Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1235: Reunion of the Golden and Silver Dragon King

The long silver dress hangs down to the feet, quietly floating on the lake surface, and the long silver hair, which is like a brushed silver crystal, hangs behind him, gently drifting in the wind.

The beautiful face is like the show of Zhong Ling of the whole world. The big purple eyes were confused and dull.

She slowly raised her hand, staring blankly at her spring onion-like delicate fingers, and then at the circles of silver ripples quietly rippling under her feet. On the palm, there are still silver scales looming.

On the big boat, Lan Xuanyu was already excited and unable to control himself, and was about to rush out suddenly. But he was pulled back to the boat by a beam of golden energy around him.

A big, trembling hand fell on his shoulder, anchoring him on the boat. At the next moment, the master of the big hand stepped out and fell silently on the lake.

A faint golden halo spread out from under his feet, and touched the silver halo rippling in circles in the distance, turning into layers of colored light.

The sudden change attracted the silver-haired and purple-eyed figure. She was a little surprised and still raised her head blankly, looking in this direction.

The eyes are facing each other, as if everything is eternal. The sights that touched together solidified everything in an instant.

It was really frozen, and the surrounding time stopped in an instant. Even those god-level and true god-level powerhouses were completely unable to move at this moment.

In Tang Wulin's world, everything else has disappeared, some are just the people in front of him.

His vision has been blurred, tears have turned into lenses, magnifying the person in front of him in his eyes and in his heart.

Ten thousand years of separation! See you again, the memory of ten thousand years ago is as clear as new.


There was a little girl squatting on the side of the road, who looked a little smaller than Tang Wulin himself, but she had short silver hair, and the sun was shining on her rare hair color, naturally reflecting light.

It seemed that there was something pulling each other in the dark, the little girl looked up at him, her face was dirty, plus the shabby clothes, she looked like a little beggar. However, apart from her short silver hair, she also has a pair of distinctive eyes.

Her eyes were big, and the pupils were like two clear amethysts. Even if there was some distance between them, Tang Wulin seemed to be able to see his reflection in her pupils. The long eyelashes curl up naturally.

Tang Wulin's own eyes are very beautiful, and he will naturally have a good impression of his peers with big eyes. He stopped subconsciously. With her eyes facing each other, the little girl did not dodge his gaze, only a little bit of surprise in her beautiful big eyes.


"Don't cry, don't cry. The bad guys have been driven away by me. My name is Tang Wulin, what is your name?"

The little girl was stunned, and finally said for the first time, "My name is Naer."


"I can't eat it. Give it to you." At this moment, a voice rang from the side, and then a big white bun was placed in Tang Wulin's tray.

Tang Wulin looked up, isn't it Gu Yue who gave him the bun? It's just that now she has put on the college uniform, and she looks no different from the students around.

"Thank you."

Gu Yue nodded to him, then turned and left.

"Wulin, I don't think she would like you anymore. She took the initiative to talk to you as soon as she joined our class today. Now I'm giving you buns again, I think I was fascinated by you."


"The love at second sight link continues, the next one is..."

"Number 51. Please."

"For some reasons, I have been away for three years. For more than a thousand days and nights, I miss the college all the time. Because since my parents suddenly left, this is my home. I came back today, just in time. Catch the Shanghai Shenyuan blind date meeting. I did not hesitate, and I came here directly. Because I was afraid of missing it, and even more afraid that you had fallen in love with someone else.

"More than three years ago, I asked you if you approached me because of my blood. Later in those boring days, I thought a lot. I thought it was really silly to ask you this question at that time. You shouldn’t ask at all. You gave me a definite answer, which made me very sad, even more sad than when I knew I was a waste spirit and had a defective spirit. However, I couldn’t show it. Come out, because I am the captain, I cannot let everyone see my cowardly side."

"I always endured the pain in my heart and led the team until we won the final victory. However, at that time I still didn't know how to face you. Or to face myself."

"More than three years have passed. In these thousands of days and nights, I have thought about many, many things. I have figured out many things that I didn't understand before. Why do you care about too much if you like someone? What do you know, since I like you, I am willing to accept everything about you. If you like me too, we will be together. If you don’t like me, then I will do my best to make you like me, We are still together. So, in any case, I will never give up on this relationship! From now on, I am yours, and you must be responsible to me."


"According to the rules, the girl who did not take off the hat can be selected at the last moment in this link. Girl 17th, may I ask if you choose the boy you like."

Tang Wulin's gaze straddled the 100-meter lake and fell directly on the girl. Everyone's gaze was also focused on her, especially those who had guessed who she was.

Under everyone's gaze, the **** the 17th was silent for a moment, then gently shook her head.

Her movements were very slight and looked very simple, but she made Tang Wulin standing on the lotus leaf like an ice cave.

She shook her head, she didn't choose, yes, she didn't choose herself. No one even chose, let alone take off the hat.

There is no doubt that this means that she does not have a sweetheart, nor does she intend to find her partner at this blind date conference.

Tang Wulin only felt as if his heart was held by something, and suddenly he couldn't breathe.

His eyes were a bit hazy, and a touch of bitterness emerged from the corners of his mouth.

All the past, flooded in the bottom of my heart, why don't you choose me?


"If one day I left, would you miss me?"

"Of course I think about it, especially, especially."


"Wulin, it's your turn, you have a minute."

Tang Wulin shook his head, then looked at Gu Yue, "I don't need a minute, I only need to ask her one question."

"Gu Yue, in this world, I have only loved one girl, and that is you. Do you love me?"

He had a thousand words to say to her, but when he really faced it, he could only say this. Only this sentence is enough. What he needs is an answer, an answer that can make him desperate, or an answer that allows him to enter another world.

He lifted his right hand and turned his palm out. The golden scales spread from the exposed wrist under the clothes to the entire palm. The golden claws appeared, the five fingers were inverted, and the claws pointed directly at the top of his head.

An indescribable strong blood fluctuation suddenly burst out of him. At the moment that strong blood aura appeared, all the soul masters with dragon spirits present snorted, their faces pale, even if it was Long Yue. exception.

"Brother, don't!" Na'er screamed, but she didn't dare to move at all. She could clearly see that the golden light on the golden dragon's claws was puffing up, and Tang Wulin only needed to drop his palm slightly to scratch his head.

"I just need to know the answer, the answer in your heart, the real answer. Don't lie to me, from your eyes, from your blood, I can feel whether you are telling the truth."

Gu Yue stared at him blankly, tears no longer flowing.

Suddenly, her whole body seemed to collapse. She nodded vigorously, and the tears that had just stopped came down. She couldn't help but squat down on the lotus leaf. She was speechless, just Nodding, just nodding vigorously.

Tang Wulin smiled, he smiled proudly, put down his right hand, stepped out, and he had already come to her.

He pulled her up from the lotus leaf and pulled her into his arms.

(For the story of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena, read the book "The Legend of the Dragon King Douluo Dalu III")


The former Poseidon Lake gradually overlapped with the Poseidon Lake in front of me, overlapping into the only lake, overlapping into the only person.

He looked at the silvery, pretty figure. The tears in Tang Wulin's eyes could no longer be controlled, and they flowed down his cheeks.

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