Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

: Two hundred and thirty. The powerful Titan

(Three more)

"It's the one I hit." Yang Ming's mouth slightly tickled, revealing a somewhat provocative look, and said, "What can you do with me?"

The old Titans came to the door. As the so-called comers are not good, Yang Ming will naturally not give him a good look.

This is not the time to respect the old and love the young.

A terrifying light suddenly burst out in the eyes of Titan. It seemed that a dormant beast suddenly opened his eyes. In addition to Yang Ming, the rest of them stepped back one or two steps, seeming to dare not look at him.

"Young man, you are the first person who dared to speak to me in this tone before me."

During the speech, an unparalleled sense of power burst out of him, heavy like a mountain, heavy on the shoulders of everyone, making people feel the ubiquitous sense of oppression in the air, it seems that the next moment will crush people general.

Shrek students showed their horrifying eyes, and such a horrible scene all showed how terrible the strength of the old man in front of him! !

Even the father and son of Tylenol and Tyrone, who stood beside the elder Titan, could not bear such a sense of oppression, and the body retreated uncontrollably for more than half a meter before stopping in shock.

The shocking and horrifying eyes of everyone did not make the Titans shaken. He just used a very calm tone to say something that was hard to violate:

"I don't use Wuhun, as long as you can avoid three undefeated moves under my hands, and you hurt my son and grandson, just forget it."

Everyone laughed when he heard what the Titans said.

Dare to love you, a high-level soul master, to bully the small, but justified?

What's more, even if he doesn't release Wuhun, but years of martial arts and soul power's transformation on the body has already shaped him into a humanoid beast. How can a low-level soul division be his opponent?

Besides, actually have to take three moves under his hands?

how can that be!

Xiao Wu put her hands on her hips, feeling angry for Yang Mingming, and filled with anger:

"Your old man is really shameless, are you bullying like this?"

Tyrone gave Xiaowu a hard look, hoping she would say a few words.

Tyrone knew very well that his grandfather was a more irritable character than his father Tylenol.

It's a pity that Xiao Wu has long seen Tyrone's discomfort. If this kid was so full of food and jealous, he wouldn't have the ability to do it. If he drew his dad to lose, he would provoke his grandfather. Where could there be so much?

Xiao Wu returned Tailong with a disgusted look, like a sharp steel cone stabbed into his heart, making him smile bitterly, knowing that this misunderstanding was getting bigger, he wanted to make Xiao Wu's thoughts only to float.

Titan's grandson naturally looked at his grandson's look, with pale brows picking up slightly.

A tribe of Li always protects the calf, even if the other party is just a baby girl, so that his grandson is so angry, a flash of anger flashed in the eyes of Titan's grandfather, that is, the small dance of anger caused Tyron to be hurt, but also the angry grandson did not have a good time.

"Girl, are you talking about it here?"

The force of the Titan's soul suddenly changed, and the side of an invisible hammer drove towards the little dance.

Feeling the pressure of the surging soul power, Xiao Wu's small face suddenly became horrified.

At this moment, Yang Ming moved his footsteps, and the rung was in front of the small dance body. He took full force of this soul force that could make the low-level soul master spit three liters of blood.

"Uh huh!"

Yang Ming only felt like he was hit by a high-speed train running at high speed, and his body was full of muscles and hair with an unbearable "click, click" sound, and besides his blood and blood, a sharp face appeared with a sharp face. red.

"Brother! Are you okay?"

Seeing Yang Ming block all the power and coercion for herself, Xiao Wu's face was full of worry, and when she glanced over the old Titan, she even flashed a bit of fierce glare. If she didn't want to reveal her true identity, she was really Wish to tear this dead old man to shatter!

Yang Ming raised his hand to stop Xiaowu from coming, slightly tilting his head, revealing a perfect profile, saying:

"It's okay, I'm here."

Seeing Yang Ming as if it were okay, a flash of strange color flashed in the eyes of the old Titan.

"Being able to defeat my son and grandson, your kid really has a little way, just that moment, as if you took my first move."

The people watching not only did not loose their hearts, but their expressions suddenly tightened.

Just now, Master Titan did not release Wushun, but simply used the power of the soul to coerce the pressure. They already gave them a feeling of great difficulty. They could hardly imagine how Yang Ming would catch the next two moves.

Everyone stared at him breathlessly, his heart beating.

At this moment, people can clearly see that the air between Yang Ming and Master Titan seems to be twisted, and there is a circle of water ripples, but nothing can be felt.

At the next moment, everyone's face changed suddenly.

However, I saw that Titan's big feet trampled on the bluestone floor without using a trace of martial arts soul and soul Just by the power of the flesh, the entire bluestone floor was torn apart.

With such a trample, Mr. Titan shot out like a flying stone.

Yesterday he heard the detailed battle of his son and grandson. Even with the high-level Soul Master's strength, he still didn't mean to relax at all.

Almost everyone did not see the movement of Master Titan clearly, only to see a blurry virtual image passing quickly around Yang Ming, leaving a cracked gravel on the ground, and the sound of explosions.

The sound of thumping sounds, as if thumping on people's hearts, each sound superimposed makes people feel particularly uncomfortable, causing the blood in the body to be irritable, and the ears buzzing.

On the field, only a few people could barely see the course of the Titans.

Tang Santongren burst into a noble purple light, and looked terrified in his heart.

This old man of Titan inherits the habit of a tribe of power. A martial spirit and soul ring both temper the power to the extreme.

Don't look at his fast speed at this time, but actually did not release Wuhun.

He simply relied on the martial arts and soul ring to transform the body in the past, and with the power beyond the ordinary people's imagination, the explosive speed was obtained by the moment of stepping on the ground!

Under the slanting bangs of Yang Ming, the kaleidoscope writing wheel appeared quietly. The speed of Master Titan was very fast, but in his eyes, it was slowed down like a slide show.

Looking at the countless ghosts around him, Yang Ming looked strange.

Yesterday, he used illusion to cooperate with ghost ghosts, causing avatar-like tricks, thus defeating Tylenol. .

Unexpectedly, today, the grandfather of Titan was going to return to him with his own way.

Li family, the character of protecting calves can be seen.

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