Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 479 One year later, meet at the peak!

"No, Brother Huoyu! Even if it's like this, I can't accept it." Xiaoxiu swallowed his throat, his heart was very moved.

But my parents taught me since I was a child that there is no such thing as a pie in the world, and all unimaginable gains are accompanied by certain sacrifices.

Huo Yu thought for a while and said in another way: "Well, let's treat it as my investment in you, and you will return it to me after you achieve certain achievements and earn a lot of money in the future."


"Stop talking, take it." Huo Yu stuffed it directly into Xiao Xiu's hand.

"Thank you, Big Brother Huoyu! I will definitely not take these things for nothing!"

Looking at the five high-level balls and a Pokemon in his hand, this is the top equipment for a trainer. Xiaoxiu never imagined that he would get these things so quickly when he started his career as a trainer.

Huo Yu also saw that Xiaoxiu was a good person, with dreams, goals, hard work, persistence, and struggle, which also helped him a lot, eating and living in his house, so he gave it.

In addition, Huo Yu felt that Xiaoxiu was also a trainer with potential, but after all, because of financial problems, even if he had potential, it would be difficult to grow into an outstanding trainer in a short period of time.

Without money, you can only spend more time and more experience to cultivate, and I am afraid that you will not be able to stand out for a long time.

"Then, Xiaoxiu, we are destined to meet again."

"Brother Huo Yu! When will I see you again!" Xiao Xiu looked at Huo Yu's back and shouted.

Huo Yu stopped and turned around slowly: "I will participate in the alliance competition in the Kanto region in a year. If you can reach that level and break into the alliance competition, we will certainly want to see you."

"I will try my best to qualify for the league competition in one year!" Xiaoxiu shouted.

"Oh? Good! We will meet on the stage of the league competition after that year!"

Huo Yu waved her hand and disappeared from Xiao Xiu's sight.

"I will definitely go, brother Huoyu, wait for me!"

Xiaoxiu made up his mind and was full of fighting spirit. He regarded this matter as a goal, as a promise with Huo Yu. This goal promise will always promote his growth and become his motivation.

"Is there a league competition in a year? If we can see Xiaoxiu, we will meet at the peak."

Huo Yu hopes to see Xiao Xiu in the league competition a year later, but in fact, he thinks that there is little hope in his heart, because it is too difficult.

Like Xiaozhi, how many rookie trainers can play in the league competition within a year?

There is no such thing as Huo Yu's use of soul power, divine power and krypton gold to open up various powers.

And Xiaoxiu started differently. When Xiaozhi's Pikachu was subdued in the research institute, he had a certain strength and level, which can be said to be very strong!

Xiaoxiu started from scratch, and started as a poor trainer. Not to mention comparing with Xiaozhi, compared with the official rookie trainers recognized by the alliance, the start was also a lot worse.

Poor trainers don't know how many detours they have to take. Poverty and funds are the key to slowing down a trainer's progress.

It takes money to go out, food, sleep, and personal living expenses are also a lot of expenses.

It also needs funds for elf training, elf food, elf training resources, wound medicine, props, etc. It can be said that it is very expensive to cultivate elves to become trainers!

It is a very expensive profession!

Although there is no wealth, it is possible to cultivate elves and take risks outside, but life is very difficult, and elves do not have sufficient resources and energy food supplies, so such cultivation will not be very good.

If you want to train a powerful elf, the food requirements are also very high and it is also very important, otherwise there will be no such type of trainer as a breeder.

All in all, without funds, there will be no resources, and the growth rate will be slow.

In addition to these, of course there are hard conditions. For Xiaoxiu, he needs to cultivate the elves to a certain level.

In order to become a trainer recognized by the alliance, you must collect eight badges after becoming a trainer. Only after collecting all eight badges can you participate in the alliance competition.

That's why Huo Yu thinks that it is unlikely that Xiaoxiu will enter the league competition within a year.

After parting with Xiaoxiu, Huoyu went to Nibi City where Xiaogang was located according to the route given by Xiaoxiu.

On the way, he saw an elf center, and it was almost dark now, so Huo Yu stopped temporarily and entered the elf center to spend the night there.

He bought another Elf Illustrated Book here for Xiaoxiu.

Because Huoyu spent a lot of money in the Alliance Elf Center, he became an official trainer recognized by the Alliance through wealth. He can enjoy the benefits of the Alliance, and he has the right to board for free in the Alliance Elf Center.

Under the guidance of Ms. Joy, the elf center, he temporarily has a personal room.

"Thank you, Miss Joy." Huo Yu smiled.

"You're welcome, take a good rest~" Miss Joy smiled sweetly, then turned and left.

"Damn, the Miss Joey of the Joey family really looks the same." Huo Yu shook his head and smiled, the Miss Joey here is exactly the same as the one in the elf center in the small town where Xiaoxiu lives.

Although there are some details to see the difference between them, if you don't look carefully and remember, there is really no difference.

Huo Yu entered the room and summoned the four little ones, and after telling them to stay obediently, went to the bathroom to take a hot bath.

“Still comfortable to live alone”

The next morning, Huo Yu got up early.

Originally, he planned to go directly to Nibishid, but he found a trainer who made him a little interested. The elf used was an evolution form of Charmander, the fire dinosaur.

At the moment, he is fighting other trainers in the arena in the elf center.

Generally, elf centers have built-in battlefields. The elf battlegrounds in places like this are naturally indispensable for trainers. Apart from Huoyu, there are also scattered trainers sitting on the sidelines to watch the battle.

Huo Yu also wanted to see how strong this fire dinosaur was, so he set off without rushing and found a seat to sit down and watch the battle.

At this moment, the battle on the battle stage is about to begin, and the opponent of the fire dinosaur is a fiery monkey.

Judging from the age of the two trainers, they are not newcomer trainers who have just started. They should be elite trainers with little strength.

"Fire Monkey! Use that trick."

Seeing the corner of the trainer's mouth slightly raised, the fiery monkey understood what his trainer meant, and quickly started a fight and rushed towards the fire dinosaur.

"It's interesting." Huo Yu watched the battle seriously while rubbing his chin.

Which trick to use?

The opponent doesn't know it at all, but Hot Monkey and his trainer can understand it. This is obviously a tacit understanding and a secret signal.

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