Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1350: Challenger

Bai Xiuxiu gave him a white look, and said, "When I can make it instantly, I will try to beat you first."

Lan Xuanyu chuckled, "Then you need to be able to swallow my light and dark divine thunder. Let this be your goal of devouring the demon. I don't think there is no chance. When you break through the **** level, you will also realize something. Space secrets, I think you can add some space secrets to your demon swallowing, which can become your natal soul skills. When the devouring power is displayed, even battleships will be swallowed into it."

Bai Xiuxiu was stunned for a moment, a somewhat thoughtful expression on her face.

At this time, Sun Weiping's severely injured body had been lifted down, and Bai Xiuxiu did not kill him. At their level, it was naturally not difficult to treat the injuries. It's just that most of the strong men on the mantis tribe's face are not pretty.

Especially in the rest area of ​​the clan, the person with a golden carapace all over his body, his breath is obviously a little gloomy.

The battles in the other arena are still going on. At this time, the situation in the No. 6 arena is relatively the worst. After all, Deng Xutong's first battle was really difficult before. Among the six challengers, he was the weakest one. The probability of challenging him to win is naturally the greatest. Although Tianyang Spar can help him heal his injuries and restore his cultivation, his energy recovery is limited. His support has become a little precarious.

The situation in the other arenas was okay. Both Qi Tianlong and Xu Yanmo showed strong strength, defeating a few challengers one by one, and the latest one also suppressed their opponents.

This is the display of strength, and at this time, no one continues to shoot outside the arc in front of the No. 1 ring.

A golden dragon princess is already so strong, even the rubber team was defeated in a short time, and now there is an ice dragon girl, the first strongest of the young generation of the Mantis tribe has been defeated in this way, the two are one, think To defeat "they", you need to defeat all of them.

The one-eyed rubber clan Zhu Cheng really created an opportunity for them, but the question is, who can seize this opportunity now?

After all, a challenge requires a natural spar. The value of Tianyang spar is too high, even the big clan is very reluctant to take it out. A piece of heavenly spar is enough to nurture a god-level powerhouse. For all races, the number of god-level powerhouses is still scarce after all.

In this challenge, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was set up by the Tianlong and Tianma tribes to show their strength. To put it bluntly, it was to show off their muscles. At the same time, it also tempted all races to take out the Tianyang spar.

As for other races, if they want to improve their status in the Dragon Horse galaxy in the future, this kind of positive discussion is the best way to enhance their race image. After all, it is relatively peaceful and does not involve any danger.

This is the fundamental reason why the various races initiated the challenge, not for the real gain of the ring. Otherwise, the value of Tianyang spar is so high, who would use it to make unnecessary challenges? Secretly it is related to the distribution of interests of all ethnic groups.

In this regard, Lan Xuanyu also had some guesses in his heart, but to him, these did not make much sense. Obtaining Tianyang spar was the real benefit.

If there is no contest to recruit relatives, I am afraid that the Tianma tribe will symbolically challenge themselves, and other tribes may not be able to take action. The winner of the Thang Long Contest is not to say anything, let alone two people on his side.

At this moment, Li Menglong in the audience showed hesitation, frowning, as if thinking about something. Then his figure quietly retreated into the crowd and disappeared.

Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu had already sat down on the stage, and they had another ten-minute break.

Lan Xuanyu found out that Li Menglong had left immediately, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes. I don't know if the bait I gave is enough, if today is not enough, try again tomorrow. Some people will always be attracted to the bait.

It is not those other races that are really attracted by martial arts contests. How many natural spars of other races are there?

Ten minutes' time came in a flash. At this moment, a ray of light shot out from the audience, and instantly penetrated into the payment bucket of Ring One. Immediately afterwards, a silver light flashed, and a figure had already boarded the ring.

The strong man who had just stepped onto the ring did not even say a word, and the offensive had already begun.

The entire competition platform turned into a silver ocean almost instantly, and thousands of silver rays burst out in an instant, covering all aspects to Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu. The space on the entire competition stage fluctuated violently, as if torn into countless pieces in an instant.

Dimensional storm!

When the other party came on stage, Lan Xuanyu already had a warning sign in his heart. Without hesitation, he pulled Bai Xiuxiu next to him, and the two bodies were already close together. The next moment, a dazzling silver light came from Lan Xuanyu broke out. The dragon scales on his body completely turned silver.

Those dimensional storms fell on the silver light around his body and disappeared quickly.

However, a huge silver ball of light quickly condensed on the other side. The light ball clearly contained extremely terrifying energy.

Lan Xuanyu pulled Bai Xiuxiu, pulling her behind her, and the Dragon King, the Dragon Armor, finally appeared again. At the same time, the dragon spear started, the long spear pointed forward, thousands of spear lights rushed out, and thousands of people pointed!

At this moment, the opponent who appeared opposite him was an existence with tentacles on his head. Wasn't it the strongman of the Yukong clan that they had contacted before and took away the core of the sky bug?

The Yukong tribe is also one of the ten major races in the Dragon Horse galaxy, and in terms of strength, it is more than the Mantis tribe overall. After all, the Yukong Clan owns battleships, and relying on their mastery of space technology, in terms of technology, they are among the best beings in the Longma Galaxy.

Relatively speaking, in the Dragon Horse galaxy, although the Yukong Clan is in the top ten races, it is not ranked high. But this ranking is mainly because they were not originally involved in various affairs of the Dragon Horse Galaxy. Relying on the existence of Kongyuanjing. With the space source crystals, the space warships they created are almost insoluble, whether they are fighting or fleeing, and space technology is developing rapidly. The Yukong clan has risen rapidly in the last thousand years.

But who would have imagined that the Sky Worm as the core of the race was abducted by Lan Xuanyu and the others, causing a huge crisis within the Yukong Clan. Under this kind of crisis, the Yukong Clan had no choice but to Choose to cooperate with Tianlong and Tianma, so as to collect as many empty source crystals as possible. Because of this, they also paid a huge price.

This time they were invited to participate in the conference, Tianlong and Tianma's request was simple, that is, they should use the space technology of the Yukong clan. Used in exchange for more empty source crystals.

If this were changed, the Yukong Clan would never give up, but in this situation, they would have nothing to do. We have to come, and we need to negotiate how to do it.

And the Yukong tribe in front of him, as soon as he came up, he did not hesitate to use his most powerful means. Launched an indiscriminate attack towards Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu.

Lan Xuanyu's voice came from Bai Xiuxiu's ear, "I'm hooked, proceed as planned."

Spear lights bloomed all over the sky, and the incomparable vitality fluctuations also erupted from Lan Xuanyu's body. However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that when she stabbed this shot, her pretty face was obviously paler.

A colorful halo burst out from Lan Xuanyu, and the scales on his body quickly turned into seven colors, and the almost terrifying aura caused the Yukong clan powerhouse on the opposite side to stagnate.

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