Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1085: Dragon Fruit

Emperor Dodge saw that he had eaten the Dragon Soul Fruit without warning, and nodded with satisfaction, saying: "This is the Dragon Soul Fruit, but it is a rare good. It is produced in the most mysterious place of our Dragon Star. Also This is the place where all the dragon knights and adults practice. These two are brought by the ink dinosaur knight this time. Let me give it to you specially to help you start the quenching body cultivation. There should be a multiplier effect. I also had one It takes a while for digestion and absorption. Digestion by quenching the body works best. You should start practicing right away. No one will disturb you before you go out."

Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu sat cross-legged face-to-face, and they could not practice at this time, because the effect of the Dragon Soul Fruit was too fierce.

Lan Xuanyu has also eaten many treasures of heaven and earth, and has also tempered his body in the eyes of Sen Luoxing's ice and fire instruments, but it has never been so powerful as before.

Emperor Dodge nodded with satisfaction, turned around and walked out of the Longli Hall, leaving the two of them here.

Lan Xuanyu breathed out of her body, connecting Bai Xiuxiu with her own bloodline power, so that her bloodline breath was affected by herself.

Both of them felt that the blood vessels of the whole body were boiling violently at this time, and the medicine of the Dragon Soul Fruit was rapidly blending into every corner of their body.

The sound of the dragon in the body lingered and rushed wildly. But the wonderful thing is that this boiling bloodline does not make them uncomfortable, just a little hot, but the body is changing as if sublimation. The impurities in the body seem to disappear in the burning.

"Practice according to the method of Longli quenching body." Lan Xuanyu said to Bai Xiuxiu with some difficulty. As he said, he held Bai Xiuxiu's hands. The dragon vein of the body first touched, guiding the boiling breath of blood to begin to disperse into the limbs.

What the dragon knight cultivation method says is from outside to inside, it is true from outside to inside, from the epidermis to the muscles, from the muscles to the bones, from the limbs to the trunk.

The power of the scattered blood vessels made their bodies flushed in an instant. Both can clearly feel the changes.

The blood boiling this time was not ignited by themselves, instead of burning their own blood veins, but entirely from the effect of Dragon Soul Fruit. It can be seen how strong the medicinal effect of this dragon soul fruit is. What is most peculiar is that the power of the burning blood of Dragon Soul Fruit does not kill them, but only moisturizes their bodies.

What they don't know is that whether it is dragon blood sap or dragon soul fruit, it can only be taken if they have the blood of the dragon family. Changed to other creatures, it will die immediately.

Dragon Soul Fruit is far more precious than dragon blood sap. Only when the upper dragon clan has just begun to practice Longli quenching body, it is possible to take it.

In the Royal Family, only Emperor Dodge and Emperor Yuen Long had taken it. Even the younger brothers and sisters of Emperor Yuen Long are not eligible to take Dragon Soul because of qualifications.

The biggest advantage of taking Dragon Soul Fruit cultivation is that you don't need to actually burn blood, but you can feel the effect of refining yourself after burning blood. This makes it easier for practitioners to get started. Feel the feeling of refining.

Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu were immersed in this feeling at this time. The effect of quenched body is much better than expected. They can feel the subtle changes in their bodies. In the process of refining, Bai Xiuxiu's feelings are more profound than Lan Xuanyu.

Lan Xuanyu is the blood of the Dragon God combined with the blood of the Double Dragon Kings. No one can compare him with the strength of the Dragon Blood. Although the effect of Dragon Soul Fruit is good, for him, it is very different from his burning blood. And every time he breaks through before, he will experience great pain. So this burning feeling, although he feels that his body is getting stronger, is not that kind of particularly huge change.

But Bai Xiuxiu is not the same. She evolved from the Demon Soul Great White Shark. Among the abyss ice dragon, there is the power of her and the magic queen. And even after the devil, the strength of blood veins is far from comparable to Lan Xuanyu. Refining herself under the action of Dragon Soul Fruit makes her feel that the whole person has a general sense of evolution. It's like a snake molting.

Soon, the two entered a state of forgetting things.

Do not know how long it took, Bai Xiuxiu woke up from a deep sleep. But when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that Lan Xuanyu was no longer beside her. In the entire Longli Hall, she was the only one left.

"Xuan..." She almost called Lan Xuanyu's name almost subconsciously, but suddenly realized where it was and hurriedly shut up.

Looked around alertly, no one else was there. Only then did he stare into his inner vision and feel his own body changes.

Bai Xiuxiu found that the power of his blood obviously became stronger. Especially the newly emerged core in Dantianzhong has doubled. The most peculiar change is that its own soul power and blood power seem to overlap a little bit, and no longer share each other. The body has also become a little different.

Is this method of Longli quenching body so overbearing?

She didn't try to contact Lan Xuanyu here, stood up, and moved a bit.

The whole body is light and fluttering, as if it is weak. The whole person has a wonderful feeling. This feeling is very special, as if the body is not its own. Look at the palm.

The skin on the back of the hand is crystal clear, with a faint red halo. The temperature of the whole body is obviously higher than normal. The most obvious is the growth of blood power in the body. It is definitely a big increase. Even the sea of ​​spirits seems to expand.

The magic queen has disappeared since she fully integrated with her. She won't wake up again until she breaks through the **** level in the future. So now she has no object to ask. But self-cultivation is a sure improvement.

Walking out of the Longli Hall, there were servants waiting outside, and immediately delivered drinks and fruits.

Bai Xiuxiu didn't care about eating and drinking, and asked the servant, "What about my sister?"

"Adult Lan had left three days ago and said that he would return to his residence to consolidate himself. Let you wake up and go home." The servant said quickly.

Bai Xiuxiu frowned, Lan Xuanyu didn't even wait for herself? This is not like his style! At this moment, the aura suddenly flashed in her mind, realizing what she suddenly realized. No longer staying, striding outward.

Outside the city's palace, she didn't hide anything, she directly released Wuhun's real body, and turned into an abyss ice dragon.

This turned into a dragon shape, Bai Xiuxiu suddenly felt different. She found that her body had increased by a full 10%. It was just a shot of the wings, and it was already skyrocketing. The blood flow in the body, especially the dragon wing feels the most obvious. The resistance of the wind is easily broken, and the body exudes a strong breath from the inside out.

This is the promotion after quenching?

In her feeling, it seemed that she had already seen her residence just by flapping the Dragon Wing a dozen times. The wings converged and swooped down. With a gust of wind directly fell to the dome of the main building. When the dome was about to be reached, the wings were suddenly opened, and the impulse was easily resolved. The dome opened, she fell from the sky and fell.

In the process of the body falling, it has changed into a human form again.

When she was down to earth, a smile was already on her face because she saw a familiar figure. It is not just Lan Xuanyu, but Tang Yuge, Yuan Enhuihui, Qian Lei and Lan Mengqin. Only Liu Feng is away.

What she had just realized was that they and their partners had agreed on a time. Lan Xuanyu left early, must go to space to meet his partners back.

"Cultivation is finished?" Lan Xuanyu looked at her with a smile.

"Well. It feels very different. How about you?" Bai Xiuxiu asked Lan Xuanyu.

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