Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 808: Inventory savings

He turned to Li Xueying and asked, "Did you report this to the military and then went to investigate again?"

Li Xueying nodded and said, "I have a report and I'm going to investigate. But we can't find the cave again when we go back."

Lan Xuanyu frowned slightly, did Long Yuanxing? Those Yuanlongs had little wisdom, but they had a strong attack power. At the beginning, they had a lot of gains on the Longyuan star. Whether it is Longyuan Gold or Longyuan Crystal, it can bring great wealth.

In particular, Longyuanjing has received great attention from the federal government.

"What's the situation of Longyuan Star now? Why did you choose to perform the mission there?" Lan Xuanyu asked.

Li Xueying said: "The number of Dragon Dragons seems to be increasing. In the Sky Fighter mission, it is relatively easy and rewarding. So almost everyone will choose this. They can also take team tasks. Those Dragons The amount is huge, and the gains from hunting are quite large. In the third-level Sky Fighter mission, even the Academy recommended us to complete this, and we went. However, Wang Xiaoyi was not met with misfortune. "

Lan Xuanyu frowned slightly and looked at Wu Zhiqian. "Think again and see if you can recall the situation in some caves. Maybe you need reminiscence for your revenge."

Wu Zhiqian frowned, thinking hard. After a moment, he suddenly held his head in both hands and moaned in pain.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it." Li Xueying hurried forward and hugged him, soothing his emotions.

Lan Xuanyu sighed and said, "Okay, don't think too much. Sister, you take this student to the infirmary. I don't think he needs to go to the teaching department. His emotions should have been affected The stimulus of this incident should be a strong stimulus that caused him intermittent amnesia and some trauma. Go to the medical room to get a good treatment. Be sure to wait for his emotional stability before returning to class. "

No need to go to the teaching department, Li Xueying was immediately overjoyed, and said quickly: "Thank you, thank you, senior."

Li Xueying took Wu Zhiqian away, Lan Xuanyu thoughtfully looked at the back of their departure, and could not help recalling what happened to them when they were at Longyuan Star.

All official records say that Yuanlong has only combat instincts and no wisdom. But he also clearly remembered the change between the eyes of the particularly large source dragon eye he saw. Is that possible for a creature without intelligence?

But the source dragon as a whole is really silly and ridiculous, constantly self-born, died, and then resurrected to regenerate the dragon source crystal.

For the federation, this is like a self-produced energy bank. The federal government really attaches great importance to this.

If it weren't for today's younger brothers and younger girls, Lan Xuanyu's situation about Long Yuanxing would have faded in his heart. After all, they can only complete this three-level Sky Fighter mission once. But listening to their description today, Lan Xuanyu renewed a little interest in Long Yuanxing's situation.

A week later.

Lan Xuanyu finally completed the rare metal forging of all classmates, and gave the last set of rare metals to the classmates. The remaining time should be enough for them to make the two-word bucket armor.

Completing this task also made him greatly relieved. At the same time, it was time for him to prepare to go to Sun Luoxing to make a breakthrough.

Sitting on the meditation room floor of the dormitory, Lan Xuanyu put his savings over the years from the ring of fate.

If any foreign students see this scene, they will be shocked to add it.

All are Shrek badges above the purple level. It's not that Lan Xuanyu did not have the yellow level badge, but he changed the yellow level badges to purple.

There are three black-level badges, one from the teacher Tang Zhenhua, one from Yuan Enhuihui, and one that Lan Xuanyu himself exchanged for purple-level badges and merits. These three black badges are undoubtedly his most precious asset.

In addition, he has more than 500 purple-level badges. There is no doubt that this is definitely a great wealth.

Zheng Longjiang, an honest young man at the time, can be regarded as a small money maker, but compared with Lan Xuanyu who is a six-level forging division, he still has a big gap.

This is also the reason why Lan Xuanyu forged the rare metals of the one-word and two-word bucket armors for the students.

The value of this forged metal is also high in Shrek. Is the best metal for making two-word bucket armor. A large part of the money in front of Lan Xuanyu was in exchange for selling forged metal.

Lan Xuanyu counted his net worth, three black-level badges, 526 purple-level badges.

For more than a year, he has not eaten good things. The presence of a treasure hunt is enough to help him identify all kinds of treasures worth taking, and it will not cause indigestion.

It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a fifth ring yet, but his physical strength is stronger than when he first entered the fourth ring.

Now his most precious treasure is two drops of the essence of life. This thing can save lives, and it is Lan Xuanyu's hole card that he must break through the fifth ring.

What he has to do now is to use the money at the exchange office of the college to change to a natural treasure suitable for his own consumption, so that he can take it at a breakthrough time.

Three months before the graduation exam, Lan Xuanyu invited himself for a month's vacation during the Sen Luoxing trip.

By the sixth grade, the teaching of the college was actually very loose. It was more dependent on the students themselves to make final adjustments to face the final graduation exam.

Therefore, after Lan Xuanyu asked for leave, it was easily approved.

Not only are they looking forward to the graduation exam, even the teachers are looking forward to what kind of good results they will get in the final graduation exam of this Star Wars experimental class.

After taking inventory of his assets, Lan Xuanyu put them back together. Go straight to the exchange center.

He is definitely a regular customer at the special exchange office, and he is an absolute big customer, even with discounts.

He took the elevator and came to this familiar place before he entered, and a young girl greeted him. The girl is not someone else, it is Bai Xiuxiu.

"Well, the new thing just came on. It's ready." Bai Xiuxiu said to him in a low voice.

Each student must work hard for his Shrek badge. After finishing the task of Sky Fighter, Bai Xiuxiu competed and became a service staff of the special exchange center. This is what Lan Xuanyu gave her.

The special exchange center is not so busy and does not affect her cultivation. At the same time, there are many good things here, and the breath of various natural treasures also nourishes people. It is a rare and good place. The income is also pretty good. After a month, I can have a purple badge. If you add the commission, there will be more.

The commission of Lan Xuanyu's big customer purchase is naturally not a small number, and the fat and water do not flow outsiders' fields, naturally they must be cheaper.

Compared with more than a year ago, Bai Xiuxiu didn't seem to have changed much, but his face was more beautiful, the girl's charm became more and more full, and her body development was more perfect.

Her long dark blue hair will glow a faint purple under the light, and the whole person is a little mysterious in the cold. Although extremely beautiful, there is a feeling that people do not enter.

Compared with her, Lan Mengqin's changes are much greater. In the past, Lan Mengqin looked cooler than her, but with the fusion with the emerald swan and brigitte, Lan Mengqin's temperament gradually became softer. Whoever feels like a spring breeze in front of her.

"Okay. Take me." Lan Xuanyu naturally pulled Bai Xiuxiu's hand.

Bai Xiuxiu snapped his hands off, "I'm at work, don't mess with you."

Lan Xuanyu smiled, didn't say anything, followed Bai Xiuxiu inward.

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