Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1118: Dear Royal Highness Princess

Rising Dragon became famous, and the name Blue has spread throughout the day in just one day. Known as a rising star of the new generation. And because the situation about him is too mysterious, this mysterious color adds to the curiosity of all races on the entire Dragon.

At this time, when Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu arrived, the big screens of live broadcasts in major cities were almost the first time to give him the picture.

Flying the dragon is one thing, fighting is another. Of course, no one would doubt Lan Xuanyu's strength. After all, he is the leader of Thang Long.

Under the leadership of Huang Yuen Long, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu came directly to the area of ​​the upper dragon. This is an exclusive area belonging to the upper dragons, priority queue.

What surprised Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu was that there were no other high-ranking dragons here yet.

Before they asked, Huang Yuen Long had already explained: "Generally speaking, the lower dragons and the middle dragons will be required to arrive at the Shenglongtai for the first time to wait for the game. Our upper dragons have no such requirement. These guys will Come deliberately late, pride. There is also to hang out our opponents. We come early today, finish early and go back to rest. Also save the queue with other higher dragons. I’ll come first. Lan, Xiuxiu, you will come next ."

"Good." Lan Xuanyu nodded.

An old man stood at the entrance and saw Emperor Yuen Long coming, but his eyes passed by him and fell directly on Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu.

"Hello, we come from Hong Leong Royal." Huang Yuen Long respectfully handed his number plate.

The old man waved to him and said, "The head of the rising dragon comes first, and you are in the back. The head of the dragon is invited." His eyes then stared at Lan Xuanyu, and there was more respect in his words. language.

Huang Yuanlang's mouth twitched, but he did not dare to make it. Being able to take charge of the game on the Rising Dragon platform, this old man is not only an old man among the upper dragon races, but also necessarily a god-level, or even a true god-level strong man.

Lan Xuanyu bowed slightly and saluted Huang Yuanlang on the shoulder to show comfort, before striding into the venue. Under the guidance of the old man, came to the most central venue.

"Ang -" I don't know where there was a Long Yin, suddenly, the group of dragons who had been present looked at Lan Xuanyu, and they made a deafening sound of Long Yin.

Their Long Yin was full of excitement, full of eagerness. Among the large dragons surrounded by dragons, Lan Xuanyu only felt that the dragon core in his chest instantly became hot. Even the power of all blood vessels in the body is instantly bright.

Suddenly, there was a moment of trance in his spirit. The magnificent nine-color giant dragon emerged from my mind when the dragons guarded the center. Suddenly, the momentum surged. If he did not suppress it in time, he would even show that the Dragon God has changed.

Despite this, the breath of blood on his body burst out hot, and he couldn't help but send a dragon chant from the sky.

His own Dragon Yin, in terms of sound volume, certainly cannot cover the dragons in the field. But I don't know why, when his dragon yin came out, all the middle and lower dragon clan in the field, the sound of dragon yin naturally weakened, and even gradually turned into a low roar. But Lan Xuanyu's Long Yin resembled a thunderous thunder, resounding through the Longtai.

There was a hot breath under his feet, and Lan Xuanyu's body stiffened. At that moment, he only felt that his body seemed to be strung together by that hot heat. An extremely familiar feeling came. But when he just wanted to grasp, Long Yin weakened. The fiery heat below disappeared.

Although this happened only for a short time, Lan Xuanyu immediately realized what had happened.

Shenglongtai, or Shenglongzhu. That is the feedback of Thang Longzhu. He finally felt it.

In the case of the group of dragons guarding the dragon just now, his own Dragon God bloodline was stimulated, as if returning to the most glorious period of the Dragon Race. Shenglongzhu sensed his breath and gave feedback.

Although it was only for a moment, it gave Lan Xuanyu a sense of integration. Jing Qi Shen instantly reached its peak. There is no doubt that fighting on the Thang Long platform is equivalent to his home court. Can let him exert his strongest strength.

At this moment, a whole body of tan dragon slowly entered the field. Its length is 30 meters away. Among the lower dragons, it is definitely huge. Being able to rise dragon successfully means that its strength among the lower dragons is not weak.

However, the speed of its progress at this time is a bit slow, and his eyes are always on Lan Xuanyu, moving step by step into the venue. Face to face, Lan Xuanyu, the golden dragon armor emerged instantly, covering the whole body. A strong sense of power runs through. The pupils of both eyes are raised, and the breath begins to be restrained.

Although he was facing the lower dragon race, he did not dare to be careless. The strength of the lower dragon in front is not too weak. And he also wants to try, how much help this dragon armor can bring to himself in actual combat.

Finally, the tan dragon entered the central field.

The golden light on Lan Xuanyu's body surged, and he waited for a fight to begin the battle.

At this time, the fighting in the other venues has been suspended, and all eyes are on the venues here.

However, what happened to Lan Xuanyu suddenly happened.

The tan subordinate dragon clan suddenly crawled to the ground, with the dragon tail drooping behind, respectfully said: "Dear Royal Highness Princess, I admit defeat, I, Yan Cheng are willing to be your servants. Follow you forever. Where you are, I am where I am . Your will is the direction of my life."

Lan Xuanyu stayed, what happened? Admit defeat and increase allegiance?

For a time, he couldn't help looking at the direction of the old man who led him into the field.

The old man nodded and said, "Blue, win. Blue, are you willing to accept its allegiance?"

Lan Xuanyu looked at the old man with some doubt and said, "What will happen to my allegiance? What will happen if I don't?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "Accept it, it will sign a master-servant contract with you. From now on, it will be your most loyal servant. Its mind will be implanted with your spiritual brand. If it betrays you, only need If you have a thought, it will be wiped out. But it will also be affected by the breath of your bloodline. With the purity and strength of your bloodline, it will help its future cultivation. If you do not accept it, it will always be excluded from Thanglong Outside of the competition. There will never be a dragon, just for the lower rank."

Lan Xuanyu carefully looked at the tan's lower dragon, narrowing his eyes. Although this tan dragon is a subordinate dragon, its body shape is very similar to that of a real dragon, and it is very strong.

The same is the next dragon family, and it is a world apart from the one he killed when he first hunted the dragon. At first glance, it is among the lower dragons who are particularly good at fighting.

Its wide back, scales are particularly heavy, although there are no scales under the abdomen, but there are already lines similar to scales. There seems to be signs of promotion to the median dragon.

Accept or not?

The old man reminded: "It is a very common situation that the upper dragon clan accepts the lower dragon clan as a servant. In the future, if you set up a clan, a dragon clan with a master-servant contract is your loyal supporter. There is still a certain potential for the success of the dragon. "

This is equivalent to a change of direction recommendation. The tan dragon is strict and looks up at the old man. The huge eyes are full of gratitude.

"Okay, then trouble you to preside over the master-servant contract for me. I don't know how to make it." Lan Xuanyu made the decision decisively, without any hesitation, he immediately agreed.

He is not greedy for the next dragon to serve as his servant. It is mainly the situation in front of me. It would be too unreasonable if I did not agree. The old man is also a god-class dragon clan strongman, and he agrees with the situation, so that he is less likely to be doubted.

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