Douluo: Becoming Stronger From Hammering Tang San

Chapter 483 Keeping a line in life.

"Don't give it a chance to catch its breath. Charmander continues to attack!" Fire Feather then shouted.


I have to say that this Fire Dinosaur is really powerful and has strong resistance to fighting. It has not lost its fighting ability after several attacks by Charmander. At the same time, the pain has accelerated the recovery of the paralysis effect on the Fire Dinosaur.


It flicked its tail and finally drove Charmander back, but Charmander was already very weak.

Till now Charmander has taken the top points, but it is still impossible to judge whether he will win or lose.

The fire dinosaur trainer is under too much pressure now, he has lost the confidence that he can definitely win, and he can't even bear to face failure. If he loses 100,000 alliance coins, he will be gone!

But it was precisely because of this pressure, this worry and fear that he could not maintain absolute calm.

If the individual strengths of the two elves are in the same state, then Charmander is now completely on the top.

Under Huo Yu's command and combat, the little charmander became more and more courageous in the battle, and it also fully demonstrated Huo Yu's amazing command and combat ability, allowing the little charmander to completely suppress the fire dinosaur.

And everyone also understood that not only this little charmander is powerful, but also this trainer is very powerful. Perhaps it is because of the trainer's ability that he has cultivated such a powerful little charmander.

The Fire Dinosaur trainer clenched his fists tightly, and sweat broke out on his head: "Damn it! The Fire Dinosaur uses smoke!!"

The fire dinosaur spewed out a cloud of black mist, which covered half of the field, and the two elves were trapped in the smoke.

This is the trump card of the fire dinosaur trainer. His fire dinosaur has undergone professional smoke training, and can use special methods to attack the opponent in the smoke, but the opponent cannot see the picture clearly in the smoke screen, which is equivalent to losing his eyes!

And they relied on this killer trick to defeat the owners of only three gymnasiums and won three gymnasium badges.

"I want to see what you do now!!!" the fire dinosaur trainer shouted, and then shouted again:

"The Fire Dinosaur attacks with its claws!!"

The other party roared loudly.

"Huo, is the smoke skill paired with the claw attack? A good strategy can indeed have a miraculous effect." Huo Yu smiled.

In the mist where the vision is extremely low or even impossible to see the opponent's figure clearly, the Fire Dinosaur can indeed turn defeat into victory in this situation by attacking wildly with chaotic claws, but it is a pity.

This kind of fog's ability to reduce vision is too weak, let alone fog, even Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skills Hongwuhuoyu could clearly see it in the soul master competition.

Although this level can affect Charmander, it can't affect Fire Feather at all. The trainer can be said to be another pair of eyes of the elf!

Huo Yu doesn't even need any divine power, just mental induction, and can easily pass through the smoke with only Sharingan, and can see clearly.

"Little Charmander, dodge to the right!"

At this moment, the little charmander in the smoke was not so calm, even a little flustered, after all, it couldn't see clearly, but after hearing the figure of its master, it instantly calmed down, and followed Huoyu's order to hide to the right immediately. .

Huo Yu's voice came later.

"Little Charmander runs forward for five meters! Go to the right for another three meters, then turn around at 45 degrees and attack with its claws, quick!" Huo Yu commanded from outside the mist.

"What is this guy doing?"

"Commander? Can you see this?"

The audience around and the fire dinosaurs were all confused and confused?

What's up? Make it seem like you can see it! He also directed the eloquence!

Who can see this!

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. You don't understand Huo Yu's behavior. If you see it clearly, you definitely can't see it clearly. They just think that Huo Yu did it on purpose to achieve a certain purpose?

Because with normal human eyes, the current level of smog can't see the situation inside clearly.

Charmander reacted promptly and acted strictly and precisely according to Huo Yu's instructions, without missing a single step, and then swung forward with one claw.


Charmander felt that he had really successfully hit the opponent, which surprised him very much.


The next second, the Fire Dinosaur screamed and was sent flying out of the smoke.

He fell to the ground and died of fighting ability.


"No way!! Really. He is really directing?"

"How did he do it!!! Can you see this level of smoke???"

"Fire Dinosaur!!!!"

"Impossible, impossible, how could my fire dinosaur lose!" The trainer came to the side of the fire dinosaur that had lost the ability to fight. He couldn't believe it, and it was difficult to accept the fact of failure.

It's normal for elves to win or lose in battles, and he can accept ordinary defeats, but this one is worth 100,000 alliance coins!

And I don't know what happened inside, is it really because of Huo Yu's command that the fire dinosaur was knocked out?

"Good performance, come back, little charmander." Huo Yu withdrew the elf, and slowly walked in front of the other party: "You lost."

"Under that situation, how could you still be able to command and fight against Charmander! Did you play some tricks!!" the Fire Dinosaur trainer looked at Huo Yu and growled.

"Please, what tricks can I play? What tricks can I play in this situation? Maybe you think I have some high-tech products on me? Why don't you check?"

The Fire Dinosaur trainer hurriedly got up and checked Huo Yu, but found no equipment, Huo Yu pushed him away with one hand: "Give me the money, one hundred thousand alliance coins."


The fire dinosaur trainer's face was livid. He didn't believe that the human naked eye could see through the smoke in the situation just now, but there was indeed nothing foreign on Huo Yu's body, which could only show that he did it through a certain method and experience.

It can be clearly felt that the opponent is a very powerful trainer. Although he was unwilling this time, he was indeed convinced by the trainer's ability, and his skills were not as good as others.

It's just that he is really reluctant to give one hundred thousand alliance coins.

"Like, let's borrow a brother, let's take a step to talk?" The fire dinosaur trainer pulled Huo Yu's clothes and muttered in a low voice, obviously wanting to discuss the alliance currency in private.

Huo Yu shook his head and didn't give him a chance: "Don't take a step to talk, there is nothing to say and give money."

"You!!!" The Fire Dinosaur trainer's expression darkened instantly.

Jian Huoyu is probably a person who is not short of money, and thought it might be possible to discuss it, but he didn't expect to be so shameless.

"Why do you still want to fight with me?" Huo Yu ignored the other party.

"Boy, don't go too far in being a human being. Some things don't need to be too serious. You can discuss the gambling money." The Fire Dinosaur trainer murmured in Huo Yu's ear with a sullen face.

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