Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 465 The Seven Sons of Vulcan.

After getting pregnant in October, six daughters-in-law broke the amniotic fluid on the same day and were about to give birth!

"Quick! Quick! Where's the midwife!"

"Stay in the guest room."

"I'll call!"

Huo Yu had already hired six of the best midwives in the whole continent in advance, and hurriedly ran to invite them over and carefully arranged the daughters-in-law into the delivery room.

At this moment, the people who helped deliver the deliveries were crazy busy, everyone was very focused for fear of making a mistake, and everyone in the clan stopped what they were doing, nervously waiting for the six mistresses to give birth.

Huo Yu was also waiting anxiously outside the delivery room. He was also anxious when he heard the painful cries of the daughters-in-law in the room during childbirth.

Walking around outside the delivery room, I was excited and happy because I was going to be a father soon, but at the same time I was very worried.

The danger of giving birth is still very high, but in the world of Douluo Continent, after a soul master reaches the realm of Soul Venerable, the physical condition will not appear in childbirth, the death of the mother, or the protection of the child or the wife.

Not to mention that the daughters-in-law are all gods, and they are all titled Douluos.

But maybe because of the thoughts he had retained in his previous life, he was inexplicably worried.

Finally, after waiting anxiously for several hours, Huo Yu welcomed his first child, and at the same time he heard the cry of the baby in Hu Liena's delivery room.

At this time, an unprecedented vision appeared in the sky.

Soon, a maid in the delivery room came out: "Master! Master! The Queen's wife is born! She is born!"

"Is it a man or a woman!" Huo Yu asked quickly.

"One man and one woman, the twins! The Queen's wife gave birth to twins!"

"Dragon and Phoenix? That's great." Huo Yu was very happy and rushed into Hu Liena's delivery room: "Nana!"

Huo Yu saw Hu Liena lying on the bed with a pale expression, holding the two newly born children in her arms.

"It's hard work, Nana." Huo Yu walked to Hu Liena's bed and stroked her hair gently, feeling a little worried.

But looking at the two children, he also realized that he is happy from now on, and he has an additional identity that is a father.

"It's not hard." Hu Liena smiled happily.

Huo Yu carefully picked up the children of the twins, and then learned that the son came out first, and the daughter was born later.

No matter whether the other daughters-in-law gave birth to a boy or a girl, Nana's twins will be the eldest brother and eldest sister of all Huo Yu's children.

Before Huo Yu could hug for a while, Qian Renxue also gave birth.

"Master! Master! Mrs. Ren Xue is born, it's a girl!"


Shui Bing'er followed closely.

"Master, Mrs. Bing'er also gave birth, it's a boy!"

Then fire dance.

"Master, it's a boy!"

Then, Zhu Qing.

"Master, it's a girl!"

Finally, agarwood.

"Master, it's a boy!"

After a while.

"It's hard work, daughters-in-law!" Huo Yu held her four sons in her hands, and her three daughters had happy smiles on their faces.

Fire Feather has seven children, the eldest boy.

Second child, girl.

Third child, girl.

Fourth, boy.

Fifth, boy,

Sixth, girl.

Youngest, boy.

Seven children, born in the same year, the same month and the same day.

In just a few days, the news of the birth of Huo Yu's seven children had already spread throughout the continent.

Now almost all the places in the whole continent are talking about one thing, and that is the Seven Sons of Vulcan!

At this moment, in a tavern in Blazing City.

"Ehhh! Do you think Lord Vulcan will become a very powerful soul master in our continent in the future?"

"Is it still possible? The seven sons of the Vulcan are definitely not in the pool. They will definitely dominate the Douluo Continent in the future, and if they don't make it, they will become gods like Lord Vulcan!"

"That's right! These seven children are Vulcan, God's children! Can talent be bad?"

"Even if it's not as outstanding as Lord Vulcan, it's definitely not bad!"

"After all, these children can be nurtured by several gods in the future. In addition, the Empress of the Spirit Empire is the wife of Lord Vulcan, and the first of the three sects, Vulcan Sect, is also the sect of Lord Vulcan."

"With this kind of resources, children who grow up in this background, I rely on, the lowest estimate is also Titled Douluo."

"Sister, it's really a good choice! The Seven Sons of Vulcan are definitely the second generation of souls with the strongest background in this continent."

"What is the second generation of souls, the second generation of gods!"

While talking about the seven sons of Vulcan on the mainland, Huo Yu was troubled by the problem of the seven children's characters.

He can be said to be a household with difficulty in naming names. He really didn't know what to choose for his children's names. At first, he suggested to show the children's birthdays to professionals, and then choose a name.

But the daughters-in-law want their children to be named after the father.

In desperation, Huo Yu and his daughter-in-law discussed together that the last seven children had names.

The eldest son, Huo Chenyu.

The eldest daughter, Huo Yuna.

The second daughter, Huo Qiuxue.

The second son, Huo Fengling.

The third son, Huo Yanlin.

, the third daughter, Huo Qingyue.

Youngest son, Huo Shenxuan. (Originally, I didn’t plan to write about the names of the seven sons of Vulcan, because I really don’t know how to name names, but I’d better explain it after thinking about it. I feel that these names are not very powerful, but they can be changed at any time. If you have ideas, you can give them point, change it at any time.)

Year after year passed, and the seven children grew up year after year, and five years soon passed.

In the past five years, Huo Yu and his six wives and seven children have lived a stable and happy life. There is no fighting, no fighting, and even if he wants to fight, no one dares to fight him.

In five years, the height of the five children has grown to about 1.2 meters, and each one's young faces are full of cute, lively, innocent, and pure looks. There are seven or eight similarities.

They look like Huo Yu and six goddess daughters-in-law. There is no doubt that these seven children will all be handsome men and beautiful women in the future, and now they can almost see their appearance in the future.

At the same time, in the past five years, his father Huo Yi has accelerated his cultivation after the evolution of his martial arts, and finally broke through the title Douluo level and reached level 90. Besides himself, the Huo Yu family finally had a titled Douluo-level powerhouse.

In addition, several hall masters of the God of Fire Sect, with the help of Huo Yu, have also successively reached the Title Douluo rank.

In addition, the titled Douluo and elders of the Spirit Hall, the entire continent can now say that 90% of the number of titled Douluo powerhouses are in his hands.

It can be said that this continent has been completely controlled by Huo Yu. In the future, after he ascends to the God Realm with his wives, he can also give the seven children a good umbrella and a good growth path.

And now, five years later, after the reunification of the Spirit Empire, the long-lost five-year high-level elite spirit master master has also begun.

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