Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1141: I surrender

Lan Xuanyu nodded to Bai Xiuxiu, Bai Xiuxiu smiled and nodded, then took the initiative to walk into the third theater.

Xu Yanmo flew in, and the two entered the third war zone almost in tandem.

The god-level dragon clan elder who saved Lin Zexuan before did not leave the battlefield of the third war zone, looked at the two, and said in a deep voice: "Pay attention to control your attacks. Do not kill opponents. Understand?"

In view of the performance of Lan Xuanyu just now, he had to remind. Any dragon race, especially the young dragon races who can enter the stage of the bad race, is the future of the dragon race. A dead one is a great loss.

"Yes." Xu Yanmo bowed respectfully to the old man. Bai Xiuxiu also nodded.

"Hello Miss Xiuxiu, this is Xu Yanmo, from Aotian City." Xu Yan Mobin said politely to Bai Xiuxiu.

From him, he could not feel the arrogance of any higher dragon, but instead he seemed like a scholar. Looking at Bai Xiuxiu's eyes, there is no desire, only gentleness and appreciation, which is a more comfortable gaze.

"Hello. I am Huang Xiuxiu, from Fenglong City." Bai Xiuxiu nodded.

Xu Yanmo's eyes narrowed slightly, "offended." The deep voice of Long Yin sounded from within him, and Xu Yanmo's eyes suddenly became brighter.

At this moment, Bai Xiuxiu raised his right hand and said, "I admit defeat."

The elder dragon-class elders had just walked out of the third war zone, and these three words came from behind, almost staggering under their feet. what's the situation? Have you conceded before losing?

Xu Yanmo was also slightly surprised, looking at Bai Xiuxiu somewhat puzzled. You know, this is the first round of the round robin. It's not a good thing to admit defeat when you come up. Especially, it is easy to leave a bad impression on the senior leaders of the Dragon tribe.

In the survey of Bai Xiuxiu, although the evaluation is not as high as blue, it is also quite good. Dual attributes of darkness and ice. Because it has been a wild dragon family before, the time to enter orthodox practice is very short. But the evaluation given has great potential. Even if this round of the Thang Long contest cannot stand out from the round robin, it is still a very good existence. In particular, she is also a female, and many families are paying attention to it. Unexpectedly, she chose to admit defeat as soon as she came up.

Xu Yanmo frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything, slowly put away the breath he was exposing, nodded to Bai Xiuxiu, and turned to walk outside.

"Xu Yanmo won." The Dragon clan elder announced. Although he does not like to admit defeat this way. But in the round robin there is no rule that you cannot admit defeat. After all, it depends on the final points to decide the outcome.

Lan Xuanyu wins quickly and Bai Xiuxiu admits defeat. Both games in the third theater are over, but the first game in other theaters is not over yet.

Lan Xuanyu took the initiative to welcome Bai Xiuxiu, waiting for her to come out of the theater. The two bowed together in the direction of the many dragon clan strongmen, especially the dinosaur knight Luo Lan, before turning back to the edge of the Dragon Dragon Platform.

Of course, they did not leave. It is a fool to leave now. The dragon spirit permeated the Shenglong platform, and did not take advantage of this time to absorb cultivation, it was simply going back to Baoshan empty-handed!

The two sat down cross-legged, silently absorbing the dragon's air in the air for storage. Lan Xuanyu absorbed the dragon gas while silently feeling how the liquid dragon gas in his body was compressed by the ink dinosaur knight.

There is no doubt that after being compressed into a liquid, he can store dragon gas almost 100 times. This stored energy can help him practice for a long time. It is naturally much easier to help partners.

However, it is obviously not that simple to compress the dragon gas into the dragon force liquid. The reason why the Mexican dinosaur knight Luo Lan helped him was to give him more benefits. In addition, there is no intention to point out. It is also to see if he has enough insight to comprehend.

Lan Xuanyu, while absorbing the dragon gas, silently felt the dragon liquid stored in the Dantian with mental strength.

Longli liquid is very stable. It seems that after the dragon gas turns into liquid, it enters a stable state by itself. But as long as he uses the power of the blood vein to stimulate, these dragon force fluids will also be transformed into the required dragon gas again, and get into the blood vein vortex.

Blood vortex, in a sense, is not liquid, but between gas and liquid. Only the central dragon core is solid.

Since this time, Lan Xuanyu's dragon core has grown very fast. Not only is the volume increasing, but the radiance it emits is becoming stronger and stronger. The support of Long Qi accelerated his cultivation speed in all directions. Especially the method of Longli quenching the body is almost as if it was tailor-made for him.

Lan Xuanyu began to burn the power of blood within his body to temper the body. Although there are so many dragons here, he didn't care. There is an ink dinosaur knight, and no one will be against him. And he is also confident that his own cultivation breath cannot even feel the mystery of his bloodline even if he is a super-god-level strong.

Golden Dragon King's bloodline is high-end enough. When he ignited his own bloodline breath, the dragon gas around his body was filled. The self-absorbed dragon gas is released outside and continuously vomits through the skin. The internal situation, under such strong fluctuations of the dragon's power, did not feel clear at all. At best, he can feel that his bloodline is very high-end.

Absorb while consuming. At the same time try to compress the Dragon Air.

Gradually, Lan Xuanyu began to feel some tricks.

He found that when his blood vortex, dragon qi was absorbed to the extreme, and the blood vortex could no longer carry more dragon qi. The rotation speed of the entire vortex will become slower. Under his control, he forcibly accelerated. The blood vortex cannot absorb any more dragon qi. But the internal dragon gas will be gradually squeezed in the rotation.

At this time in the past, Lan Xuanyu had already stopped absorption to prevent blood vortex problems. However, with the continuous strengthening of the body through Longli and the continuous improvement of his cultivation base, his body's ability to withstand is far higher than before. His own bearing capacity has increased, so that he has more confidence in himself.

Coupled with his mental strength has begun to transform towards the direction of consciousness, Long Jing also made him feel the mystery of the level of consciousness more. Therefore, he is more confident in his control.

In the past, when the Mexican dinosaur knight gathered the dragon force into his body and turned it into a liquid, it seemed to be transformed in a rotating manner. So, can the same thing be done through the rotation of one's own blood vortex?

Lan Xuanyu began to try to accelerate the rotation speed of the blood vortex, and when it was saturated, it quickly rotated.

Gradually, a strange scene appeared.

The gradually compressed dragon qi fluctuated erratically, but it was still unable to flush the vortex of the bleeding veins. The power of the blood veins rotating in the blood vortex is very strong, so that these dragon qi can only continue to stir and fluctuate. In the squeeze was constantly compressed, but nowhere to burst.

Finally, under Lan Xuanyu's deliberate guidance, the compressed more and more intense dragon spirit gradually sank. A drop of crystal clear Longli liquid overflowed from the bottom of the funnel-shaped vortex and dripped.

Lan Xuanyu was overjoyed and immediately mobilized the soul power to guide this drop of liquid dragon power into his own Dantian. Converge with the Longli Liquid previously stored.

Like the previous Longli Liquids, this collected Longli Liquid is very stable, and does not have any meaning to be transformed into Longqi.

Succeeded! Lan Xuanyu was overjoyed. The success of this time means that he can collect as much dragon gas as possible in this place where there is plenty of dragon gas, and convert it into dragon liquid for storage. Cultivation here is no longer important, and storing Longli Liquid is the most important. Take it back, this is not just to help yourself, but to help all your partners! Such a pure Dragon Power Liquid is the purest energy. Whether it is for yourself, partners, treasure hunters, are of great benefit.

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