Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 844: Uncle Le, what do you think of Teacher Nana?

Lan Xuanyu gave her a snoring gesture, and said, "I met Ding Zhuohan today. He said that I look a bit like Teacher Nana and Uncle Le, do you think we are like?"

Bai Xiuxiu looked at him and looked back again, a little surprised: "You don't say I haven't noticed, it's a bit like it! Your eyes are more like Teacher Nana, the outline is also, but the nose and chin have eyebrows It ’s a bit like your uncle Le. You walk like him. No wonder Ding Zhuohan would say that. ”

"Speaking of which, your silver-stripe blue-silver-grass Wuhun seems to be very similar to Teacher Nana's ability. What kind of Wuhun is your uncle Le? What ability?"

Lan Xuanyu smiled bitterly: "It's very similar to my golden blue-silver grass. Although I have always felt it, our understanding is very accidental. There should be no kinship. They are obviously my father Mom is not a relative! "

Bai Xiuxiu said thoughtfully: "Just from the appearance of Wu Hun, you really are more like them, more like your parents. Is it because of Wu Hun and blood? But we all I have learned that Wuhun and blood are related to heredity. "With that said, she stopped and her eyes became a little weird.

This can't be said any further, it will be a little offensive to Lan Xuanyu's biological parents.

Lan Xuanyu frowned slightly. He was a smart man. In fact, he must let Le Gongzi and Teacher Nana meet this time. Not because of looks, but because of ability.

The more he breakthroughs and improves, the more he feels like his abilities. It's like a combination of the two of them. Even Ding Zhuohan felt that the three of them seemed like a family.

But judging from today's situation, Teacher Nana and Uncle Le really don't know each other! And when he forged, she stung him.

Lan Xuanyu frowned, and the last time he questioned his mother about his martial arts and blood, his mother Nan Cheng was a bit angry, and now of course he didn't dare to ask again. However, his martial spirit is too special. The key is that he consulted a lot of information, and no similar situation has occurred. If it's just mutation, it's amazing.

Lan Xuanyu took a deep breath and calmed down his mind. Forget it, don't want to do this anymore. Isn't it okay now? In addition to father and mother, Uncle Le and Teacher Nana have also been their closest people. If you really have anything to do with them, maybe you will have a chance to know it later.

The four returned to Lan Xuanyu's dormitory together, ordered food, and ate again.

Le Gongzi and Nana still have very few words. Most of the time, Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu said that, to Bai Xiuxiu, Lan Xuanyu naturally had nothing to hide, and told her the breakthrough in forging.

After dinner, Nana took Bai Xiuxiu away and went to Bai Xiuxiu's residence. Lan Xuanyu originally wanted to stay with them, but was rejected by Nana, saying that she wanted to instruct Bai Xiuxiu to cultivate.

Nana left. Tang Le obviously felt relieved. When Nana was there, he always felt that he was particularly nervous. It was an uncontrollable tension.

"Uncle Le, what do you think of Teacher Nana?" Lan Xuanyu sat next to Le Gongzi and asked tentatively.

"Ah? That's good!" Tang Le answered subconsciously.

Lan Xuanyu said, "Uncle Le, do you have a girlfriend? Is that aunt Le your girlfriend?"

Tang Le glanced at him and said, "When have you been so gossip. Qing Ling and I are just good friends. She has helped me a lot these years. I even even saved my life."

"Oh? What's the matter? You are so powerful, can she save you?" Lan Xuanyu asked curiously. He really rarely asked about Le Gongzi before.

Tang Le said: "Actually I don't remember anything. She rescued me from the sea. She told me that she was in the sea of ​​the mother star. When I woke up, I lost my memory. Nothing happened before. remembered."

"Amnesia?" Lan Xuanyu stared at him dumbfounded. He vaguely remembered that Teacher Nana had also said that she had lost some memory. However, it seems that Teacher Nana is not amnesiac in her mother star, right? He didn't know the specifics.

Tang Le said: "Yeah! I forgot everything, who I was, what I used to do. Even this ability, in fact, gradually came to my mind. But I can't remember what I used to do. .If I have to think about it, I will have a headache, which is particularly uncomfortable. Over time, I will not think about it. "

"Qing Ling saved me at first, and she said that I look good and should be a star. At that time, I didn't know what I wanted to do, including even now. Besides being impulsive to want to see you, Everything else seems to have nothing to do with me. So, I promised her. Just want to help her earn some money, it can be regarded as repaying her kindness to save me. Unexpectedly, this is more than ten years. These years I should have made a lot of money. I was going to give it to her, but I lost my kindness, so I told you I do n’t want to sing anymore. "

Lan Xuanyu's heart was tight, and from Le Gongzi's words, he heard the lowness and loneliness, with a touch of sadness.

"After that? What are you going to do in the future? Stay here to settle?" Lan Xuanyu asked.

Tang Le glanced at him and said, "Shrek City is fine. If I can, I plan to live here. I can walk around. Although I have been to all the federal planets in these years, in fact, I have not been careful Go and have a good look. I will probably look around in the future. "

"Huh, huh." Lan Xuanyu nodded. "Uncle Le, I'll go with you when I have time."

Tang Le said with a smile: "You are now the most important cultivating time, and your situation is special, you can't relax. Moreover, if I stay here in the future, it is estimated that I will be here most of the time, and I will not go out often of."

Lan Xuanyu said: "Uncle Le, my martial arts soul is so special, and some of them seem to be a bit like you, what do you say?"

Tang Le shook his head and said, "I don't know. Your gold-texture blue-silver grass is indeed a bit like me, but not the same. My martial arts soul is actually blue-silver grass, but I have the blood of a golden dragon. And Your martial spirit is as if you have merged my martial spirit and blood into one. "

As he said, he raised his hand, and a crystal clear vine emerged from his palm.

The vine looks like a solid blue and silver grass, but it is obviously not clear how much higher it is. With the change of the blood of Le Gongzi, a small golden scale begins to appear on the surface of the blue silver grass, covering it. It soon became like a golden dragon.

Lan Xuanyu blinked, but how did he feel that the blue silver grass after this change began to look a bit like his own golden blue silver grass, and it wasn't ordinary. It's just that he can't control the blue silver grass to change like Le Gongzi, but when using the ability, the blue silver grass itself will change.

Lan Xuanyu curiously said, "Uncle Le, you said, would we have any relatives! For example, you are my uncle, uncle and the like? Why should my Wuhun look like you?"

Tang Le froze, shook his head, and said, "I don't know about this. I lost my previous memory and can't remember anything, but it seems like I'm deliberately reluctant to remember the previous memory. Whenever I take it seriously If you go back to your memory, your head will suddenly become particularly painful. You ca n’t go back. It ’s okay for me and your parents to do the verification. ”

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