Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 451 Complete the Vulcan Seven Trials and harvest the Vulcan Dragon mount!

Huo Yu thought for a while and decided to investigate the entire sea of ​​fire by himself first.

Unknowingly, three months later, Huo Yu almost walked the entire surface of the Huo Seabed, but still had no clue, not even a trace of clues.

Another month passed one month after another, and the seventh month passed quickly.

On this day, Huo Yu stood on the surface of the seabed looking for the wreckage of the Vulcan dragon as usual, but what was different from before was that he was holding an incinerating flame plant in his hand.

Huo Yu thought that since this bead was a treasure of the Vulcan, it might be able to sense the Vulcan Dragon.

Sure enough, on the third day after Huo Yu held the Huo Yan Zhu, the bead finally had a strange reaction.

The Huoyan Pearl trembled strongly in Huo Yu's hands and emitted a fiery red light, and there seemed to be a force attracting the beads.

Huo Yu had an idea and let go of the Huoyan plant. Normally, the beads would fall straight down, but the moment the Huoyan plant was released from his hand, it slanted forty-five and finally fell to the surface of the seabed.

This didn't end, it was slowly moving on the surface of the seabed, rolling a full hundred meters before stopping.

"Found it! It must be here!!"

Huo Yu walked over quickly and looked at the sand under his feet, and a thought came to him, making him feel that he was right under his feet.

"Ninth Soul Skill, Fire Dragon Palm!"


Without hesitation, Huo Yu slapped the surface of the Huo Seabed with his palm, and the huge force slapped the ground into a huge crater 100 meters wide and 100 meters deep.

Huo Yu quickly swam to the bottom of the giant pit, and Huo Yanzhu's reaction became more and more intense. He also felt the wreckage of the Vulcan Dragon, which may be less than five meters away from his feet.

"Fire Feather!"

The movement made by Huoyu's ninth soul skill came to his side.

"Pupu, you found it right under our feet, let me mobilize your soul power to blow away the sand under our feet."

"it is good!"

The fire feather unfolded the fire dragon's wings and flashed them quickly, the water began to surge, the water flow was rapid, and the sand on the ground was carried away bit by bit by the rapid water flow.

The Vulcan Dragon's appearance gradually appeared in front of Huo Yu's eyes. From the head, to the dragon's body, dragon wings, dragon tail, and dragon claws, it fell perfectly in front of Huo Yu and Dolphin's eyes in just a few minutes.

"Is this the Vulcan Dragon?" Huo Yu silently watched its appearance.

"Yes." Dolphin nodded.

"Unbelievable, the Vulcan Dragon has been dead for tens of thousands of years, but its body has not decayed at all, and it is still intact."

The appearance of the Vulcan Dragon is also a western dragon, somewhat similar to Huoyu's Wuhun fire-breathing dragon, and what surprised him most is that the Vulcan Dragon's body is intact, as if it is not dead, just in a deep sleep .

But Huo Yu knew that there was no life in it at the moment.

"How do I wake it up? To be precise, how do I revive it?"

Now that the Vulcan Dragon has been found, Huo Yu will face a new problem. He circled around the Vulcan Dragon's body, looked around carefully and found no clue.

He slowly approached the Vulcan Dragon's head, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to blur its horns.

But the strange thing is that the place where Huo Yu touched was not the tip of the horn, nor was there any thorny smooth surface, but his hand inexplicably scratched the skin.

The blood slowly flowed out from the fingers. Normally, the blood would be swallowed by the seawater at the bottom of the sea, but Huo Yu's blood firmly stuck to the dragon's horn and then slowly flowed down, finally flowing onto the Vulcan dragon's skin.

At that moment, the blood suddenly floated up, and a large amount of red energy flowed out from the Vulcan Dragon's body, and was sucked into the drop of Huo Yu's blood.

The Vulcan Dragon's body also gradually turned into this energy, condensed and absorbed into the drop of blood that entered Huo Yu.

With the rapid absorption of red energy, the blood became bigger and bigger, and quickly formed an oval ball. No, it was an egg to be precise, and there were some strange patterns on the eggshell.

After the egg was formed, the Vulcan Dragon's body completely disappeared.

After a while, a red giant dragon broke out of its shell. It was the Vulcan dragon, but it was much smaller than the dead Vulcan dragon that Huo Yu saw just now, like a newborn baby dragon.

It is a newly born new life body.

After it broke through, it rushed towards Huo Yu immediately, using its huge head to rub against Huo Yu's arms, and it was very close to him when it first met.

"Are you reborn with blood as a restraint? I see..." Huo Yu gently stroked the head of the young Vulcan dragon.

Huo Yu understood the meaning of awakening the Vulcan dragon in the seventh test, and also understood that he was bound to this Vulcan dragon because of the drop of blood just now.

He strongly felt the power of the bond between himself and this Vulcan dragon, and he became his bond partner, which is what the soul masters of the Five Elements Continent call training with the soul beast and contracting the mount.

It can be said that it is still the Vulcan dragon that used to be the mount of Vulcan, and it can also be said that it is no longer the same Vulcan dragon, because it came to this world again with a new life form.

"It seems that there is a predestined relationship between you and me. Vulcan Dragon, you and I will be our closest partners from now on."

Vulcan Dragon seemed to understand, and snuggled into Huo Yu's arms, screaming.

Huo Yu stroked it and felt a little excited, because after contracting with Vulcan Dragon, his soul power directly broke through from 90 to 92.

And you can feel the power of the contract between yourself and the Vulcan dragon, and you can use the power of the Vulcan dragon to enhance your skill power.

And there are a few more tricks and the fusion skills of Vulcan Dragon.

"Fire Dragon, let's see our power."


The Vulcan Dragon roared excitedly.

"Let's go! Vulcan Dragon rushed out of the sea of ​​fire!!!"

Although it is a juvenile Vulcan Dragon, it is about the same size as the Charizard X Martial Soul. Huo Yu stood on its back and rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, reaching the sky and breaking through the clouds.

Above the clouds, the Vulcan Dragon flew around with Fire Feather, and Fire Feather also began to understand its strength and how powerful the skill of the power fusion between the two is.

After three days of grinding, Huo Yu knew that the strength of the juvenile Vulcan Dragon was equivalent to that of a Level 95 Title Douluo.

Coupled with the power of the bond with the Vulcan Dragon, Huo Yu has now reached the strength of a demigod.

In less than a year, Huo Yu now has the power to fight Bo Saixi 50-50, and even defeat Bo Saixi!

But with his current strength, he is not fully sure, and needs even stronger strength.

"It's been eight months now, I don't know how Nana and the others are doing."

"Go back."

Huo Yu didn't waste any more time and brought Vulcan Dragon and Dolphin back to Vulcan Island.

After returning to the island, Joanna came out immediately to award Huo Yu the seventh assessment reward, his soul power was raised by one level again, and the age of all soul rings was increased by another 5,000 years.

Huo Yu's soul power has thus been promoted to level 93.

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