Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1284: How do you want to stay close?

"Well, it's pretty. It's also very good to me. Her name is Le Qingling. But since I went to save you, I left. I also announced my withdrawal from the entertainment industry, and did not contact her again. Now I want to come, really something I'm sorry for her."

"What are you telling me about? I feel sorry for them, so go to them!" Gu Yuena said lightly.

Tang Wulin sighed softly and said: "I know she has always liked me. But, I can't like her! My heart was filled as early as 10,000 years ago, there are no gaps. Although at that time I don’t know who is pretending to be in my heart, but I know that I can’t like other people. Over the years, I have also advised her that she should find her own home, but she just doesn’t listen. She is really a silly girl. what!"

Gu Yuena was dumbfounded, without saying a word.

Tang Wulin continued: "I am like you, as long as I try to remember, I will have a headache. At that time I didn't understand why this happened. Later, after seeing you for the first time, I began to understand. The reason why I I don’t want to remember, because I don’t want to remember the pain, especially when I didn’t know where you were. If I remember and I can’t find you, I’m afraid I can’t help but die again, because I will definitely I thought you were dead. When we used to be together, maybe it was really too painful. So, it’s really good that you can’t remember now. Just don’t think of it. Let’s look forward to everything, okay ?"

"Didn't you say, don't you talk about the previous things?" Gu Yuena said.

Tang Wulin nodded, "Well, let's not talk about the past. Let it go. You just need to know that I was sorry for you before. I will compensate you well in the future."

"I didn't let you make up." Gu Yuena turned her head away, "I don't know you well, and I don't remember you anymore."

Tang Wulin smiled slightly, and said: "It doesn't matter if you are not familiar. If you are together more, you will be familiar? And you see, we have Xuanyu! Blood relatives cannot be changed. Even if you don't remember me, you don't even like me. , But you can’t change the fact that you are his mother and I am his father. Don’t you want Xuanyu to be happy? Our son has not had his biological parents around since he was a child, and we owe him too much. The future Day, shouldn't we make up for him?"

Hearing what he said, Gu Yuena's eyes suddenly became gentle, and she let out an "um".

Tang Wulin continued: "Since we want our son to be happy, we must first let him see that we are happy, so that he will be really happy! He will definitely want us to be together and stay with him. Therefore, we must not be separated, otherwise it will only worry him. Therefore, even if you pretend to be in front of your son, don't treat me too badly. We must always be more kind in front of him. You Will it work?"

Gu Yuena was stunned, "How come I feel something is wrong. Are you trying to do me?"

Tang Wulin said calmly: "Then tell me, what's wrong with me?"

"You..." Gu Yuena thought for a while, it was really like that. With her understanding of Lan Xuanyu, her son would definitely want them to be together.

"Then you can't be too much! How do you want to stay close?" Gu Yuena asked vigilantly.

Tang Wulin said, "It's definitely not going to be too much, don't worry. Let's change the address first, do you think it will work? This way at least it will be less productive. My son will sound more comfortable."

"How to change?" Gu Yuena asked suspiciously.

Tang Wulin said, "From now on, I will call you Gu Yue and you will call me Wulin. Is this okay?"

Gu Yuena reluctantly said: "Yes."

Tang Wulin smiled slightly, "Well, this is a good start. Okay, let's do this first, you can rest, I'll go to work first. I also want to make preparations and make some explanations with the college. Tomorrow we will I’m leaving now. The Silver Armor Dapeng battleship should have been prepared. I’ll bring you food again tonight."

After speaking, he stood up freely and walked out.

Watching his back leave, Gu Yuena suddenly felt a little disappointed in her heart for some unknown reason. that's all? Just left? There is nothing more to fight for!

Although she thought so in her heart, she didn't show anything. Stand up, walk to the window and look at the scenery outside.

Lan Xuanyu is indeed very busy this day, there are too many things to prepare. Fortunately, the old tree helped him a lot. On the side of the plant spirit beast, the old tree helped him choose, and arranged for these big plants to directly board the silver armored Dapeng battleship. All god-level plant spirit beasts and those on the verge of breaking through to the god-level stay first.

Lan Xuanyu stayed in the taboo arsenal for most of the day, studied the knowledge related to these taboo weapons and made selections. In the afternoon, I went to Tangmen's warehouse and picked some rare metals. The two-character battle armor of my friends should indeed be changed! There are enough rare metals, even if he can't make it for his friends, isn't there a father? Own father, but a well-deserved god-level blacksmith. As early as 10,000 years ago, he was the first forge in the Federation. With him, in addition to his own battle armor that needs to be forged by himself, Dad can complete the battle armor of the other 33 Tianyi partners.

After a busy day, it was not until night fell that he had stopped all preparations. The latest device on the Yinjia Dapeng battleship was also completed with Tang Sect's all-out efforts. Tomorrow morning, they can set off, return to the Seventh Fleet, and then return to the Dragon Star.

Return to the Eternal Sky City and step into the Sea God Pavilion. Inside the Poseidon Pavilion, it was still quiet.

Just when Lan Xuanyu was about to go upstairs, there was a voice in his ear.

"Don't come up yet. Wait a while." The voice belongs to Tang Wulin. After hearing what he said, Lan Xuanyu couldn't help but stunned. what's going on? Don't let yourself go up?

Lan Xuanyu's eyes moved, could it be said that his parents were..., thinking of this, Lan Xuanyu couldn't help showing a strange smile at the corner of his mouth. Without saying a word, he found a place in the lobby of the Sea God Pavilion and sat down.

On the second floor, the innermost room.

Just after having dinner with Gu Yuena, Tang Wulin smiled and said, "Xuanyu is back."

"Yeah. I feel it too." Gu Yuena said.

There is no need to release spiritual consciousness at all for the blood connection, and she can clearly feel that her son has returned.

Tang Wulin said, "I thought about it, and we will leave tomorrow. And we will go with our son together. In order to reassure our son, you can see if we want to show a little closer in front of him so that he can return to Tianlongxing. I won’t worry about us anymore."

Gu Yuena's eyes widened suddenly, "What do you want to do?"

Tang Wulin whispered a few words in a low voice, and Gu Yuena said without hesitation: "No, no. You..." As she said, her ears turned red.

Tang Wulin lowered his head, sighed softly, and said, "I used to be sorry for you. I didn't have a chance to take good care of you. In fact, this will not offend you too much. Moreover, it is also for the son. You see... "

Lan Xuanyu didn't know that his daddy was using himself as a bond of affection.

Gu Yuena looked at him subconsciously, but saw that Tang Wulin's eye sockets were a little red, as if recalling something.

"Just this time, okay? Don't worry, I promise not to offend you, it's just a bubble." Tang Wulin said earnestly, "For my son."

Gu Yuena took a deep breath, turned her head away, did not look at him, and then nodded slightly.

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