Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1244: Why are there seven monsters

Just before the start of this Seagod Fate blind date meeting, it was suddenly announced that the Shrek Seven Devils would be announced at the end of this blind date. This decision really surprised all the disciples in the inner courtyard. Because this was too sudden, and there was no sign before. Such a sudden decision caught many people by surprise. Especially some competitive students are not in the academy at all! So, will these students who are not in the academy be selected?

There are many people who are as worried as Zheng Longjiang.

Retiring to the side, Zheng Longjiang's gaze subconsciously turned towards the distant shore, on Lan Xuanyu, who was standing side by side with Gu Yuena, Bai Xiuxiu and Tang Wulin. From the strength that Lan Xuanyu showed when he faced the challenge just now, Zheng Longjiang had already faintly guessed that he would be indispensable among the candidates for this session of the Seven Devils.

At this time, Tang Wulin was standing on the far left, followed by Lan Xuanyu, Gu Yuena and Bai Xiuxiu. The previous visions of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena shocked everyone. At this moment, when they saw them again, everyone had different thoughts.

There is no doubt that these two should give Lan Xuanyu extra points. Especially some people already know the identity of Tang Wulin through some special channels. The dignity of this identity can be imagined, and he has a close relationship with Lan Xuanyu.

Not only Zheng Longjiang saw that Lan Xuanyu was likely to be one of the Seven Monsters, but many people could also see it.

The Master of the Sea God Pavilion calmly swept across the disciples of the inner courtyard on the shore, and said in a deep voice: "The disciples of the Shrek inner courtyard belong to the lake, lined up."

Following her order, dozens of male and female disciples in the inner courtyard rose up and returned to the surface of Sea God Lake. For a time, their spirit power rose and their spirits rose. Everyone released their own martial souls, and they were suspended on the surface of Sea God Lake under the background of their soul power.

Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu did the same. The two stood up, bid farewell to Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena, and walked on the waves holding hands, quietly coming to the surface of the lake. Behind them, Thirty-Three Tianyi and others arrived one after another, gathered together quietly, headed by the two of them, arranged neatly.

As Lan Xuanyu expected, Tang Yuge did not go far. Although she must have been embarrassed before, but the Seven Shrek Monsters are of great importance, not to mention that she has been designated as one of the Shrek Seven Monsters. How can she stay away from letting her partners face all this alone at this time?

At the sign of Lan Xuanyu, he stood in the very center of the first row of 33 Tianyi, with Bai Xiuxiu on the left, Tang Yuge on the right, Qian Lei and Lan Mengqin on the left of Bai Xiuxiu, and Yuan En on the right of Tang Yuge. Huihui and Liu Feng.

Tang Yuge didn't even look at Yuan Enhuihui, and at this time Yuan Enhuihui was not in a state of anxiety and did not dare to look at her! The atmosphere between the two is obviously weird.

Thirty-three Tianyi is indeed numerous. In the last few thousand years, there has never been so many inner court disciples in any session at the same time. The other disciples in the inner courtyard who came to the Seagod Fate blind date meeting were only a few dozen. In addition, the disciples who already have partners have also gathered. Add up to a hundred.

This is already all the students in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy who remain in the academy. It is also the mainstay of Shrek Academy now.

The Poseidon Master’s gaze swept away from everyone, and he said solemnly, “The reason why this was announced at the Seagod Blind Date Meeting. One is because, relatively speaking, this time of year is the time when the inner courtyard disciples gather the most. . The other is to facilitate your challenges."

Everyone was a little surprised when he said this. To challenge? In other words, after the announcement of this year's Shrek Seven Devils, can they be challenged?

Pavilion Master Poseidon continued: "I think many of you will think that this announcement is very abrupt. The academy's sudden announcement of a new generation of Shrek Seven Devils caught many of you by surprise. In fact, this is actually The result of careful consideration by the college. In other words, it is also imperative."

"The college has always been known for its fairness, both for the situation of the entire Federation and for every disciple within us. Regarding the situation of the Federation, the academy has always stood in a neutral position, and strives to make the entire Federation peaceful development consistent with the outside. , We will give every student the opportunity, from the moment of the entrance exam to the campaign for the Shrek Seven Monsters, as long as you have the ability, then you will have the opportunity to receive such an honor. The same is true today."

Having said that, she paused for a while, and what she said just now made many students who were worried about it calm down a bit. The pavilion owner is emphasizing fairness, that is to say, the selected Shrek Seven Monsters are definitely not because of their status, but in a fair situation, they must be better than others to become Shrek Seven Monsters.

Pavilion Master Poseidon continued: "The most important reason for such a hasty decision is that the academy has reached a situation where it has to be decided. Because these seven students have contributed to the academy, and even the entire federation, which is no other reason for the academy. Nothing can be rewarded, only the title of the Shrek Seven Devils can be worthy of their status."

The audience was shocked when he said this.

what's the situation?

Everyone is a disciple of the inner courtyard, and naturally they have performed various tasks, whether it is the task of the Sky Fighter or the task of the Academy, everyone has performed it! But when have you heard that the credit can be so great that even the academy can't award it? What level of task does this require? Could it be said that someone saved the Federation and failed?

All of a sudden, the inner courtyard disciples looked at each other, and some familiar inner courtyard disciples started talking in a low voice.

"Quiet." Thunder God Douluo Wang Tianyu shouted in a deep voice. The disciples in the inner courtyard present suddenly became quiet.

Pavilion Master Poseidon continued: "Yes, you heard that right. The credit they made is indeed so. So even if it is the Federation, it has to give a reward to one of the eighth-level Doutians. You are all Doutians. You should understand what the eighth-level Heaven Fighter means."

The eighth level fighter?

The chilling voice kept reverberating, what does that mean? Among these inner court disciples, the most outstanding ones are only the sixth-level heaven fighters. This is already completed, I don’t know how many tasks, almost the most senior of the disciples in the courtyard, and will soon become a teacher!

Zheng Longjiang opened his mouth in shock. He has completed many quests of the Sky Fighter, but so far, he is only a Level 5 Sky Fighter! As for the fifth-level heavenly fighting person to the eighth-level heaven fighting person, that is definitely an insurmountable gap. Even the elders of the Sea God Pavilion, there are probably not many at the eighth level, right? Can an inner courtyard disciple become an eighth-level heaven fighter? How incredible is this?

The Seagod Pavilion Master continued: "If you think this is over, then you are wrong. If it is only an eighth-level sky fighter, it will not make the academy not even be able to get rewards. The eighth-level sky fighter is only known to the Federation. The credit he made. There are even greater credits that the Federation doesn’t know, only the Academy knows. I can’t tell you exactly what it is for now, but every one of you, including the entire Academy, and even all mankind, will I benefited from this. This huge contribution is no longer comparable to other awards. Therefore, the college made this provisional decision."

A male student standing in the front row suddenly said, "Pavilion Master, can you tell me, what is that contribution to the Federation? Why is the reward for the eighth-level Sky Fighter?"

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