Lan Xuanyu walked to her, joined her, and saluted the dragon knights again. Then he flew up and left Shenglongtai.

Looking at the figures of "they" leaving, the dinosaur knight Luo Lan smiled slightly and said, "It's really unique!"

Luo Yayuan said in a deep voice: "Let's go back too. I will report to the first one immediately. As for whether we will try, we will wait until after the Dragon Race."

"Good." The other three dragon knights nodded one after another. There is a bit of eagerness in everyone's eyes.

Losing part of the blood is nothing to them, but an opportunity to evolve is too important.

Dragons have been born for so many years, with the current Dragon Alliance, and their eighteen dragon knights. In terms of strength, they all have extremely high confidence in themselves, but even if they do this, they can't live forever. The Dragon Knight has also undergone several changes.

The period of the dragon change occurred nearly 10,000 years ago, and time has proved that such a powerful dragon knight is not capable of immortality. The Dragon Dragon Alliance has been conducting research on the dragon blood. Almost all kinds of dragons have been studied in detail. But nothing can change this aging process.

It wasn't until they started to contact the Douluo Federation that they spent a lot of money. Some of the materials purchased from the Paradise Star about the inheritance of the Douluo Federation gradually let them reveal the mystery.

Although they are all god-level strongmen, even super-godly-level strongmen, they don't have a real God Realm support. No one knows how the Divine Realm is formed, but according to the Douluo Federation data, there is a spirit of fairy spirit in the Divine Realm, and every real **** has its own magical position. You can live in God Realm, and with the nourishment of fairy spirits, you can never die.

Therefore, in recent thousands of years, especially after the first succession of the contemporary Tianlong, he has been studying how to create God Realm or find God Realm.

To this end, they made great efforts in the Dragon Realm. Although everything is a guess, they guessed that at the level of the Dragon Knight, beyond the realm of God, if they could go further, they might have the possibility of creating God Realm. How can we go further? This is a problem that has not been solved for thousands of years. From the perspective of the Dragon Clan itself, what is most likely to be lacking in their blood is the metamorphosis of the blood.

In the Dragon Realm, there has always been a place where they made their pilgrimage. There is a strong bloodline that allows them to clearly feel that they are above themselves, but this bloodline has never been inherited by any dragon family. They couldn't do it after trying everything.

And just today, on Lan, they seemed to see hope. If it can really succeed, then, there is no doubt that for the entire Dragon Alliance, and even the Dragon Horse Galaxy, it will have unusually great significance.

Therefore, how can this discovery not let the four dragon knights feel excited at the same time?

Having no words all the way, Bai Xiuxiu was relieved after returning to the residence. Closing the door, she rushed into Lan Xuanyu's arms the next moment.

"Frightened me. You really frightened me. What are you doing so hard!" Bai Xiuxiu's voice made a cry.

Lan Xuanyu hugged her tightly and gently stroked her long hair, comforting: "It's okay, it's okay."

The two embraced for a long time before Bai Xiuxiu stood up straight and looked up at him, saying: "I can feel the blood breath inside you becoming stronger again. They have no doubt?"

Lan Xuanyu said: "I also had a whimsy today. Remember when I was ascending the dragon platform when I deliberately approached the dragon platform to fly? After my mental strength became concrete, today I seem to see it on the dragon platform Some things. Inside the Shenglongtai, there seems to be a very large dragon **** energy. A Bao once said that the Shenglongtai was the dragon god's super-artificial Shenglong pillar. Plus what I saw with my own eyes, I judge In this column, there should be some energy stored by the Dragon God."

"I have also tried many ways before to see if I can use the energy from it to provide me with practice. It was only a little success when I released some of the Dragon God's power. Today I have a fight with Xu Yanmo , I didn't have any grasp at all. I wondered if I could use my blood to mobilize. Dragon blood is supreme. Although my blood is not pure Dragon God blood, some of it has evolved into Dragon God blood. . If it works, it will probably help me. In contrast, defeating Xu Yanmo is not so important."

"Moreover, when I confronted Xu Yanmo today, I found out that these young dragons are indeed superior to me in terms of strength. If I can’t go all out in the next game, there is no chance at all. .If you want to go all out to fight, you can’t hide my dragon **** changed. I also need a reasonable way to let the dragon **** appear."

"So I told Abao at the time, after the battle, if you fall into a coma, don’t worry. Even if I can’t get the benefit from the dragon platform. I will also pretend to be an evolution when I wake up, and let the blood of the dragon god. Appeared in front of the dragon knights. It is equivalent to let them witness my evolution this time. In this way, I will use the dragon **** to fight in the future, it is not easy to cause doubt."

Bai Xiuxiu looked at him, and for a while, it was already a bit unclear what to say.

The man in front of him was bold and attentive. Even in the face of so many super-god-level strong men, he did not have half of the fear. He even used his own advantages to play those dragon clan strong men on the palms. Everything seemed to be In his plan.

Turning your hands into clouds, covering your hands with rain, nothing more.

Bai Xiuxiu suddenly felt that there was a kind of pride spreading in his heart, this is my man!

Lan Xuanyu looked at her with splendid eyes, and couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter? Do you want to agree with your body? I agreed."

"Bah!" Bai Xiuxiu beat him with a blushing face. "How are you hurt?"

Lan Xuanyu said with a smile: "It's okay, it has been repaired by the energy from the Dragon Observatory. I'm going to practice immediately, and take advantage of this energy to quench myself. The Longli quenching body is really a great thing. Although the method of quick cultivation is dangerous, but the effect is unmatched by any method we have practiced in the past. I recovered after a serious injury, and the quenching strength seems to have increased some more. The energy absorbed this time is not It’s passed on to you. The rare Dragon God energy fits me.”

"Well. Then hurry up and practice." Bai Xiuxiu gently pushed him.

"Those things that promise me..."


When Lan Xuanyu entered the state of meditation, the whole person entered the colorful world. There is nothing else in the body except for the seven-colored dragon **** energy. Even the vortex of his bloodline has now completely turned into seven colors, and the power of the blood of the original Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King cannot be seen.

Dantian is full of seven-colored dragon liquid. This rich energy storage is so touching that I want to cry.

Moreover, before leaving Xuanlongtai, Lan Xuanyu actually felt that there was a strange connection between him and Thanglongtai. That is the connection between blood vessels. Although he doesn't know if he will be able to get this Dragon God energy from the Dragon Platform next time, but with this connection, he has a chance!

Carefully ignite the power of the bloodline, and temper yourself again. However, Lan Xuanyu was just startled when the refining had just begun. Because he was surprised to find that when the power of the ignited bloodline burned himself, his body suddenly became brighter. The flame was not like burning, but like lighting.

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