood.

The Titan Great Ape Er Ming crawled beside Xiao Wu, looking at Xiao Wu in the red light, a pair of huge eyes showed a certain eager light.

Time gradually passed, and a layer of purple light gradually revealed in the intense red light. The purple awn turns into a little bit of starlight to condense and form. It was a circle of circles impressively.

Under the purple ring. Landing on Xiao Wu, at the beginning, it was still somewhat unable to coordinate with the other two auras. But as the red light increases. The purple ring also gradually stabilized, and it was indeed a thousand-year spirit ring.

With the appearance of the third spirit ring. Xiao Wu's body lines seem to have become more harmonious, and the whole person looks a little bigger. Whether it is the chest or the buttocks, it seems to be a little plump and rounded, and the femininity has become more perfect, but the childishness on the face is quietly reduced.

at the same time. The jade rabbit phantom behind her also became clearer after the third spirit ring appeared.

Er Ming saw that Xiao Wu had finished training, and roared.

Xiao Wu looked surprised, and said, "Er Ming, go quickly, I'm pretending to be dizzy here."

At the same time, Li Mochen fell to the ground as soon as it was time for the mushroom sausage, but he got up to make a great effort, and continued to pursue it. Tang Luren followed closely and said "careful" to Tang San and opened the Tang Sect. With his great light work, the organ wing spread, Tang Luren hugged Tang San with one hand and flew up. Tang San stared at the organ wing, his eyes shining with a thirst for knowledge.

"Well, it's important to save Xiao Wu." Tang Luren mentioned.

Tang San immediately changed his face again, he just hated not to hurry up, hurry up. But Tang San keenly found that he was dragging Tang Luren down, and this recognition made Tang San very uncomfortable.

"Brother Lu Ren, put me down first, I can find Xiao Wu at all by myself, it's too slow."

Tang Luren glanced at Tang San, but he was relieved: "No problem?"

"En! No problem." Tang San said seriously, thinking that he definitely shouldn't drag Lu Ren down. You can also find Xiao Wu on your own.

After hearing this, Tang Luren swiftly moved forward, leaving Tang San alone.

Flying with great light work, Tang Luren suddenly heard Li Mochen yelling for Lifelong Xiao Wu, and immediately rushed over. Seeing Xiao Wu lying in Li Mochen's arms unconscious, Tang Luren immediately went to see her pulse. At home, it’s just that Tang Luren keeps the poison scripture, but he still knows something about it: “It’s okay, maybe it’s overwork.” Tang Luren froze for a moment, and said, in fact, Xiao Wu is very healthy, and she probably pretended that she didn’t faint at all. But Tang Luren didn't point it out.

Li Mochen was already out of breath, his face was pale, and he looked worse than Xiao Wu's situation.

"Take a break."

"No, send Xiao Wu back to the camp first, and I can rest assured when she wakes up." Li Mochen gasped and said seriously.

Xiao Wu's eyebrows jumped suddenly and opened her eyes.

"Two dogs."

"Xiao Wu!" Seeing Xiao Wu wake up, Li Mochen finally calmed down and smiled.

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