Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1329: Tianlong Mansion

Yuan Enguang Army, the supervising army, also saw some clues later, except that the body tempering method belongs to the secret of Thirty-Three Tianyi. Although she knows that Thirty-Three Tianyi should have some special training methods, she has There is no way to detect the specific situation. Every time when people practiced, she would not be able to break in, right?

However, in the past few months, Yuan Enguangjun relied on her EQ to get along with everyone. Her sister-in-law is now a veritable sister-in-law.

The only thing that made Yuan Enguangjun a little depressed was that she had never seen Lan Xuanyu again except when she first came. Every time Bai Xiuxiu came over to accompany everyone in the practice, she was not allowed to participate in the practice.

When Bai Xiuxiu arrived yesterday, she told her to leave with Lan Xuanyu for a period of time and might go to Tianma Star. If she finds anything, she will bring the information back.

Yuan Enguangjun has not been idle for several months. Although she didn't practice with the body tempering method, the life energy here was too strong, and coupled with a lot of good things, her own cultivation level had also improved a lot, and at the same time she became more familiar with Sky Dragon Star.

Lan Xuanyu and the others still need to spend most of their time in cultivation, and when they first arrived, they had to deal with various problems in their identity. On the contrary, the research on Tianlongxing was not as thorough as the Yuan Enguang army who devoted himself to it. During this period of time, every time he went back, Yuan Enguangjun would bring back some useful news, as well as various rare and rare metals that Lan Xuanyu and the others had quietly collected through Liangpu.

Of course, the rare metals that Yuan Siguang Army brought back were definitely not all of them. Some of them were collected by Thirty-Three Tianyi, and they will always be brought back to the Academy in the future. Regarding this point, Lan Xuanyu didn't ask everyone to hide it from Yuan Enguang Army, so he told her honestly, but Yuan Enguang Army didn't know the specific number.

Even the Federation, there is no way in this regard. After all, based on the current situation, Thirty-Three Skywings was still an army sent by Shrek Academy for the experience, not really belonging to the army.

Everything is as usual. If you continue to improve like this, according to Lan Xuanyu's estimation, in at most another year, all the members of the 33 Tianyi should be able to reach the level of Title Douluo, and it is not an ordinary Title Douluo. With so many treasures of heaven, material and earth, coupled with the method of tempering the body, they all have considerable potential.

Sky Dragon City is quite far from Hong Leong City. Hong Leong City is a relatively safe corner, and Sky Dragon City is the true center of the entire Sky Dragon Star.

The dragon cart flew for a day. From morning to evening, a huge city gradually appeared in the distance.

Looking down from the sky, you can see that the city that has started to light up is crawling on the ground like a dragon. Tianlong City is backed by a huge mountain range—the Tianlong Mountain Range. In the mountains, there are many military installations. The largest battleship base of Tianlong Star is in this mountain range.

This is also a manifestation of the centralization of the Denon Star, and the army is directly under the management of the Denon Club.

Even when viewed from the air, this city gives people a feeling of being invisible at a glance. The dragon cart began to descend slowly and flew towards the center of Sky Dragon City.

On the way, occasionally looking out the window, they could still see some creatures flying, including dragons and other flying species. But in Sky Dragon City, the most populous city in the entire Sky Dragon Star, flying creatures are no longer visible. This should be due to the prohibition of flying in the air.

The dragon cart descended towards a huge garden, which suddenly existed in Tianlong City. It covers a large area of ​​tens of square kilometers, and it is full of dense rain forests, giving people a primitive ecological feeling. On the periphery of this rainforest, the ring of tall buildings forms a very peculiar view.

The dragon cart fell on the edge of the rainforest, and the voice of the lower dragon race who was in charge of pulling the cart came: "Master Lan, we are here."

"Okay, hard work." Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu got out of the dragon cart, and there were already people waiting outside the dragon cart.

They knew the person in the lead, and they met this person when they first returned to Tianlongxing and was taken to the Rising Dragon Platform. Lan Xuanyu still remembered that his name was Du Xinyu.

Du Xinyu greeted him quickly at this time: "Welcome to the two."

Lan Xuanyu looked forward and saw that this huge rainforest had an entrance. The entrance didn't look big. There was a path extending inwards.

Du Xinyu came to them and said, "It should be the first time for the two of you? This is our Tianlong Mansion, the residence of the Tianlong Club. It is here to receive guests and hold meetings. This time I went to Tianmaxing for exchanges. Let's gather here at the mansion first, and we will leave tomorrow."

"Okay, I trouble you." Lan Xuanyu said politely.

Du Xinyu led the way, followed by Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu. When they walked into the rainforest called Tianlong Mansion, they suddenly felt a refreshing feeling.

Surrounded by the extremely rich life energy, everyone was covered with a light green halo, and the staff of Tianlonghui like Du Xinyu seemed to be used to it.

It can be said that Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu have never seen such a rich life energy. This kind of feeling, even if they were immersed in the water of Haishen Lake, they have never had it! The life energy is just like the substance, and it is very gentle, it nourishes his and their bodies all the time, making their life breath seem to be Sublimation.

Surrounded by towering trees, the sky is so dense that you can't see the sky, only a few dots of light appear on the side of the road, illuminating the way forward.

Lan Xuanyu looked intently and found that it was not lamps that glowed, but gems that glowed, emitting a faint halo. The light is not strong, but it is enough to guide the way forward for people like them.

This place is so comfortable, such a rich life energy seems to extend from deep underground.

When he first came to Tianlong Star, Lan Xuanyu was guessing that with such a huge planet and such a strong life energy, where is the life core of this planet? From the intensity of the life energy emitted from the Tianlong Mansion in front of him Look, maybe the core of life is here, right?

Lan Xuanyu asked Du Xinyu next to him: "Brother Du, do all the Dragon Knight adults live here?"

Du Xinyu glanced at "her", then shook his head, and said, "I don't know about this. I can't ask about the whereabouts of the adults."

"Sorry, I took offense. I just feel that this place is really a very suitable place for cultivation and living." Lan Xuanyu said apologetically.

She Xinyu smiled and said: "Lord Lan likes it, that would be the best. As a member of the Tianlong Club, you have your own residence here. It has been allocated for you, and you can come anytime if you want. Stay here for a long time."

Of course Lan Xuanyu is willing to live in this place for a long time, a place with such a strong life energy, which benefits his cultivation tremendously. But the problem is, let’s not talk about how to use the Dragon Power Hall here. The most important thing is under the eyes of the dragon knight, and it is also probably under the eyes of the first seat of the dragon, so forget it...

"According to the rules, in order to maintain the original ecology of the mansion, there cannot be any modern facilities here, so everything is very primitive, and we can only walk, please forgive me."

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