Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 262 The temptation of the Heaven Dou Empire.

After a while, the big battle field began to clear, leaving only five promotion academies, as well as the great emperor Xue Ye and the big figures of the empire who were about to issue promotion certificates, as well as Ning Fengzhi, the platinum bishop of Wuhun Hall, Salas, and other major forces. .

At this moment, the five academies stood neatly in a row listening to the speech of the Great Emperor Hou Xueye.

Huo Yu knew that not only the promotion certificates were issued today, but the empire would also grant titles to all the promoted players and fiefs to some players. This kind of reward was too great.

Obviously, at this time, problems had begun to arise between Spirit Hall and the Empire, and the Empire should have sensed Spirit Hall's ambitions.

Conferring titles is also to prevent the loss of talents. After all, the students who can come here are rare geniuses. The empire is starting to be strong. Even if they can't use it for themselves, they can't let them flow into the power of the Spirit Hall.

"The players who have advanced to the team are all talents of our Heaven Dou Empire. Today, I will confer the title of Viscount for the captain and vice-captain of each team, and the title of Baron for the rest of the team. After you graduate, the fiefs will be distributed." The Great Emperor Xue Ye straightened his body and made a strong voice. full of majesty.

After he announced the award, the players in the audience were surprised, because this has never happened before.

The viscount is already an imperial aristocrat. After the fief is granted, the owner of the land has the right to tax and conscript the land.

Although the fiefs granted by the viscounts are likely to be only remote or economically underdeveloped small cities, the benefits brought by them are countless.

A lifetime of doing nothing to be able to enjoy all the glory, wealth and wealth, and being looked up to and respected by others, how could this young man resist such temptation?

"Hehe, a title?" Huo Yu smiled in his heart.

He is the vice-captain of the Blazing Academy team, which is awarded the title of Viscount.

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether Huo Yu has a title or not, he doesn't need to rely on this thing to highlight his status at all.

Whether you give it or not, you have to choose between the Empire and the Spirit Hall.

After listening to Salas, the whole person was not well. Wuhundian also had the idea of ​​attracting powerful teams. He was suddenly unhappy and said with a straight face: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is not right?"

"There is no precedent for awarding titles in the past, let alone whether titles are too high."

Emperor Xue Ye glanced at Salas and continued: "Your Excellency Bishop Platinum, the award of the title is the internal affairs of the empire and has nothing to do with the Spirit Hall. If the Heaven Dou Empire can produce a final champion team, then all members of this team will be rewarded. The nobility will be upgraded again!"

"Students are crowned with royal titles and enjoy imperial financial support!"

"What!" Salas frowned tightly, so how does Spirit Hall compare to it?

"I'm going, is it so big this year?"

The students were even more shocked, that is, the first team in the spirit master competition, the captain and vice-captain were the counts, and all the other team members were viscounts!

"Blazing Academy, Tianshui Academy, Thunder Academy, Kamikaze Academy, Shrek Academy, you are the top five that stood out from many academies. I hope you will shine again in the promotion competition."

"At that time, the three students with the best performances will receive advanced soul beasts provided by the empire. You can choose the soul beasts under 30,000 years old."

Many students have already shown joy on their faces.

This Fire Feather is a little bit cautious. The 30,000-year-old soul beast is not difficult to find, but it is a little difficult to find a suitable place. In the empire, you can directly select and kill the soul ring, which is too easy.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Ning Fengzhi was the first to agree.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Others also spoke up.

Only Salas's expression became more and more ugly, and he did not speak with a sullen face.

Emperor Xue Ye said everything he had to say. After the promotion certificate was issued, the academies left one after another with the promotion certificate. Huo Yu glanced at Tang San beside him.

At this moment, Tang San was clearly avoiding Huo Yu's gaze, not daring to look directly at him.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to give up today, Tang San, I really look up to you." Huo Yu sneered.

Tang San lowered his head lightly and clenched his fists tightly, not responding but feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"It doesn't matter that you can avoid the qualifiers, and you can't dodge the promotion rounds. At that time, I'll see if you can still be a shrunken turtle like you do today."

Tang San suffered from the humiliation and still didn't respond, Huo Yu didn't say more after seeing this.

After reaching the fork entrance, the two teams walked to the left and the other to the right to separate.

On the way back, everyone was in a very good mood. After all, they won the first place in the qualifiers, and there were bonuses given in the qualifiers.

Everyone discussed it and decided to go to the best place to eat at the restaurant.

Huo Tianchen reminded: "Although we advanced from the qualifiers with the first place result this time, you should not relax because of this. Eat and play well in the past two days and then carry out more rigorous training!"

"Ah? Dean, we can't relax for a few more days." The team members grimaced.

"We just won the first place in the Heaven Dou Division. Don't forget that the Heaven Dou Empire has five other divisions, ten teams, and fifteen teams from the Star Luo Empire. Are there any more powerful teams than us? Not to mention, the main team of Tiandou Royal Academy, the main team of Star Luo Empire, and the Wuhundian team, their strength will definitely not be inferior to you."

"If you want to take the first place, you must practice harder."

The gold content of the Tiandou competition area is very high, and the first place in this competition area is basically the first in other competition areas.

Everyone's hearts were actually very swollen, except for the main team of Tiandou, the main team of Xingluo, and the team of Wuhundian, the other teams were not very worried.

But the team members are only blindly confident. Only Huo Yu really knows that the Blazing Academy has the capital of self-confidence, because it is true that apart from these three teams, other academies that have not yet played against it are difficult to compete with Blazing.

"The teacher is right. With our current strength, it is still very difficult to take the first place." Huo Yu said.

The Star Luo Empire's main team and the Tiandou Empire's main team are all good, but the Spirit Hall team is really strong, and the spirit fusion skills of Hu Liena and Xie Yue alone are estimated to be able to instantly knock out the rest of Blazing Fire.

Apart from the talents of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang that can be compared with Wuhun Hall, the other team members are actually much worse.

Fighting Fire Feather with Wuhun Hall must be done in a situation where less wins more. If all the team members are defeated, it will be difficult for him to fight against them.

Therefore, it is uncertain whether he can defeat the Fire Feather in the Spirit Hall.

"Oh, okay." The players were very helpless.

The group had just left the Great Soul Arena, when a group of imperial officers and soldiers came to the left, the leader of them got off the horse and came to Huo Yu, and respectfully said: "Young Master Huo Yu, please come with me if your Royal Highness wants to see you. "

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