Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 913: Nana always guarding

The red light on Longyuanjing suddenly burst, but a silver halo suddenly appeared around the slender palm. Inside the silver light, it was dark, and that dragon source crystal was sucked into it instantly.

The whole space exploded slightly. The next moment, Lan Xuanyu found that his consciousness and ability had been restored.

The imprisonment in the surrounding space was lifted in an instant.

Regardless of the need to lift the strong palpitations, Lan Xuanyu quickly controlled the Tianyi fighter and reluctantly controlled the fighter that was out of control. Thirty-three Tianyi's fighter fleet was now chaotic.

But after all, they are all high-ranking students of Shrek Academy. After a short period of chaos, they finally managed to control the fighter planes and turned into the sky-wing mech form in the air, making the mech form easier to fight.

Lan Xuanyu was the first to control his Tianyi mech. When he looked up into the air, a strong sense of peace instantly poured into his heart.

In the air, a figure stood in vain. A long lilac skirt set off her slender body, with long silver hair hanging from her head to the ankle. In his hand, a silver spear pointed obliquely into the void. A faint colorful halo was released outwards centered on her body and diffused into the air.

"Mr. Nana!" Lan Xuanyu shouted in surprise.

He didn't know why Nana appeared here, but in the critical moment of his life, Teacher Nana appeared.

He has absolute confidence in Nana's strength. Even if the other party is a god-level strongman and Nana's teacher is present, they must be safe. An unspeakable feeling spread in my heart. When it was most dangerous, it was not Wang Gezhu who came to the rescue, but it was Teacher Nana.

However, the next moment, Lan Xuanyu's mood fell into freezing point again.

"Come on!" Nana's deep voice sounded in Lan Xuanyu's ears.

It was a voice with anxiety and tension, and it was also the first time Lan Xuanyu heard Nana talking to him in such a tone.

Could it be that the unknown and powerful existence is even stronger than Teacher Nana?

Suddenly, Lan Xuanyu remembered what the treasure hunter said before, at least it was the knowledge of a first-class god, a first-class god? What is the existence of a first-class oracle? Super God Powerhouse? Above the level of 120, none of the Douluo Federations, just superheroes that exist in the legend?

Just then, the sky suddenly turned into a dark red, a terrible oppression condensed in the air, and everything around it turned dark red.

"Is it bad to live?" The soft voice sounded again. The next moment, from the dark red void, a figure emerged silently, moving forward step by step.

This time, Lan Xuanyu saw clearly.

That is the existence of a dragon head and horse body, or the existence of a dragon head and horse body.

The whole body is covered with dark red scales, and the dark red light flows out of the gaps between each scale. The twelve legs are very rhythmic, and it doesn't look too big. It is about three meters long The left and right bodies slowly moved forward.

Its eyes are golden yellow with a bright sheen. As he moved forward, his body suddenly became unreal. It turned into a human figure and became a man wearing dark red armor with long dark red hair.

From the moment he appeared, the colorful halo around Nana became strong, protecting the thirty-three sky wings behind him, but what can be seen is that around that colorful halo, a large amount of light has begun to appear. Halo folds, these folds are becoming unreal.

Lan Xuanyu they didn't feel the pressure behind Nana, but they could also see from the momentum how terrible the existence of this man in the opposite side was.

"Interesting, or the human body is even more beautiful!" The red-haired man looked at Nana in front of him, showing his admiration, and nodded slightly to her.

"I didn't expect that there is a strong one like you in this little Longyuan star. Although I can only project it, my projection can also be transmitted through space and possess my full power. How good is it to live, why Do you have to rush to know what you should not know? "

Nana didn't say anything, she just looked at the person in front of her coldly. After the recovery, she was the first to make her feel dangerous, and it was a very dangerous existence.

It was a repression of the level of life. Vaguely, this level of repression seemed to have been felt deep in her memory.

Nana's sudden appearance here was not accidental. In fact, Lan Xuanyu never knew that every time he went out to perform tasks or experience, his teacher Nana actually quietly followed him.

At the time, when Nana joined the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Guru Academy, she had made a request for a god-level mech, not for herself, but to be able to fly in the universe by virtue of the god-level mech.

She has strong space capabilities, and with the help of god-class mecha, she can survive in space for a long time and fly at high speed.

In daily life, Nana has no preferences. All her joys are actually in Lan Xuanyu and Bai Xiuxiu. Whenever Lan Xuanyu goes out, she will quietly follow him.

At the time, at the time of Sen Luoxing, Lan Xuanyu was tempted by Lin Mohua, Lin Mohua did not know that if he really wanted to attack Lan Xuanyu, a silver-white lance was already in the void, ready to go Hit him.

Nana never told Lan Xuanyu that she had been guarding him silently. Therefore, her appearance today is not accidental, but it is bound to occur when Lan Xuanyu encounters a fatal crisis.

However, although she appeared for the first time to protect Lan Xuanyu, the opponent she encountered was so powerful.

Slowly raised the silver dragon gun in her hand, Nana Shen said, "Xuan Yu, you go first."

"Walk? Where do you go? I come to the projection at any cost, how can you go?" The red-haired man smiled. From beginning to end, he had a kind smile on his face, but the space around him had become dark red.

Nana snorted and stepped forward. The silver dragon gun pointed forward. Suddenly, at the tip of the gun, a silver halo covered with colorful halo bloomed, and all the dark red around it appeared silvery white instantly. The lines seem to crack at any time.

There was a look of wonder in the eyes of the red-haired man, "a bit interesting."

He raised his hands on both sides of the body, and the dark red around him instantly flourished, suppressing the silvery white light.

Lan Xuanyu had already reflected it at this time. He held back his strong heart palpitations, raised his right hand, and the ring of destiny shone. Then, the thirty-three sky-wing battleship emerged in the void.

He clearly felt the horror of the red-haired man, and even teacher Nana was suppressed. How could they be rivals? The best way now is to stay away immediately. Only when they leave, can Nana let go and fight with each other or leave the battlefield.

"Go to battleship." Lan Xuanyu yelled in the team channel.

At this time, the students of the Star Wars experimental class have also reflected that, in the face of the collision of the top god-level strong, they feel that they are so weak and weak. But they still have the backbone and Lan Xuanyu.

Without hesitation, one by one quickly flew towards the thirty-three sky-wing battleship.

Thirty-three Tianyi battleships opened in the lower abdomen, and after one mech flew in, everyone recovered and quickly entered the battleship.

As Lan Xuanyu watched his friends enter the battleship, the dark blue light on his right hand flashed, and the Heavenly Saint Rift Halberd has appeared in his palm. He suddenly threw the halberd in the direction of Nana. "Mister Nana."

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