Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 443 1V7, Fire Feather VS Poseidon Island Seven Sacred Column Guardians (2) Tonight at four m

Fire Feather must focus on the battle of eyes and defeat them quickly with the strongest state.

Among the seven sacred pillar guardians, the most powerful is Sea Dragon Douluo, followed by Sea Spear who has been knocked down by Fire Feather, and the third strongest is Sea Fantasy Douluo.

Sea Illusion Douluo is good at illusion, spiritual realm, and psychological game level means, but is not strong in physical attack means.

However, it is said to be ranked third, but even the first ranked Sea Dragon would not dare to fight with it easily.

But it is a pity that in front of Huo Yu, Hai Fantasy Douluo's ability is basically useless, because any spirit masters related to illusions and illusions can't escape Huo Yu's writing wheel, and Huo Yu is far superior to Hai Huan in terms of mental power. above.

There is also the fifth-ranked Sea Ghost Douluo. He is good at using poison to create illusions. To put it bluntly, these two are spirit masters who use similar skills.

And the ability of the sea ghost is also completely restrained by Huo Yu, poison, he has long been invincible.

Therefore, the strength of Hai Huan and Hai Gui will be greatly discounted in front of Huo Yu, leaving the fourth-ranked Haima, and the sixth-ranked Haixing and Hainv, all ordinary titled Douluo in the middle and lower reaches. Not enough to worry about.

The only thing that could pose a certain threat to Huo Yu was Sea Dragon Douluo. As long as Sea Dragon Douluo was controlled first, the remaining five could be defeated one by one in a short period of time.

Huo Yu's brain turned rapidly, and he thought out a countermeasure in a very short time.

"Flame beads defense skills, burn the flame circle!"

The flame shield instantly blocked the attack of the six people, but the shield was also shattered by these six forces. One second before the flame shield shattered, he simultaneously performed the spirit ability of the spirit ball martial arts: "The first Four soul skills, the elves are imprisoned!"

"What is this! So fast!"


There were only half circular objects on the left and right sides of Sea Dragon Douluo. One side was white and the other was red, attacking Sea Dragon Douluo at the same time. The speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge for a while.


The two sides of red and white were fused together, forming the appearance of a spirit ball, trapping Sea Dragon Douluo in it.

"Damn! Aaaah!"

"Break it for me!!!!"

"How can it be so strong!"

Sea Dragon Douluo tried his best to smash the Poké Ball that was imprisoning him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break it.

With Sea Dragon Douluo being trapped, a 1v5 situation was formed. One of the two strongest guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars was seriously injured and the other was trapped. The remaining five were no longer able to pose a threat to Huo Yu.

What Huo Yu has to do now is to knock down all of them before Sea Dragon Douluo breaks the confinement. He knows that the elves won't be imprisoned for too long, and the longer the time, the less effective the confinement will be.

"Fifth soul skill, Angry Sea Fist!"

With the two strongest being unable to make a move, Hai Huan's ability was completely suppressed by Huo Yu, Seahorse Douluo became the most powerful among the seven, and he attacked with all his strength in the face of the powerful Huo Yu.

"The sixth soul skill, the sea devil's blade!"

"Sixth Soul Skill!"

The other four also launched their soul skill attacks, and the five besieged Huo Yu.

"The first soul skill, the Fire Dragon Tyrant Body!"

"The power of the earth!"

"Fire Dragon Domain!!"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Various forces were madly bombarding, and in the battle of so many Titled Douluo-level powerhouses, except for the indestructible holy pillar, the surroundings were already in a mess.

Hundreds of soul guides standing around were all dumbfounded when they saw such a terrifying battle.

I don't know how to intervene, and I don't dare to intervene, because once I rush into this battle, it is very likely that I will be instantly killed.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!"

"This young man seems to be in his twenties, and his soul power is only at the level of Soul Douluo. He can actually fight seven Sacred Pillars and Sacred Pillars with his own strength, and he can completely suppress the Sacred Pillars. place!"

"God! This boy is too terrifying!"

"How can it be so powerful..."

The hundreds of guardian spirit masters onlookers were all shocked in this battle.

"Found a flaw!"

The fastest Haenyeo Douluo used his agility attack type soul skills, waiting for the opportunity and quickly came to the back of Huo Yu, condensing a powerful move and punching him.


The corner of Huo Yu's mouth smiled, it wasn't that he showed his flaws and deliberately exposed the attack point in front of Hai Ni to lead her to come.

The next second he disappeared instantly.


"Haenyu, behind you!!"

"What! So fast"

When Hai Ni Douluo reacted, Huo Yu had already come behind her and punched her in the back.



The Sea Girl Douluo slammed into the ground with a loud noise, and a big hole was blasted out of the ground.

"Sea Maiden Douluo. One move, one move, he was defeated!!"

"Resolve one." Huo Yu glanced at Sea Maiden Douluo, who fell to the ground, and his eyes instantly locked on Seahorse Douluo.

It won't take long for Sea Dragon Douluo to break the elf's imprisonment, and Sea Spear, who was seriously injured just now, is also recovering quickly by adjusting his breath. Huo Yu must first take out the middle-level Seahorse Douluo among the few people who can fight now.


Huo Yu's fists shook Hai Huan and Hai Gui, and quickly moved towards the seahorse.

"Humph! Try my strongest blow! The ninth spirit ability!"

Seahorse Douluo floated in the air, and behind him appeared a huge seahorse that was rapidly gathering strength, and there were still a few seconds before he could use it.

The corners of Huo Yu's mouth showed a somewhat imperceptible smile, and without stopping, the spirit ball appeared again in the hand behind her, and secretly mobilized the power of the spirit ability.

"Looking for death! Even if your strength is very strong, the power of my ninth spirit ability should not be underestimated!!"

"That's something you can use." Huo Yu sneered.

As long as the titled Douluo is a strong attack type spirit master, the power of the ninth spirit ability is not weak, and no one is stupid enough to use the flesh to resist before reaching the god level.

But Huo Yu came directly because he had no intention of letting Seahorse Douluo use it.

Just a second before Seahorse Douluo was about to release his spirit ability, Huo Yu started, and instantly sent away the power he had prepared in advance: "The fifth spirit ability of the Elf Ball, the ban on the spirit of the soul!"

"The ninth soul skill, Rising Sky Tornado annihilation. Fist! Fist.?"

Seahorse Douluo was about to activate, but he found that his soul power's soul ability power disappeared instantly, and the soul power on his body could not be mobilized like it was locked! ! !

"This! What's the matter?"

Haima was stunned. At this time, Huo Yu had already come to him: "The power of the elf Qingtian Dragon!"

boom! !


Seahorse Douluo screamed loudly, and was instantly knocked off a hundred meters away. It also bombarded the ground heavily, and was seriously injured on the spot and lost the ability to fight.


With Seahorse Douluo down, the only ones left to fight were Hai Huan, Hai Gui, and Hai Xing.

(Tonight at the fourth watch, because there is something to do tomorrow, tomorrow's advance will be updated together with today.)

(Finally, I wish everyone a prosperous Year of the Tiger!)

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