Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1008: God's Gate

Therefore, five days is a safe period, an absolute safe period. Even seven days will do. But Lan Xuanyu had set it for five days. This is the first time they have come to the Dragon Star, but it is certainly not the last time.

There is no city wall in the dragon city, and soon, they embarked on a road. It's really the mainland, a big, big road.

The wide road is 100 meters away, from time to time you can see different races passing by. As blue ocean tribes, they walked by the road and were not noticed.

While walking, the sky suddenly darkened. When everyone looked up, they suddenly saw a huge dragon-like descend from the sky.

The other races that were walking on the road were dispersed, allowing the giant dragon-like dragon to converge its wings and land in the middle of the wide road.

After that kind of dragon fell, the huge dragon head looked forward, and his wings were gathered behind him, striding toward the city in strides.

This dragon-like body has a full length of 100 meters, and its breath strength is also quite powerful. Obviously much stronger than the fat and long dragon they had encountered before. The whole body is covered with dark blue scales, and the abdomen is also covered with scales. It looks really similar to a real dragon. The only difference is that the belly is much bigger, and the overall coordination is not as good as the real dragon.

Lan Xuanyu has the blood of the Dragon God himself. After a quiet feeling, he can perceive that this dragon-like dragon's blood is more pure.

Listen to the heavy footsteps of that kind of dragon, and then look at the humility of other kinds of various forms around the kind to the dragon. Obviously, the status of dragon-like dragons is not low.

Moving on, they finally entered the city, and observation was the first step. Entering this dragon city, they all feel that their bodies have become smaller. It's really because the buildings in this city are too big.

After observing, they found that the largest buildings were actually used for dragons. Some buildings even have dragon-like guards at the door, and other races are not allowed to come close, yes, they will not be close, let alone enter.

In addition to dragons, there are several races with the largest number. The blue ocean tribe they disguised is one of them. In addition to the blue ocean tribe, there is also a large number of centaurs with human legs. The difference between Centaurs is that the number of legs is different. Most of them are four legs, and occasionally six legs can be seen.

What made them most noticed was that an eight-legged centaur flew through the air and it had wings. The status is obviously very high, not inferior to the dragon-like. Because it flew directly into a dragon-like residence.

The number of other races is relatively small, all kinds of strange, all kinds. Lan Xuanyu they even saw the members of the Yukong Clan. When they first saw it, they were really nervous. But obviously, it was just ordinary Yukong people, and they couldn't feel the breath of little lazy bugs on them. Especially now the scent of the little lazy worm is suppressed. There is no god-level cultivation, even if it is within 100 meters.

Go all the way, observe all the way. The dragon is indeed very prosperous, and the war in outer space seems to have no effect on the planet. After walking around the city for two hours, they found a very meaningful place. The bookstore, yes, belongs to the Dragon Bookstore.

There are many books in the bookstore, large and small. The super-large ones are obviously for the dragons. This shows that the dragon-like should have not low wisdom.

Finding the bookstore is a great treasure for Lan Xuanyu. Of course, they have no money and they ca n’t buy it. But I can still get it ...

For the text of Tianlongxing, they have translators to translate directly. After searching for a circle, the seven people took a few of the most meaningful books for the Douluo Federation, the history books of the dragon.

Then seven people ran away.

The owner of the bookstore chased out, and seven people had long disappeared. But it was just a few books. The owner of the bookstore was also a Blue Ocean tribe. Although he was angry, he didn't report it up.

Seven people of Lan Xuanyu found a place and began to use a translator for translation and recording. This is important for them and for the Federation. Only by understanding the opponents can we face them better.

In the process of translation, they began to learn about the history of Dragon Star and even Pegasus.

To their surprise, the original two planets were not Pegasus and Pegasus, but Pegasus Gemini.

The two planets help each other and belong to the Tianma tribe. The so-called Tianma tribe is the kind of centaur they have seen before. They call themselves the Tianma tribe, a race with a very long history. They used to be the masters of the Pegasus Gemini.

There is nothing strange in the universe. When the Tianma tribe first had wisdom, it controlled two planets at the same time. How did they do it? There is a huge teleportation array between Draco and Pegasus.

One step into the teleportation array, the next moment can reach the other side, extremely strange.

This is called the gate of gods by the Tianma tribe. The gate of God makes the distance between the two planets equal to nothing, plus the two planets are too huge, so even if the Tianma clan has more than 100,000 years of history, it is also very weak for the development of technology , Because their resources are too abundant to the extent that they are inexhaustible. Using these resources, the Tianma tribe ’s interest in their own development is far greater than that of technology, and even in the Longma Galaxy, there are even some The technological level of other races is constantly improving, but it is nothing to the Pegasus family who can already be physically in the universe.

Until one day, a special situation suddenly appeared in one of the original Pegasus, now the Draco. A strange space seems to overlap with the dragon. There are some weird mutations in Draco.

Some original species have changed. After that space overlap, there began to appear dragons. Yes, Tianma star tube dragons are called dragons. This variation occurs in almost all races originally on Pegasus. This is historically referred to as the Dragon Change Period.

The entire dragon transformation period lasted for thousands of years, and evolved the current dragon clan. They are naturally strong and have great wisdom. Soon it occupied a place in the Pegasus Gemini.

Under normal circumstances, if this mutation occurs, the Tianma tribe must kill all of these mutant creatures. But these dragons are able to communicate and have great wisdom, unite and fight together. After going through battles again and again, not only have they become stronger, but the number is still increasing. The most important thing is that a powerful race rises with it, able to compete with the original Tianma tribe. That is the current Tianlong tribe.

All the races on the original Dragon Star have been changed. Therefore, the same has happened to the original Tianma race on the Dragon Star. Later they were called Tianlong, a dragon with a dragon head and horse body.

There are two main characteristics of the Tianma tribe, one is the number of horse legs, and the other is whether they can have wings. These are two different directions of evolution.

Before the appearance of the Tianlong tribe, Tianma had the largest number of horse legs. The Tianlong tribe has unprecedentedly evolved a dragon head with twelve horse legs. The super god-level strength makes him a double star, invincible in the double star, and leads the dragon tribe to finally defeat the Tianma tribe.

But because he is also a Tianma clan, he did not destroy the Tianma clan, and the dragon transformation period seems to have ended. In addition to the already mutated dragon clan can reproduce the offspring, no other creatures have appeared in the dragon transformation. The dragons are very slow to reproduce directly.

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