Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

: Two hundred and thirty-three. To have children like Yang Ming

To deal with old monsters like the Titans, the temperature of Qinglian's earth fire released by Yang Ming is fully open, and thousands of degrees of blue flames surround the Titans, forming a horrible ring of fire.

With him as the center, a ring of fire is formed on a hollow circle.

With the high temperature burning, even the air is distorted sharply, and a scorching gust of wind rushes hurriedly. Even the crowd of melon-eaters who watch around can't help but retreat.

When the hot wind rushed to the face, the people around them felt a burning tingling sensation on their faces, and the hair on the forehead was also curled up by the high temperature, and only felt ten meters away before they felt better.

Tyrone stared at the blue flames rising from the sky, and after a long time a bit of frustrated smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, saying:

"No wonder, when Yang Ming defeated me, even Wuhun was useless. It turned out not to be arrogant."

Even his father Tylenol looked at the scene in front of him, and his scalp tingled.

Tylenol came to realize it now. It turned out that Yang Ming had just cut off his ears with a sword, but was merciless.

Inexplicably, the two fathers and sons looked at each other, and they could see the color of guilt in each other's eyes.

Compared to outsiders, the old Titan as a party, surrounded by layers of high-temperature flames, felt the most profound.

Mr. Titan’s steel-pinned hair curled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to become hot, emitting fumes. Even his clothes showed signs of spontaneous combustion.


Feeling the thinner oxygen in the air, even as strong as Mr. Titan, he felt a suffocation in his chest, making it harder to breathe.

The old man of Titan patted the back of his head in annoyance. He just saw Yang Ming jumping sideways, thinking he was just teasing him to play. Unexpectedly, he didn't pay attention to it. Yang Ming actually gave him such a son.

Now, even if he wants not to release Wu Soul, escape from the ring of fire formed by the fire of Qinglian's earth, don't even think about it!

After all, without the use of Wuhun, the human body has its limits.

Even if the master Titan has been undergoing the transformation of martial soul and soul ring all year round, a body is comparable to a soul beast, after all, it is still a flesh and blood.

Once rushed into the flames with a high temperature of thousands of degrees, the clothes on his body will be quickly burned out, and even his hair and fur will be completely burned. The entire person will escape from the flames in a dark and dark way. Take one layer.

Failed to defeat Yang Ming by three strokes, at most it was the face problem.

However, if he escaped from the blaze with naked eyes, he would face the collective attention ceremony of the hundreds of people up and down Shrek College.

Mr. Titan can't hold back this face!

Nowadays, there is only one choice for the old man in Titan.

That is to break the agreement first and use one's own Wuhun!

At this point, more than one person thought so, almost everyone on the scene thought that Master Titan could not help but use Wuhun to get out of trouble.

Unfortunately, everyone underestimated the stubbornness of the Titans!

Even if the oxygen surrounded by flames has been exhausted, Master Titan has no plans to use Wuhun!

"Hah, ah, ah!"

Mr. Titan breathed heavily, his sweat on his forehead and cheeks swelled like soy milk, and his body was already soaked, as if he had just been picked up from the sea.

The worst is not only this. As the body's oxygen is consumed in large amounts, the eyes of the Titan's eyes are getting dizzy, and the body's functions are shut down in order to reduce oxygen consumption.

Master Titan's legs softened and fell to the ground. The strength in his body was like a tire pierced by a hole. In just a few blinks, he felt the pain of fatigue, all the time in his chest. The ups and downs of breath, the breath exhaled by the breath came to almost no point.


Master Titan closed his fingers subconsciously, just grabbed a handful of dirt in vain, and the sand penetrated into his nails.

If he uses Wuhun at this time, he can change the contrarian in minutes.

Unfortunately, he did not want to do this.

Seeing that the old Titan would be suffocated alive, Yang Ming was shocked and quickly recovered the flames around him.

This is not to be afraid of the Li family, but only because there is no big hatred between the two parties, and it is enough to punish them a little, there is no need to go to the point of beating life and death.

When the ring of fire in the closed loop disappeared, the outside air suddenly rushed in to fill the vacancy here, which brought a cool gust of wind.

When Tyno and Tyron saw the old Titan did not come out for a long time, their hearts were already covered with a layer of haze. At this time, when they saw the old Titan collapsed on the ground, they immediately exclaimed and hurried forward.

Tyno's fingertips glanced at the nose of the old Titan and found that there was still breathing, and a big stone suddenly fell in his heart.

He looked at the slowly coming Yang Ming, his face was no longer yesterday's overbearing, but instead showed a complex look, three points of emotion, four points of guilt, five points of gratitude, six points of regret.

Very good, if you have a few more points, you can get 100 points.

Although Tainuo protects the calf, he is sometimes unreasonable, but he is a good man. If it is not Yang Ming's mercy, maybe the old Titan will just suffocate in it, and now with a boxing palm, solemnly A big gift, said:

"Your Excellency, regardless of previous suspicions, spared the old man's life, our family members owe you a favor."

Unconsciously, he even used the word "Your Excellency" for Yang Ming.

This is both affirmation of Yang Ming's strength and gratitude to Yang Ming's mercy.

Yang Ming waved his hand, indicating that the other party did not need to be polite, and said lightly:

"We don't know if we don't know each other, so let's just consider our relationship."

Yang Ming is well aware that the current Lizu tribe is in a period of continuous decline, and it is useless to ask for their favor.

It's just that The words fell in the ears of Tylenol and Tyrone, and Yang Ming's image in the hearts of the two suddenly rose up.

Agitated deeply in his heart, Tailong paid a deep respect and said:

"Your Excellency Bo Yuntian, admire the following, if you will be useful to our family in the future, please despite the instructions, no matter how difficult it is, we will go to the chaos and complete your mission."

Tyrone's words can be said to be sincere.

After all, the Lizu tribe now relies on the Titan to support the scene, and it can save the Titan titan a life, it can save the Lizu tribe.

In other words, just now Yang Ming has put a lot of effort into making a living, and such a grand commitment can't be overstated.

Techno glanced at his son, Tyrone, and was very emotional. The two were not so different. How could it be so big?

Have a son like Yang Ming!

(A total of 110 books are added and changed, please subscribe!)


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