Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1143: Fairy spirit

The Mexican dinosaur knight Luo Lan yelled at the light dragon knight Huang Liangwei: "It's mediocrity not to be jealous. When you participated in the Thang Long competition, what can you do? If you can do it, will you not do it?"

The Holy Light Dragon Knight Huang Liangwei's character has always been strong, he was really questioned by Luo Lan. If he is changed, will he not fight for the same situation? That is absolutely impossible. As long as his strength permits, he will even compete more fiercely than Lan Xuanyu.

The progress of the game one by one, the round robin stage, each victory is extremely important. What's more, there are two dragon knights sitting in town today, watching.

In the future, whether they can become dragon knights is assessed on the one hand, and the impression given to the dragon knights is also very important. After all, the eighteen dragon knights will score them in the process of competition. You must obtain unanimous approval before you can become a dragon knight. Therefore, in the round robin, the stronger the strength, the harder the performance. There is no reservation, so as to defeat the opponent as quickly as possible.

Just as Lan Xuanyu quickly defeated Lin Zexuan, the combat strength of "her" left a very deep impression on Huang Liangwei, the Holy Light Dragon Knight who had not had a good impression of "her". There is improvement.

There are five round-robin games today. It took five mornings to play all five games before it came to a close.

Many bloodstains have been left on the originally calm dragon platform, with the most blood in the third war zone. The winner is naturally gleeful, and the loser is also a good fight. After all, there are eight games behind, and each of them has a chance.

"Okay, I'll be here today." The dinosaur knight Luo Lan stood up from his dragon column. The dragon column at the foot began to shorten gradually.

The other dragon-class god-level strongmen in the surroundings also got up one after another, each put away the dragon force column, followed the Mexican dinosaur knight, and fell to the ground.

The huge silver light door opened again. Luo Lan glanced towards Lan Xuanyu, turned around and walked towards the silver light door first.

At this time, Lan Xuanyu had already opened his eyes, and with the disappearance of Long Lizhu, the rich dragon spirit also weakened rapidly.

Among him and Bai Xiuxiu's Dantian, Long Liye has now been stored to an almost overflowing level.

The two looked at each other with a smile, and stood up at the same time, ignoring the strange eyes around them looking at "them", flew up and returned to the residence.

Huang Yuen Long hurried to keep up, he had good luck today, his opponent was not strong, and he also won a victory. I was even thinking about the beautiful scene that I might be able to reach the final stage.

"Blue, today you are really awesome. Our tactics were perfectly successful. Tomorrow Xiuxiu is going to play against Lin Zexuan. He must be unable to recover from the heavy injury. If he is smart, he will definitely be able to Choose to admit defeat and rest for another day, maybe Houman may have another fight." Huang Yuanlang said aggressively.

Lan Xuanyu said: "Brother, we just absorbed a lot of dragon energy, and our body is full. We need to retreat immediately after we go back. Could you please let people not disturb us. Until the game starts tomorrow."

"No problem. Lord Luo Lan is quite satisfied with you today! I saw his eyes fall on you many times. And his emotions are also very good." Huang Yuanlang naturally agreed. Now in his eyes, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu are already the future of the family. He will definitely take over the position of patriarch in the future. No matter what point of view, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu are now family treasures.

Back at the residence, Lan Xuanyu first placed a blockade. Then with Bai Xiuxiu, they quickly performed space transmission and came to the residence of the partners.

Everyone was delighted to see them coming, Lan Xuanyu rushed and said: "There is no time to say more. Today will bring you a lot of energy, and you will start receiving it immediately. Then we have to go elsewhere."

"Okay." Naturally, everyone's trust in him didn't need any explanation and immediately sat cross-legged.

Lan Xuanyu released the treasure-hunting beast, and Long Liye was immediately released outward under the stimulation of his bloodline.

The treasure hunter took a deep breath, and a faint colored halo rose from his body. Under his guidance, Longliye turned into a faint colored light and fell to everyone. This is obviously different from the previous transformation, making Lan Xuanyu look at it strangely.

The treasure hunter hurriedly explained: "Master. Your energy intensity is too high this time. I think the conversion is good, but the absorption will be slower. I will directly convert these dragon force liquid into a thinner fairy. Qi is provided for everyone to practice, and the effect will be better. Although it will be a bit wasteful, the speed of improvement is the fastest. Anyway, aren’t you still able to absorb it tomorrow? You also absorb some fairy spirits, this is great for your future breakthrough Benefits, the effect of repairing itself is much better than that of Dragon Air."

Upon hearing the treasure hunt beast said it would be a bit wasteful, Lan Xuanyu's mouth was a little choking. As soon as A Bao talked about waste, it wasn't a waste of waste. This was true when he was in the Eternal Sky City. The distressed Patriarch Patriarch probably wants to kill himself. Here again.

However, A Bao is right. There are still eight days left in the round robin. If you can absorb Long Liye as you do today, then it is a real waste if the Long Liye absorbed on that day is not consumed!

"Good." Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu also sat down cross-legged at the moment, and absorbed the spirits of the spirits to practice with their partners.

This is the first time they have directly absorbed immortal spirits and practiced, and it feels instantly different.

Fairy Qi is extremely pure, and it seems very soft when it first enters the body, but soon they discovered that Fairy Qi is not a pure energy, but any form of energy that can nourish their bodies. Whether it is spiritual power, soul power, or blood power, it is growing rapidly under the nourishment of fairy spirit. More importantly, their own life essence seems to be undergoing subtle changes.

You know, the spirit of fairy spirits was once exclusive to God Realm, and it is almost impossible to see in the world. Because of special circumstances, treasure hunt beasts have the potential to transform heavenly treasures into fairy spirits. When he was in Sunrow Star, it tried it. Almost dried up the ice and fire there.

But the nourishing effect of the spirit of fairy spirits on any creature is by no means comparable to any other energy. At this moment, Lan Xuanyu they deeply felt the benefits.

The feeling of washing and moisturizing the whole body is really wonderful. Especially after they have practiced the Longli hardening body, they will have some dark wounds that need to be repaired by themselves. At this time, nourished by the spirit of fairy spirits, these old injuries were wiped out almost instantly. The whole person has a feeling of being sublimated.

However, the process of this feeling is a bit short.

Lan Xuanyu opened his eyes subconsciously when he felt that the storage of Longli Liquid in his body was exhausted.

Before, because the feeling of bathing in the spirit of fairy spirits was too beautiful, he didn't notice the consumption rate of Long Liye. Only then did he realize that he didn't seem to have much time!

The treasure hunter's intoxicated breath swallowed the last bit of fairy spirit, its body not only became stronger than before. And the whole body exudes a faint golden glow.

"Abao. You explain to me, I have so many dragon power liquids, why haven't they disappeared in fifteen minutes?" Lan Xuanyu's cold voice awakened the treasure hunter who was intoxicated.

The treasure hunter shuddered and coughed, "Master, you and you listen to me explain. I didn't say that it would be a bit wasteful? This level of fairy spirits is not the same."

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