Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1324: Light and dark quenching completed

But Lan Xuanyu really didn't dare to let his mental power breakthrough first, because he was afraid that when the mental power broke through, even his body would not be able to withstand the changes, so he would break through together. So he can only suppress it in a comprehensive manner.

In suppressing this aspect, Di Tian really helped him unknowingly. There is this golden-eyed black dragon king sitting in the sea of ​​spirit, and will always help him complete the suppression of spiritual power. He only needs to concentrate on suppressing his own soul power.

Despite this, Lan Xuanyu now has a faint rule to follow in every move, especially the control of the elements.

After completing the preliminary light and dark **** thunder body tempering, Lan Xuanyu was not in a hurry to find his parents to try one step closer. The light and dark **** Thunder tempered his body for a month and a half, which gave him a deeper understanding of his cultivation. I am also in awe of the elements.

The Light and Dark Thunder have already made him so difficult, and now he feels a bit too early to try the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation Body Tempering. So he decided to increase the power of the Light and Dark Thunder and re-temper his body. Don't rush to try to quench the body with the thunder of heaven and earth.

But what Lan Xuanyu didn't know was that, in fact, the Tribulation of Heaven and Earth was equivalent to the combination of his elemental Thunder Tribulation and Light and Dark God Thunder. The biggest problem between the two is the coordination of the elements and the various changes that occur after the fusion of the elements. He has used Elemental Thunder Tribulation and Light and Dark God Thunder to temper his body separately. In fact, his body has a considerable degree of endurance and recognition for the seven attributes. Therefore, in fact, the effect of body tempering is no better than that of heaven and earth. Lei Jie is too bad. It's just that the intensity and changes of the Tribulation of Heaven and Earth will be more visible. There is no problem to try with his current strength.

But Lan Xuanyu didn't know! Out of caution, he adjusted the power of the Light and Dark Thunder to the strength he had when he was on the silver armored Dapeng battleship with his parents guarding him, and re-tempered his body.

Because he had successfully tempered his body once, although the example of Light and Dark Thunder was tripled this time, it was easier in the tempering process. Through this process of body quenching, Lan Xuanyu has become more and more refined in his subtle and varied applications of light, dark, and space elements. It is even possible to achieve the element balance by fine-tuning the three elements without needing to adjust through the time solidification domain, so as not to explode.

This practice took another month. One month later, he completed the second tempering, the Light and Dark God Thunder tempered his body, Dacheng!

In terms of time, Tianlongxing’s day is thirty-six hours. After Lan Xuanyu has practiced for two and a half months, it is equivalent to Douluo Xing’s time for nearly four months.

The accumulation of four months has changed his entire temperament. The original breath is completely restrained. Even if he doesn't deliberately control it and walks on the road, he will only be regarded as the most ordinary existence. Of course, on the Celestial Dragon, only the upper dragons can transform into a human form, and no one here will treat her as an ordinary person. But the kind of Yinghua's introverted feeling, even if the Emperor Daoqi watched it, he couldn't help but be surprised.

In half a month, it’s time to go to Pegasus to communicate. Lan Xuanyu is not going to continue to practice in the Longli Hall for this half month. He has to hone himself and adapt himself to his cultivation. Aspects of improvement. Especially if you encounter a battle, you can't trigger your own communication world because of the battle.

During the Seagod Blind Date, the red lotus witch Chen Wuzhu became a **** in one step because she could not control her cultivation. It seems that of course it is a great thing for a soul master. It is the dream of every soul master to be able to cultivate into a god! But is it really so?

For ordinary spirit masters, being able to become gods is of course a great thing, but for spirit masters who have different talents and are bound to be able to cultivate into gods, the more they accumulate in Title Douluo, the more breakthroughs they can make. After that, the potential is higher. This is why Ye Moyong has not made a breakthrough. Regarding the cultivation base, he must be above Chen Wuzhu. The inner courtyard master is not for nothing, but he has been suppressing his cultivation base, even if the battle with Lan Xuanyu is a history of competition. When the Lake Seven Devils did not try to break through. It is for better promotion in the future.

Lan Xuanyu further confirmed this point through the communication with the ink dinosaur knight Luo Lan on Draco. Therefore, if you want to become stronger, you need more accumulation and suppression.

Going to Pegasus to communicate, I am afraid that something like learning is indispensable. He needs to adapt to his current state first, but don't be a bad one, and force a breakthrough on Pegasus. If you didn't break through on the Dragon Rising Stage, if you broke through the spirit ring but failed to become a **** because of insufficient energy, or if you became a **** and did not achieve the effect you expected, then you would really cry.

The God Refining Field was indeed far from Lan Xuanyu's Dragon Power Hall. Because it is in another location of Hong Leong City.

Lan Xuanyu has been here several times, all of which are trying to cultivate. Today he also asked Huang Yuen Long to make arrangements in advance.

The refining field is very large, covering an area of ​​3 million square meters, about three square kilometers of land. This is a complex of buildings, mainly divided into ten large refining fields. Each refining field can only be provided to one god-level powerhouse for cultivation at the same time.

Only god-level powerhouses are eligible to apply for a god-refining field. Of course, this is under normal circumstances, and Lan Xuanyu is definitely not in this list.

I asked Huang Yuen Long to make an appointment. When he and Bai Xiuxiu arrived, someone would have been here for reception.

Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu were taken to the No. 3 Refining Field by the staff. At Lan Xuanyu's request, all monitoring facilities were closed.

Each refining field is circular, with a diameter of 500 meters and an exaggerated 300 meters in height. This is a building. Such a magnificent and huge building, in the entire Douluo Federation, only has a place to dock warships.

Close the refining field and open all defense systems. The defense system here is quite advanced, using a variety of energy ores to provide energy, and the magic circle completes the defense effect.

The reason why it is only provided for use by god-level powerhouses is also because this god-refining field consumes a lot of energy, and it takes a lot of energy to use it once. But this is also nothing, the destructive power of the god-level powerhouse is too strong. If it is not here, it is likely to cause huge damage.

"How about? Do you want to practice? My improvement is very big." Bai Xiuxiu looked at Lan Xuanyu with a smile.

Lan Xuanyu glanced at her and said, "Stop it. I'm afraid I might accidentally hurt you."

"That's not necessarily true. How did you know that I could not beat you? Don't forget, you were far behind me back then." Bai Xiuxiu said unconvincedly.

Lan Xuanyu chuckled and said, "Why don't we do something like this? If you lose, we will..."

"Don't even think about it!" Without waiting for him to speak, Bai Xiuxiu refused without hesitation, her pretty face turned red, and said, "Your mind is full of nasty things."

"Look at you, where did you think of it? I mean, if you lose, you will accompany me out to find a place to eat something delicious. Why is your mind so complicated?" Lan Xuanyu said righteously .

Bai Xiuxiu snorted and said: "Don't come to this set, I don't know you yet?" At this point, she looked at Lan Xuanyu's eyes somewhat resentful, even though she said so. In fact, in the past few months, everyone has been abandoning the practice of sleeping and forgetting food, let alone being affectionate, and even eating together is pitifully rare. At their current cultivation base, the absorption of dragon power is enough to supplement their body's needs, and it doesn't matter whether they eat or not. Lan Xuanyu's longest time, cultivating for a full eleven days, didn't even say anything during deep meditation. In order to worry about disturbing him, Bai Xiuxiu also accompanied him for eleven days. Did not dare to leave easily. During this period, the supply of Dragon Power from the partners was ignored.

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