Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1166: Powerful Xu Yanmo

At the same time, Lan Xuanyu also felt that the problem of Shenlongjia began to manifest itself. Although the mountain dragon king's dragon armor on him is very good, but the attributes of the mountain dragon king are not completely consistent with him. The dragon armor on the opponent is obviously made of the keel of the Bright Saint Dragon, and the attributes are completely consistent. In this respect he also suffered.

The war between the two sides was on the verge, even the dragons who were absorbing the dragon's energy had already opened their eyes to watch this game.

Lan Xuanyu's emergence in this contest turned a lot of attention on "her". Now everyone also wants to see how far she can go.

This battle will determine whether "she" is eligible to compete for the final championship.

"Please!" Xu Yanmo slowly raised the spear in his hand. As a male, he very gentlemanly gave the first attack to Lan Xuanyu.

Lan Xuanyu did not treat him politely, the golden light bloomed in his eyes, his left foot was a little on the ground, and the person had already shot up. The passionate dragon song sounded out of the blood. The fiery blood breath burst forth with madness and fierceness without reservation.

Xu Yanmo only felt that his heart was sinking, and his own blood circulation was obviously affected. The light and breath around the body followed by some unstable fluctuations. He understood that this was the reason why his blood was oppressed by the other party.

Good guy, with his own blood veins of the Holy Saint Dragon, are they all right to carry each other's blood veins? What is this blue bloodline? What kind of power can the Dragon Clan actually have such a powerful bloodline!

Although he was amazed in his heart, his movements were not slow at all. The toes are lighter on the ground, and they also lift up. Behind him, a fiery light breath burst out, and indistinctly, three pairs of light wings spread behind him.

That's right, although he is a dragon, he has three pairs of wings. At the moment when the three pairs of light wings spread out, centering on the Dragon Tower, except for the direction of the god-level dragon clan, all the light elements within a few kilometers around them frantically flew in his direction. .

In an instant, his whole body suddenly looked like a little sun against the light.

The dazzling glare completely enveloped Xu Yanmo's body, making it impossible to see his figure. At the next moment, the glare had turned into a sharp-eyed form and went straight to Lan Xuanyu.

The light elements, which are so rich and substantive, are restrained in the air, and the incandescent light has gradually turned into a golden-brilliant luster.

Lan Xuanyu was in the air, facing such a powerful attack, he didn't mean to dodge.

Facing Xu Yanmo and Hu Hongyu are completely different feelings. Opponents of different levels. If he tried to evade, Lan Xuanyu could feel that, in the event of a decline in momentum, he was afraid that he would lose the chance to fight back. Xu Yanmo is more powerful than he thought.

Therefore, instead of evading, his forward speed has increased again. The golden light on his body skyrocketed, and his body and gun were unified. The blood power and soul power of the body are completely fused together, turning into the purest power, just like a golden meteor, crashing into each other.

"Boom--" A big explosion like a collision of stars burst out in the third theater of war. The dazzling light showed the shining light throughout the theater.

The dazzling glory prevented everyone from seeing the situation in the venue for the first time. Only the god-level strongmen in the distance can judge by the sense of consciousness.

The Mexican dinosaur knight Luo Lan frowned for the first time. Holy Light Dragon Knight Huang Liangwei smiled slightly and said, "It seems that the wild is still wild after all!"

The Aotian Dragon Knight Long Chaoyang said nothing but silently focused on the battlefield.

The light gradually closed, the two sides have been separated to the two sides.

At this time Xu Yanmo was still in the air, but the incandescent light around his body was unstable and fluctuating. Lan Xuanyu was on the ground, and there was already a deep gully in front of him, and nearly half of his body fell into the ground. The surrounding ground is also melting.

You know, this is the Thang Longtai, the extremely hard Thanglongtai! Although it is only the rock on the surface of the Thang Long platform that is broken, not the internal body. But being able to knock open the surface of the rock, which was filled with dragon gas and did not know how many years it has nurtured, also requires extremely scary and huge power!

Lan Xuanyu's body dragon king Shenlong armor, apparently, there have been several cracks. "She" had a pale face, her hair was slightly messy, and her dragon gun was stuck on the ground, as if to stabilize her body.

Everyone can see that Xu Yanmo has the upper hand in this full collision. And it still seems to have the absolute upper hand. Lan Xuanyu could not see if he was injured, but it must have suffered.

But Xu Yanmo also failed to pursue in the first place. He slowly inhaled deeply, constantly adding light elements to himself. It is not that he does not want to pursue, but that the horror shock brought by the extermination shock, he also needs time to resolve. Once penetrated by the shocking power, he could not resist the terrible breath of destruction.

So, although he looked intact, he had to stand still in front of the power of God of Destruction.

Layers of light elements continue to bloom a dazzling halo, taking away the destructive power of Destruction Shenxu, Xu Yanmo's face rose with a flush of flush, and the dragon gun pointed at Lan Xuanyu on the ground again.

Through this collision, he has already tried it out. In terms of absolute strength, he has a considerable advantage. Lan Xuanyu's strength is not so powerful, but only by virtue of his bloodline power and strength, and the unique shock and boredom, can such a strong attack force erupt.

In fact, when Lan Xuanyu defeated Hu Hongyu with both defeats, he already had a certain judgment about his strength Xu Yanmo. Compared with herself, "She" is still one level behind.

The gap in strength cannot be offset by appearance.

Lan Xuanyu had come out from the half-melted and half-broken ground. The light of the mountain dragon king Shenlongjia was obviously dimmed.

A deep dragon chant sounded around his body, and the golden light re-lit.

"Ang--" Xu Yanmo in the air gave a loud dragon chant, and the strong fighting intentions could be clearly felt by every dragon clan present even outside the theater.

Although the attack just suffered a loss, but it did not affect the "her" fighting spirit!

This demeanor alone has already made many young dragons ashamed. In exchange for them, in the face of such a powerful Xu Yanmo, can you still maintain such a fighting will?

Qi Tianlong nodded silently, and Zhang Liangruixiao beside him smiled lowly: "Boss, it seems that this blue is still a little tender! Are you not going to come to a hero to save the beauty?"

Qi Tianlong glanced at him and said, "Compared with her, you are far away. Her fighting will not only decreased because of the blow, but also improved. This battle is not over yet. Xu Yanmo even To be able to defeat her, it is impossible to pay no price. And don’t forget, before that, Lan was a wild dragon clan. Even the dragon force quenching body entered the Fenglong City before it began to practice. After another ten In the next year’s next dragon competition, I am afraid that no one will be her opponent again. At that time, I, Xu Yanmo and Tang Lengxuan must have been promoted to the **** level. As for who will go further in the future, it is difficult to say."

Zhang Liang Ruixiao said in surprise: "Can she compare with you?"

Qi Tianlong nodded slightly, "Even the potential is even greater. Just before they collided, did you notice that Xu Yanmo's light element was affected in the dragon sound of "her"? This means that her blood breath It is suppressing Xu Yanmo. You know what blood line Xu Yanmo is. And the level of blood line means the potential of our dragon family."

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