Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1123: Blue and Blue Elephant Dragon

Huang Yuen Long opened the internal noise barrier of the dragon car, only to isolate the cheers outside, and looked at Lan Xuanyu strangely, said: "Blue, your reputation is too great. It is already an idol of the younger generation. ."

"Just because of yesterday?" Lan Xuanyu asked.

Emperor Yuen Long said: "There are various reasons. One is your appearance, as well as the head of Thang Long. Yesterday, your servant assisted Teng Long's success. These are all influencing factors."

Yan Cheng did not follow today, and Lan Xuanyu let him stay in his residence to stabilize the cultivation behavior that had just broken through. Ascending to the median dragon clan also requires jokes and strength to stabilize the bloodline. Because there is a trace of Lan Xuanyu's golden dragon blood in his body, Lan Xuanyu's breath can affect him at all times, and the benefits for him are just the beginning.

Lan Xuanyu also needs to observe Yan Cheng to determine how much influence he can have on the dragons of this world.

Lan Xuanyu was helpless, but there was no way. He never imagined that he would become famous on such a short time on the Dragon Star. Even more than his popularity in the Douluo Federation.

In the Douluo Federation, he only knew between the military and some high-level officials. But here, through this dragon competition, but everyone already knows. Maybe if he has an excellent performance in the Thang Long competition, even the Longma Galaxy will soon have his own influence.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is not easy to judge. It can only be said that there are good and bad.

"I didn't expect this to happen." Lan Xuanyu smiled bitterly.

Bai Xiuxiu smirked, "Gold always shines. Sister, your Golden Dragon Princess's name is also pretty good."

Lan Xuanyu glanced at her. He still remembers that Bai Xiuxiu said last night that Teacher Nana was formerly known as Princess Silver Dragon. As her son, your name is Princess Jinlong. Jinlong Yueyu and the son of Princess Yinlong also happened to have their names combined.

This is really...

When they came to the Thang Long platform, they spread their wings again. The dragons who were also flying in the air saw Lan Xuanyu, and they didn't consciously give up a few points, so that this somewhat domineering, icy, but powerful, pure blood superior dragon family left first.

When Lan Xuanyu came to the Thang Long platform again, they suddenly discovered that all the upper-level dragon races came very early today. Very different from yesterday's situation. Many high-ranking dragons, including Zhang Liangruixiao, including Qi Tianlong. When Lan Xuanyu came to the top of Thang Long Terrace, they immediately turned their attention. Lan Xuanyu instantly became the target of much attention.

What can Lan Xuanyu do? He could only walk to the entrance of the game with no expression. But to his surprise, those high-ranking dragons also flashed a passage on their own and made a gesture of asking him.

what's the situation? Is fame so useful?

Lan Xuanyu glanced at them, revealing doubts.

"You first please." Zhang Liangrui Xiao said with a smile, seems to have forgotten what Lan Xuanyu suppressed him when he was a dragon.

Lan Xuanyu was also polite, striding forward to the entrance.

Although he did not fight yesterday on the Thanglong platform, he got feedback from the Thanglong platform, making him vaguely connected to the Thanglong platform. Today, when he stepped into Shenglongtai again, he found that there seemed to be a slight dragon's air coming from his feet and drilled into his body. Soon it was absorbed and stored by his own dragon core. Undoubtedly, Shenglongtai produced feedback to him. If this super-artifact has some instinct consciousness, this may be described as temptation. Test whether you are a real dragon god?

The benefit of this dragon gas for Lan Xuanyu is undoubtedly. The biggest problem he used to quench the body with dragon force is that there is not enough dragon force. The dragon power from the Shenglongtai can't be more pure. If the energy intensity is enough, it is enough for him to use the quenching body.

Compare first. It’s not bad to go back and absorb dragon spirit.

The person in charge of supervising the game has changed people today and is a middle-aged man. Naturally, he had already seen Lan Xuanyu, and made a gesture of asking him. Still the most central playing field. The other venues naturally stopped.

It seems that today's first game was exclusively reserved for Lan Xuanyu.

Huang Yuen Long stopped and could not help asking Zhang Liang Ruixiao: "What is the situation? Everyone is waiting for the blue?"

Zhang Liangruixiao nodded and said, "Isn't it? Yesterday we saw the broadcast. It's terrible! Help the next dragon clan evolution. This bloodline must be very unusual. Everyone should have been notified by the family. Let us personally feel what her blood breath is like during the battle."

Emperor Yuen Long suddenly became alert, "What do you want?"

Zhang Liangruixiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "What do you think of this counseling? She is already the target of the Dragon Knights, what can we do? I have to say that your royal family is **** luck, but it can be Find such a wild dragon family. It's up to her performance behind the Dragon Rising Competition. Maybe, there is a real possibility of going to the sky."

Emperor Yuen Long was slightly relieved and secretly scolded that he cared for chaos. No matter how weak the royal family is, there is also a dinosaur knight behind it. In addition, the Dark Demon Dragon Knight said that day, if Blue can become the dragon head, it is eligible to enter the dragon world. This is clearly the first and has already paid attention to her situation.

Now even if the major families have ideas, they should not dare to take the initiative.

He had just thought of this, and Zhang Liang Ruixiao replied: "However, it is a pity that such an existence falls on your royal family. The Phoenix cannot always be in the grass nest. If she is willing, our Ruilong City is definitely very welcome. You If we can’t give it, we can all give it. It depends on her own wishes."

"What do you mean?" Huang Yuanlang's face changed greatly, watching Zhang Liang Ruixiao's fists clenched.

Zhang Liangrui Xiao snorted dismissively, "It just means literally, why? Want to do it? Okay! Challenge me, we will come in the knockout. Let you go straight back to your ruined place."

Emperor Yuen Long's eyes flickered with fierce light, but after all he converged. He knew that he still had it. He knew that he was definitely not Zhang Liangrui's opponent. Moreover, this is by no means a time for anger.

Zhang Liangruixiao's words are not just threats. If the big families really have ideas about Lan, they certainly can't come by, but they can open up various conditions to attract Lan to join.

Xiuxiu is better, after all, he has recognized his father as a father. It was branded on the royal genealogy and was not easily pulled away. But blue is different. At first, in order to covet her beauty, she specifically asked her father not to let her enter the family line. If she wants to go, no one can stop her. The curse of the Longli Hall secretly works. But if she is already the target of the Dragon Knights, who would dare to inspire the curse? It can only be lifted. Therefore, the most important thing is Lan's own opinion.

No, something must be done. Otherwise, if Lan was really taken away, it would really be a loss to his wife and a collapse!

Huang Yuen Long thought, although he was anxious, but the surface has calmed down, "The challenge is not necessary. If the round robin can draw you later, we are never too late. As for Blue, I believe her Feelings. That is not what interests can replace."

Zhang Liangrui Xiao saw his emotions returned to normal, and he could not help secretly wondering, this guy is a bit of a castle!

"Then let us wait and see."

Just when they talked, Lan Xuanyu's opponent in the second round had already appeared in the venue. It was a dragon clan that was 40 meters away and covered with blue-blue scales. It is different from yesterday's strict procedures. The dragon race in front of it has a particularly distinctive characteristic of the original race. He was supposed to be a kind of mammoth-like existence, so his body was so strong that the wings behind him looked smaller and incompatible with his body. Standing there is like a mountain. In front of him, Lan Xuanyu seemed so small. His wings may need to be stretched very hard to force himself to fly.

It can be seen from the scales under his belly that this is a median dragon. The head scales are the thickest and have no horns, but six fangs protrude from the mouth. The whole body exudes a very strong breath, and the air around the body is slightly twisted.

This probably has the strength of super Douro level. Lan Xuanyu judged it at a glance, and this dragon family had extremely high physical strength. It can be said that among the dragon races he has seen, the body strength is the most terrifying one below the upper dragon race.

The blue-blue scales were shining brightly, and the voice of this giant dragon urn said: "Hello, Her Royal Highness Princess, I am Yu Jiu, I don't know if you would like to be my servant. I would also like to recognize you as the master." With that said, his huge body was creeping down.

Recognize the Lord?

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