The Lanhai tribe gave Lan Xuanyu a vigilant look, but he was not blinded by greed, and whispered: "Come with me." While talking, he took the lead to go outside.

Lan Xuanyu said: "I still have several companions. They are all from our family, so let them follow without any problem."

The Blue Ocean tribe heard him say this, but instead let out a little sigh of relief. He had previously discovered that the blue ocean tribe who had been looking at them all the way around them. So he was so vigilant. Now Lan Xuan Yuming said that it was obviously sincere to cooperate, so he was relieved. Of course he didn't know that this was Lan Xuanyu's intentional discovery.

"It's okay, let's go together. But here is the Dragon Star. The powerful dragons are everywhere, and the safety is no problem." The blue sea people said as if they were very angry, while they seemed to remind Lan Xuanyu.

Lan Xuanyu waved his hands, and the friends quickly gathered and nodded to the blue sea people.

"How do you call it?" The Lanhai tribe asked Lan Xuanyu.

Lan Xuanyu slightly moved, but still said: "We all use codenames, you can call me the first wing."

"Okay. I'm the goodness of Sen Yuhai." As he said, Liangpu tucked the piece of Shen Yin into his arms and waved towards Lan Xuanyu, walking in one direction.

The seven Lan Xuanyu followed, silently feeling the simple spirit fluctuation. If a person wants to do anything, mental fluctuations are the first to change. If Liang Liang wants to expose them, such as shouting on the street, Lan Xuanyu can definitely stop him for the first time.

There are also strong men in the blue ocean, but the little mineral dealer is definitely not among them. Wanting to subdue him is nothing more than raising his hand.

Liang Pu didn't want to expose Lan Xuanyu's meaning, took them through the streets and alleys, and soon came to a place similar to a human hotel. With seven people upstairs, came to a room.

This room is very large and it is an entire open space. It seems that there is no such thing as a bedroom or a living room. There is a thick fur-like thing on the ground inside, which is a bit weird. It should be a place to sleep.

In the middle of the wide hall, there are wooden pier like tree roots. Liang Pu said: "Please sit down." As he said, he pressed on the wall. Suddenly, the light was on, but the surroundings were dark, the windows were completely dark, and I could still feel that there was a weak energy. Blocked from the outside. It should be blocking the sound.

Is there such a setting in this place?

Although strange in his heart, Lan Xuanyu didn't ask much.

Liang Pu directly answered his doubts, "This place is exclusively for us as traders. The room has a sound shielding system. It can shield the sound leakage, and guarantee that there will be no monitoring equipment. Many of our transactions are here In private. "

After a simple explanation, Lan Xuanyu realized that it turned out that in Honglong City, they would not only trade with the trading center. Many traders from various planets will also conduct some private transactions in exchange for the resources they want to obtain.

And this kind of trading, Dragon is not prohibited, but rather it is somewhat encouraging. This approach is very clever, making Tianlongxing a paradise for mineral trading and resource trading. Hong Leong City is the trading location second only to Tianlong City on Tianlong Star.

The hotel in front of us is used exclusively for such private transactions. Lan Xuanyu's initiative to find the door is very common here. Coupled with the same race, Liang Pu did not have much doubt about them. It ’s okay to have more people.

One is that the public security is good here, and the other is also the trust of the same race. From the perspective of Liangpu's traders, it is for the benefit of trading here. Who will do things that harm others? Once he used force here, he would be dead if he was caught.

After a brief exchange with him, Lan Xuanyu knew much more about the situation here, and had a deeper sense of heart.

"First wing, how much do you have? I don't ask about your source, but if we cooperate, I hope that I will be your only shipper in the future. Of course, I will not treat you badly. We have three or seven points, you I will provide the supply, and I will sell it. You can get the Dragon Coins, you get seven and three. Do n’t look at how easy it is for me to get 30%. In fact, it is also very risky. After all, you are not too light. I The price given is already the most conscientious, for exclusive and long-term. "

Liang Pu was obviously a very shrewd businessman, who directly spoke his terms and spoke his own conditions. His attitude was very frank and his purpose was very clear.

The wisdom of the blue ocean is not low! This is Lan Xuanyu's feeling at this moment.

After pondering for a while, Lan Xuanyu looked up at him and said, "Everyone is of the same race, so I won't bargain with you and just say what you said. The goods can be given to you in the future. But I still have a request , We are black account, I need at least one account of Tianlong Gold Exchange, can you get it for me? Otherwise it is too inconvenient. I ca n’t spend any money. ”

Liang Pu's eyes narrowed and said, "This is not impossible, I'll do it for you. Do you want to open one for each of you?"

Lan Xuanyu shook his head and said: "No, there are too many accounts but it is easy to have trouble, just one, but to ensure safety. After all, we still need long-term cooperation."

Liang Pu nodded and said, "Yes, just according to what you said. Give me two days and you can get it done. How much do you have? How will it be supplied in the future?"

While talking, he took out the piece of Shen Yin again.

Lan Xuanyu said: "In the Douluo Federation, forging is also divided into different levels, from the lowest level of forging, to the subsequent thousand forging, and then the spiritual forging in front of you. The high level is soul forging, and it can even give the metal soul the same as if it really came alive. The highest level is called the **** forging. I cannot get the **** forging, but the soul forging and the soul forging can be obtained below. I ca n’t guarantee how much I can get. The time is also uncertain. I can only contact you as soon as I have the goods. "

Liang Pu said: "How can I guarantee that you will not trade on your own after you have an account with Tianlong Gold Exchange?"

Lan Xuanyu said frankly: "This is not easy. My account is also open to you. You can check every transaction of mine. I can only receive money through one account. If the money is not from the transaction with you, , You can terminate the cooperation with me, or even expose us. This is why I let you open an account. After a long time, everyone has trust, you will not worry about it. I can also tell you a little What's more, this rare metal after being forged is the most important resource in the Douluo Federation. "

Liang Pu nodded, "I seem to have heard of this. But it seems that what technology is needed, can you get that technology?"

Lan Xuanyu shook his head without hesitation, said: "This can't be achieved. That is a very complicated technology, and the risk is too great. I don't want to die yet."

Rare metals are nothing to the Ryoma galaxy, just high-end metals. The core of the monomer positive circulation source is different. This is one of the core technologies of the Douluo Federation. This can't be given.

"Okay, then these first. How much can you have this time?"

Lan Xuanyu thought for a while, then took out twelve pieces of spiritual forging metal and a piece of soul forging metal from the ring of destiny.

Thousands of forgings and hundreds of forgings really don't have him. For him, that level of metal is useless.

Liang Pu's eyes lit up and nodded to him.

Lan Xuanyu said: "This is all. If there is no problem with the transaction and the price is appropriate. Soon, I will ship the second batch. Two days later, you will open the account for us, and the Longma gold coins will also be placed directly. In the account. How? ”He did n’t ask the exact price, because he did n’t know how much the forged metal should be sold here, but when asked, it was easy to expose.

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