Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1050: Four-color Thunder

"Did you see the kind of thunder in your elemental vortex? That is the most terrifying power. Because it is a unique force that combines the attributes of the four elements. It is because it has both water and fire. , Soil, wind. So you can also break any water, fire, soil, wind. So it is called thunder. When you can control it, you will find that pure elemental power is far It cannot be compared to it. It looks simple, but it is very powerful. "

Lan Xuanyu listened to Tang Wulin's explanation while condensing the elemental storm, and his mental strength sinks into the vortex, trying to control and guide the thunders that naturally formed inside. But he found that the Thunder was broken, and it seemed to be in every corner of the vortex. It was very difficult to guide them. There is less infusion of mental power, no control, and more infusion, there is a danger of detonation.

As Tang Wulin said, he can feel that the thunder power contained in the elemental storm is very powerful, but this thunder is very loose and cannot be controlled at all.

"At the beginning, your mother couldn't control this power. It was difficult to condense on its own unless it was filtered by itself. However, her body could not complete this filtering. It would cause damage to the body. But you don't In the same way, you have both my physical strength and the power of her elemental control. So, I think you can try it. As far as I know, the Dragon God was also the title of the God of Judgment. Robbery should be its ability to control. "Tang Wulin said.

Integrate into yourself? Integrate such a terrible elemental storm into your body to refine the power of thunderstorm? Lan Xuanyu's mouth twitched. If he knew that this was his own father, he really thought it was suicide!

But he can feel the horror of that elemental thunder. From the point of view of his control, he can clearly feel that his own cultivation may now be comparable to that of the titled Douluo, not even the ordinary titled Douluo. And the horror of the power contained in that elemental thunder, he even felt that even the god-level strongman would not be willing to suffer.

"Then let me try." Lan Xuanyu took a deep breath and was about to pour the elemental storm into his body.

"Don't worry. Use the power of the Golden Dragon King to improve your physical strength first. Use everything you can." Tang Wulin quickly reminded him.

Lan Xuanyu suddenly awakened, golden scales emerged, Golden Dragon Body, Golden Dragon Overlord Body, Golden Dragon Rage Realm, Lan Xuanyu's Golden Dragon King's fifth soul skill and the newly awakened sixth soul skill are all attack types. Can't enhance itself.

With the three major gains of soul, Lan Xuanyu suddenly felt that his body had turned into a piece of gold inside and outside.

Tang Wulin stepped out in one step, and had reached him, nodding to him.

Lan Xuanyu took a deep breath, he was already bold and brave to try. There is Tang Wulin escorting beside him, what else would he not dare to do?

In fact, he has always felt that his abilities are too much, from the element control of the silver pattern blue silver grass, the power of the gold pattern blue silver grass and the accompanying various soul skills. Plus his own combat skills. Sometimes too many abilities are not a good thing, because he has not completely found a way to combine these abilities. Especially the way to directly enhance his combat effectiveness.

A big move like Elemental Storm can only be used under certain circumstances. In fact, his own combat power is not too great.

Under the guidance of Tang Wulin this time, he vaguely felt that this seemed to be the direction he was always looking for.

Under the guidance of Lan Xuanyu, Elemental Storm slowly poured into his body along his left hand. Suddenly, Lan Xuanyu felt the madness of the four elements for the first time. Although these four elements form a whole under the action of complementing each other. But they are totally two kinds of sensations in vitro and in vivo.

The blood vortex in Lan Xuanyu's chest was lit up almost the first time. Make his body bright. The meridians, bones, muscles, and internal organs in the body are strong against elemental storms.

Lan Xuanyu struggled to control the elemental storm, and at the same time cut off his absorption of the power of external elements, and controlled the elemental storm under the current power.

Nevertheless, he still felt like he was about to explode at any time.

The most exciting thing is the kind of thunder that rubs out in the elemental storm. That thing, even his body can't stop it. There is a feeling of being pierced with holes. Fortunately, his body is tough enough, but even so, the energy in his body is still unstable and fluctuating.

"Control, suppress." Tang Wulin said in a deep voice. He did not help Lan Xuanyu to control. Because in the process of controlling this elemental storm energy to wreak havoc in the body, Lan Xuanyu also tried to control his own energy.

This attempt is very important. Can let him adapt to his strength in the shortest time.

Lan Xuanyu's soul power surged, combined with the power of the bloodline, to chase and block the elemental storm, and control them within a certain range, so as not to spread out and explode. This feeling is not too wonderful.

Lan Xuanyu quickly immersed himself in this infighting process. He must fully concentrate his spirit and try to suppress the vortex of the elements. Otherwise, this elemental storm risks the risk of letting go of rampage.

This is equivalent to struggling on the edge of life and death, without any carelessness. In this state, how can the speed of power control be slow?

Tang Wulin silently felt the change in Lan Xuanyu's body and nodded his head gently. This is the state he wanted Lan Xuanyu to find. It was also the best way to quickly master the strength he had just improved.

For a normal soul master, it is impossible to do so, because it is too dangerous. A bad one will detonate itself!

But for Lan Xuanyu, there is no such risk, because the person standing next to him is the strongest man in the world today.

Gradually, Lan Xuanyu, with his greatly improved spiritual power, soul power, and blood power, finally suppressed the elemental storm that was not too strong, and controlled it within a certain range. During the squeezing process, he found that the electro-optics in the elemental storm were constantly spilling out on the surface of the vortex due to the reduced volume of the vortex itself. And when his own energy comes into contact with this electro-optic, he will immediately feel severe pain.

Even if it is the power of his bloodline, when he comes into contact with this electro-optical light, he still feels to be ablated. Soul power is even more unbearable, just like a mud bull entering the sea. If the mental power touches, he will instantly feel trance.

Lan Xuanyu is immersed in the process of fighting with himself. He continued to compress the elemental storm, he was surprised to find that the elemental storm will also have a strange change in the process of being compressed. It's like squeezing toothpaste, because the volume becomes smaller, it will compress more kinds of elements. But the more Thunder Tribulation, the more difficult it is for him to respond.

Only by letting the power of the bloodline inside can barely resist the power of thunder.

I don't know how long it has passed. The Elemental Storm finally extinguished under his constant pressure. Instead, it was a small group of dazzling four-color thunder, which was unstable and fluctuated under the power of his bloodline.

Lan Xuanyu has no doubt that if this group of thunder explodes in his body, he will crush his own powdered bones. His physical strength can't stop the thunder's explosive power.

"Get ready. Wait for the Dragon God to change. Use the Dragon God to change the state of your own blood veins. Use the power of your blood veins to guide these thunders out of your body and out of your right arm." Xuan Yu's mind sounded.

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