Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1293: Return to Draco

Is this being absorbed? Still refined?

In the next instant, he slowly let go of the time solidification domain. Suddenly, the four element fluctuations appeared again, and his meridians were twisted together again. The intense pain came again.

Freeze time again. Let the meridian gradually adapt and absorb.

Sure enough, this is effective. The ravages of the four elements, if you change someone else, you can't stand it even for a moment! But Lan Xuanyu's body was tempered by Dragon Power and Elemental Thunder Tribulation after all. It is much stronger than ordinary spirit masters and even ordinary god-level powerhouses.

With gradual adaptation, I can gradually unwind again. Then Lan Xuanyu felt that this short section of meridian began to show subtle changes.

The power of blood in the body began to pour into it by itself from all directions, repairing the wound caused by the force of absorbing the four elements. After repairing, the meridians obviously became tougher and more bizarre.

When the theory becomes reality, is it really possible to try to succeed? The initial effect immediately made Lan Xuanyu's heart overjoyed, but he didn't have any irritation, and he still tempered slowly.

However, it didn't take too long and he couldn't continue. Because his mental power is on the verge of exhaustion.

From the beginning of the practice to try the compression of the light and dark thunder, to the rest of the time after the continuous casting, each time is a large consumption of mental power, even if there is a dragon crystal in the sea of ​​spirit, his recovery speed can not keep up with the speed of consumption! Had to stop. Disperse the light and dark **** thunder, and restore the previous consumption through meditation.

Although the whole process just now was quite painful for him, it also opened a brand new door for him.

Before he started to meditate, Tang Wulin told him that if he could use the Light and Dark Thunder to clear the meridians, he could at least get through the palm of his hand to throw the Light and Dark Thunder through the palm.

The compression and molding of this thing is too dangerous, it is almost impossible to complete it outside the body, at least until Lan Xuanyu becomes a super god-level powerhouse. But if he can succeed, then the power of the Light and Dark Thunder is definitely comparable to the god-level level. Even if it is a god-level strong resistance, it is absolutely uncomfortable.

In other words, although it is difficult to cultivate in this way, once it succeeds. It is equivalent to giving him the means to fight against the god-level powerhouse.

Meditate, recover, and practice again. With the first experience, Lan Xuanyu will be more proficient this time. He also showed the toughness of his mind. Seeing hope, he became more relaxed and impatient in his cultivation. And under Gu Yuena's guidance, she began to try to guide the Light and Dark God Thunder into the meridians, and tried to let it exit again.

This section of meridian that had been tempered before, when subjected to Light and Dark Thunder again, was really much better than it was at the beginning. There will still be cramping and contraction, but the amplitude has been reduced.

But this time, Lan Xuanyu finally began to use the life energy in the air, and his body began to absorb the life energy and inject it into himself, assisting the Light and Dark Thunder to refine the meridians.

Feeling that Lan Xuanyu gradually entered the state, Tang Wulin turned to look at Gu Yuena beside him. From Gu Yuena's eyes, he saw the color of admiration.

When they talked to Lan Xuanyu, they all said that they could be successful. But in fact, even the two of them are not absolutely sure. After all, the pain in this is too strong, and I don't know if Lan Xuanyu's body can bear it completely. But now it seems that Lan Xuanyu not only can bear it, but the speed of control is much faster than they thought!

Lan Xuanyu is now able to practice the Lightning and Dark Thunder Body Tempering, which is somewhat unexpected to them, and it can even be said to be an unexpected joy.

Gu Yuena couldn't be more clear about what kind of power Gu Yuena was. This was one of her main combat methods after she became a god, and she was extremely powerful. With her assistance, and with the dark energy injected by God Heaven, Lan Xuanyu was barely able to mobilize Light and Dark God Thunder, which was predictable. But his body can really withstand the light and dark God Thunder inside, and gradually accept it, which is different. At least Gu Yuena admitted that before she became a god, even her Silver Dragon King's physique could not withstand this terrifying energy.

Lan Xuanyu's current bloodline cannot be said to be the real Dragon God bloodline, but he has the physical strength of the Golden Dragon King, plus the element control brought by the Silver Dragon King bloodline. The combination of the two can produce such a qualitative change.

Being able to do this is, in fact, directly related to Lan Xuanyu's dragon power tempering on Tianlongxing. In particular, the Dragon God's strength tempering body obtained from the rising dragon pillar has greatly improved his body, greatly improving his recovery ability and physical toughness. Even if it is a general god-level powerhouse, the physical strength may not be comparable to him. This is the important reason why he was able to win the championship in the Thang Long Contest, and it is the same for practice now.

Of course, it is not an easy task to complete the overall body tempering of the Light and Dark God Thunder, nor can it be done overnight. It not only requires long-term cultivation, but also requires huge life energy as a supplement. Only in this way can his meridians be continuously improved during the tempering process, which affects the improvement of the whole body.

In a sense, this is like an advanced version of Dragon Power Tempering Body. Nirvana Divine Thunder is enough to quench the body, and now there is another Light and Dark Divine Thunder. After Lan Xuanyu was able to completely quench the body of the Light and Dark God Thunder, he could consider using the energy of Heaven and Earth Tribulation to continue to quench the body. After completing these three body tempering, such accumulation, and then dealing with the thunder tribulation that will be faced when crossing the tribulation, it will be much easier.

It's simple to say, but it is even more difficult to really want to complete it. This not only requires his own strength, but also requires Tang Wulin to save his life at any time by relying on time and space to continue. At least in the initial stage of a quenching, this kind of help is essential.

It is in this kind of cultivation process that time flies quickly. When Lan Xuanyu's cultivation was interrupted by Tang Wulin, he was stunned to discover that the Seventh Fleet could already be seen in the distance.

The Silver Armored Dapeng battleship is in a state of stealth. This latest stealth technology can't be detected even by the powerful radar reconnaissance system of the Federal Fleet Mothership. Of course, you have to keep a certain distance.

"Arrived?" Lan Xuanyu stretched out his body, and suddenly felt tingling pains in his body. This was the situation that appeared in the place where he had practiced Light and Dark Thunder.

"Well, time will pass quickly when you are practicing. You are basically stable now. When we are not by your side, the light and dark thunder condenses, and you try with one-third of the energy of each element now. When tempering, it will be easier." Gu Yuena said with a smile.

Lan Xuanyu was taken aback, then the look in his mother's eyes became a little weird.

Yes indeed! Why didn't I think of it before? The volume of the Light and Dark Thunder is too large and the meridians are unbearable, which can reduce the number of each element, thereby reducing the size and power of the Light and Dark Thunder. Wouldn't it be easier to accept that way?

At that time, Gu Yuena helped him complete the gathering of the elemental quantity, so he naturally cultivated according to that quantity.

Tang Wulin added: "Your mother is doing this for your own good. The greater the energy you can accept, the faster the cultivation speed and the better the effect. In the future, you will also have to increase as you adapt. Energy. Now that we are by your side, of course, you are doing your best to cultivate at the limit. But if you are only yourself, you must be very careful."

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