Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1296: Federal rewards

Hearing what he said, Lan Xuanyu suddenly realized. No wonder the Federation suddenly became so generous, it turned out to be here waiting for itself.

The mechas made of god-level metal are not just for rewards, but more importantly for binding them.

A set of god-level mechas made of god-level metal is really precious, and for soul masters, the combat effectiveness will also be greatly enhanced.

The god-level mecha made of god-level metal is comparable to those of the upper dragon clan. The effect is even greater. Don't forget, the Thirty-three Tianyi's Tianyi mecha can also be turned into a fighter to fight. If it is made of god-level metal, its strength, carrying capacity, and overload capacity will be greatly improved. It can be said that Lan Xuanyu's driving level, if he has such a mecha, he can almost be said to be one of the most powerful fighter pilots in the Federation.

This request made by the Federation is actually equivalent to saying that if you stay in the army, this good thing will always be used by you. It's gone after leaving the army. So, you will always serve in the army. Become a member of the Federation directly.

This is equivalent to fighting against Shrek Academy and Tang Sect.

You know, there have been many exceptions to Lan Xuanyu and the others. For example, it has been an unwritten rule that disciples in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy are not allowed to hold important positions in the military. Lan Xuanyu is now a major general, and his partners are also lieutenant colonels and colonels. This is definitely an exception. Although they have not really studied in the inner courtyard, they are also disciples in the inner courtyard. Moreover, Lan Xuanyu and the others have just become the Shrek Seven Devils.

The reason that prompted the Federation to make an exception was naturally that the tasks they had done before were too good. Coupled with the irreplaceability of sneaking into the identity of Dragon Star.

No one knows how long Lan Xuanyu can hide, but there is no doubt that the longer he hides, the more effective the Federation will be against the entire Dragon Horse galaxy. Whether it is the resources or information brought back, they are really helpful.

For example, Lan Xuanyu passed back the true strength of the Dragon Knights of the Dragon Star, allowing the Federation to immediately establish a policy on the Dragon Horse Galaxy. Never use force on the Dragon Horse galaxy easily, lest the Dragon Horse galaxy jump over the wall. If so many super **** level powerhouses wanted to burn all the jade and stone, the Federation could not stop them. Except for the Space Fleet, all administrative stars will probably suffer annihilation.

Of course, Draco and Pegasus will also be wiped out under the artillery fire of the Federal Fleet. But this is a lose-lose approach!

When the previous war had taken advantage and Lan Xuanyu had succeeded in lurking again, it was the most beneficial for the Federation to adopt a certain degree of gentleness policy.

The lurking of Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu is really excellent, and the strength they showed in the finals of the Shenglong Contest shocked the Federation. For a while, the federal side was completely unable to find a way to replace them. It can even be said that they have become dependent on their latency.

Since Lan Xuanyu and the others started lurking, the dispute within the Federation has not stopped. And every time Lan Xuanyu brings back the information and resources, this argument will tilt a bit in his direction.

It wasn't until the end that the Federation established a policy to embrace Lan Xuanyu and the others as much as possible. Even if they are still more inclined to Tang Sect and Shrek Academy, they should also be recognized enough for the Federation and contribute to the Federation.

Therefore, the conditions that Lan Xuanyu is facing now are all put forward after the Federation does not know how many think tanks have deliberated.

Thirty-three sets of God-level mechas are absolutely bleeding. Even Tang Sect could not produce so much god-level metal for a while. The Federation was willing to do this and gave the Tang Sect the god-level metal to build it for them. This was indeed very sincere.

"I understand." Lan Xuanyu nodded to General Bai Ling.

General Bai Ling smiled and said, "You are a smart person, just understand. This is the reward given to you by the Federation. Also, your own identity. Among you 33 Tianyi, you are the absolute leader. , Among all the feats this time, you personally contributed the most. Coupled with the importance of your lurking above the Dragon Star. The Federation decided to raise your Sky Fighter level to level 9."

"What?" Not only Lan Xuanyu was shocked this time, Yan Xinghe beside him couldn't help but exclaimed.

Nine level fighter? What is that concept? The highest rank of Doutian Department!

In the entire federation, there were only three 9th-level Heaven Fighters before. Who is included? The first to include is the contemporary Poseidon Pavilion Master of Shrek Academy.

Needless to say the other two. Lan Xuanyu, a young man who was less than twenty years old, had the same status in the Federation as the Seagod Pavilion Master. This is not as simple as glory, it is a monstrous authority.

Lan Xuanyu, as an eighth-level heaven fighter, knew something about this. The ninth-level Heaven Fighter, that is definitely the highest level of the Federation. In addition to being a permanent member of the Federation, he has the right to mobilize a space fleet to serve its mission without any reason. In other words, under special circumstances, the level 9 Heaven Fighter has more authority than the Federal Commander.

Only those who have an absolutely noble status and have made great contributions in the Federation are possible.

Although Lan Xuanyu thought that the Federation had made a lot of credit, he did not expect that the Federation would have given him Level 9 Heaven Fighters so quickly. If the god-level metal just now has some restrictions, then the level of this ninth-level sky fighter is a real reward. And it can even be said that it surpasses the reward of his merits.

General Bai Ling took a deep breath and smiled: "So, although your rank is still a major general. But it is also to conceal your identity. From the real level and identity, you can already sit on an equal footing with me. Nine-level fighting If you do, you will automatically become the deputy minister of Doutian Department. Deputy Minister Lan, you don’t need to salute me in the future."

Lan Xuanyu was really shocked. Although he could not say that he had any ill feelings towards the Federal Government, he definitely could not say that he had too many good feelings. Because he has always known that the federal government is deliberately suppressing Shrek Academy and Tang Sect.

This kind of suppression has been going on for tens of thousands of years, if it weren't for Tang Sect and Shrek Academy to be too powerful, I'm afraid this suppression would be even more serious.

However, what he never expected was that the federal government would treat him this way. This makes him a little unbelievable!

Is this the federal government he knew? The 9th-level Heaven Fighter is absolutely worlds apart from the 8th level. It is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step. Deputy Minister Doutian, this is on the same level as the Deputy Minister of the Military. Moreover, even the military department can't order the Doutian Ministry! The Doutian Ministry is directly responsible to the Federal Assembly, which is itself an important force restricting the military. Only in the Doutian Department, the strong from the major organizations and sects will gather. As the deputy minister, he can manage them to a certain extent.

General Bai Ling handed a booklet with a sealed cover to Lan Xuanyu, saying: "This is your authority introduction as a ninth-level heaven fighter. It is in paper form. Please destroy it after reading it. There are many secrets of Doutian Department involved."

Lan Xuanyu took the booklet and couldn't help but said, "The Federation wants me to be a ninth-level sky fighter, what are the requirements?"

General Bai Ling smiled slightly, shook his head, and said, "There is no requirement. This is the reward for you. Your outstanding contribution to the Federation is also worthy of this reward. Generally speaking, the 9th-level Sky Fighter is like a sea god. In addition to the great power of the pavilion master, it is bound to be held, and only those who have made salvation feats for the federation can serve. And the Longyuanjing incident plus your lurking is basically the same as the salvation. Since the federation has given it, Just take it. You know, even the Tang Sect master, although he is also the Vice Minister of the Doutian Department, he is only an eighth-level Doutian."

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