Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1113: Looking back

At this moment, he suddenly became unreal in front of his eyes. The originally clear sky seemed to suddenly become chaotic at this moment.

Under the gaze, the sky was full of fog. Between the mists, there seemed to be a voice calling him.

Just like the feeling when he first went to the Dragon City, it was exactly the same, and, at this moment, the call became clearer.

The mist opened to both sides, and a vague scene began to appear in his vision.

When Lan Xuanyu saw this scene of illusion, even if he knew that there was a dark demon dragon knight around, he couldn't help but be shocked. Because the scene he saw was so familiar.

It was a huge valley, and dragons were flying in the valley. That is not a fake dragon, but a real dragon. Some of them are chasing in flight, some are chanting in the sky, and some are lying there lazily.

And in the middle of this valley, the creeping dragon, who didn't know how huge his body was, the scales of his body exuded nine colors of light. He turned away from Lan Xuanyu in this direction, but even so, Lan Xuanyu could still feel his great shore.

This dragon seems to be the central point of that world. The most important issue is that such scenes are not familiar to Lan Xuanyu. He had seen similar scenes during his breakthrough. It’s just not the same.

The valley presented to him at this time is so harmonious that there is no war and no destruction. Groups of dragons flying, a thriving scene.

At this moment, the nine-color dragon crawling on the ground slowly stood up, and his huge dragon head slowly turned back.

When Lan Xuanyu saw his huge dragon eyes for a moment, he only felt a "ding" sound in his mind. The pain suddenly exploded in the sea of ​​spirits. Countless pictures rushed into consciousness instantly. For a while, Lan Xuanyu only felt that his head was about to be broken. Can't help screaming, holding his head in both hands and falling to the ground.

All the illusions disappeared at this instant, and the blood breath inside Lan Xuanyu could no longer be suppressed. The blood in his body surged wildly. The two blood lines of the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King blend with each other. In his body, it seemed that there was an extra injection of majesty. Under this majestic gaze, the golden and silver veins no longer collide, but merge together quickly.

A layer of colorful scales rushed out from under Lan Xuanyu's skin, covering the whole body quickly. His body also completed the dragon transformation uncontrollably. It turned into a dragon with a length of nearly forty meters and a colorful light radiating from the whole body.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiuxiu in the distance was shocked. She didn't know what Lan Xuanyu had suffered, but his Dragon God change was stimulated. In front of Lan Xuanyu, there is a Dark Demon Dragon Knight!

Almost without hesitation, Bai Xiuxiu rushed towards Lan Xuanyu in a rush. At this moment, there is only one of her emotions, despair!

It's over, everything is over. Exposed!

As everyone knows, the dark magic dragon knight who had been calm like water before, at this moment, his eyes are full of shock. His eyes stared at Lan Xuanyu for a moment, even his mouth slightly opened, his eyes full of incredible colors.

A layer of gray airflow blocked Bai Xiuxiu's way forward, and her strong breath instantly made her solidify in place.

The gray dragon, more than 400 meters long, has slowly stood up from the ground, and the invisible dragon has spread, suppressing everyone who has soared to the dragon platform.

Huang Yuen Long had just flown onto the Thang Longtai, he was already exhausted. Therefore, he also just saw the scene where Lan Xuanyu turned into a colorful dragon and fell to the ground. For a moment, I couldn't help but stunned, not knowing what happened.

Under the huge dragon power of the gray dragon, all the dragons present were kneeling to the ground on one knee. That is the dragon of the dragon knight, and it has a powerful position only one line lower than the dragon knight.

Dark Demon Knight Knight Luo Yayuan stared closely at Lan Xuanyu rolling on the ground, but did not shoot him, but looked at the colorful scales on his body, and his eyes continued to fluctuate for a moment. Fortunately, no one can see his eyes at this time, otherwise he will find that there is no maliciousness in his eyes, but a shock and joy.

Lan Xuanyu just felt that his brain was about to explode at this time, and was filled with too much, too many things at once. Those fragments are constantly flashing, like a movie with accelerated presentation, and the plot of the movie itself is fragmented. He can only see a few of them. Among them are the scenes that he had seen before and the Dragon clan was finally destroyed.

I don't know how long it took, the pain gradually disappeared, and Lan Xuanyu's consciousness gradually returned. He suddenly found out that the power of the colorful dragon **** bloodline in his dragon core was almost exhausted. As if it had just been burned. Feelings of weakness came naturally.

His body did not consciously return to human form. Of course, the magic of the treasure hunter is still there, so he is still the "blue".

Creeping on the ground, breathing heavily.

At this moment, a large forceful hand was copied under his arm and pulled him off the ground.

A gentle voice rang, "How are you? How are you?"

Lan Xuanyu raised his head reluctantly, and he suddenly saw that it was Luo Yayuan, the Dark Knight, who lifted himself from the ground.

"Master Dragon Knight, I..."

Luo Yayuan waved to him and said: "Don't say it, just take a break here. You just consumed a lot. Your situation is special. I didn't expect that we have been working hard for so many years and have waited for so many years. Finally there is There is a glimmer of hope. You are fine. You are practicing here, and I want to report your situation to the first one."

Although Lan Xuanyu was weak at this time, he was secretly crying in his heart. The first dragon, but I have seen him! Can he hide the first seat? What happened to you before?

There is no doubt that the nine-color dragon is the dragon god, and when he looks back, he has made such a huge response. Then there was the scene before me.

But he has no way right now, even if he wants to run, he can't run weakly! Can only sit down knees in the original place according to words, concentrating on absorbing the surrounding dragon spirit.

The Dark Demon Dragon Knight’s gaze swept to the distant dragons, and his voice suddenly became cold, "Everyone listens well, no one should approach him, otherwise, kill. Those who leaked what happened today, kill."

After leaving these two words, behind him, a black light door suddenly appeared. The next moment, his body seemed to be swallowed into it, and disappeared in an instant.

Although the Dark Demon Knight had left, but his dragon was still there, the gray dragon that had stood up slowly walked in the direction of Lan Xuanyu, and crawled back to the ground not far from him. The huge body guards Lan Xuanyu in a semi-curved posture.

The shackles of Bai Xiuxiu disappeared, and she was now at a loss.

She was desperate just now, but the situation in front of her seems a bit different from what she thought!

It seems that the Dark Demon Dragon Knight is not angry about Lan Xuanyu's situation, but is rather anxious. Why did this go? If you just find out that they are spies, you will definitely not deal with it this way. At least it should be to take Xuanyu away, not to let him stay here to recover.

Because of the huge body of the gray dragon, she can't see Lan Xuanyu now, nor dare to use her mental power to contact. After all, the gray dragon's dark magic is at least an eleven-level existence.

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