Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 954: God's Wrath

Mengfei grinned, "Your kid came here less often. When you were a teenager, you dared to throw anti-material missiles on the evil planet side. Is there anything you dare not? I just want to remind you that no one is in danger of life At this time, don't use taboo weapons, this thing is used, it has too much influence. "

"Well, that's for sure."

Mengfeidao: "Also, don't mention anything about taboo weapons to anyone, even the best partner around you. Let them not know that this thing exists."


As he said, Mengfei had taken Lan Xuanyu to the front of the metal table with a yellow light ball.

"This taboo weapon, we call it the wrath of God. If I remember correctly, you are also a blacksmith? To what extent are you forging now?" Mengfei asked suddenly.

Lan Xuanyu said: "It's barely possible to forge the soul. It's a level seven."

After hearing what he said, Mengfei and Tang Miao couldn't help looking surprised. Seventh Blacksmith?

Lan Xuanyu is only 18 years old! The eighteen-year-old seven-level forging division is almost a rare existence, and must be a generation of geniuses in the forging industry.

Tang Miao asked, "Who taught your forging?"

Lan Xuanyu blinked and said, "Uncle Le!"

Tang Miao and Mengfei suddenly showed a sorrowful color. Mengfei couldn't help but admire, "It is an art to be born! No wonder. At that time, Tang's predecessor was the premier forging master in the Federation. At that time, the strongest **** forging master. Teach you, no wonder you can be promoted so quickly. Shrek Academy is so burdensome, and you can reach the level of soul-forging, it is not easy. "

"You are a blacksmith, naturally you understand that in forging, you can purify rare metals, and you can also melt and forge rare metals. In the end, the metal can reach a hundred forgings, a thousand forgings, a spiritual forging, a soul forging, and even the highest level of **** forging. God forging that level of metal has already left the category of metal, and it can also be described by heaven and earth treasures. That is the existence that is truly endowed with soul and life. It has a powerful ability. It is also the place where the four-word bucket armor is made It is necessary. Only the four-letter bucket armor made of god-level metal can be continuously evolved after being continuously nurtured by the god-level strongman. At least four rare-metal forged god-level metals can evolve to the five-word There are more than six types of fighting armors, which have the opportunity to evolve into six-character fighting armors. In fact, humans have only appeared in seven sets of six-character fighting armors in history. "

Lan Xuanyu's eyes lighted up and he couldn't help but feel a little excited. Although he had reached the level of soul-forging, he had never learned about the five-character fighting armor and the six-character fighting armor. He just knew that before the evolution of the parent star, the degree of human bucket armor was at most four-letter bucket armor. Only then did the words Five-Character Bucket and Six-Character Bucket.

It's no wonder that Uncle Le has to teach himself the method of fusion forging and allow himself to successfully complete the fusion forging before continuing the soul forging. The effect of melting forging turned out to be so great.

Mengfei pointed at the wrath of the **** in front of him and said: "Modern energy has made rapid progress because we Tangmen invented the core of the monomer forward circulation source. Only by carrying large amounts of energy in a small volume can we make great progress. With the power source of the battleship, so that we move to the starry sky. The wrath of God in front of you is actually the core of the single-source forward circulation source, but it is special because it is extracted from a whole piece of god-level metal. The monomer is circulating the core of the source. The core of the source of God. "

"You should know that ecological warships have very strict energy requirements. At least the rare metal at the level of spiritual forging can become its energy source. Only through internal conversion can it become the core of the forward circulation of the monomer. Soul forging metal is naturally better. . And the god-level metal cannot be converted into the core of the monomer forward circulation source through the reaction furnace, and thus become the direct use of energy. At least, there is no such technology in the federal. Only we Tangmen can use some special methods to manufacture . And in the process of manufacturing the core of the god-level source, we found that when the god-level metal was refined into the core of the source, the energy inside it was indeed huge, and it was too huge. But because it is too large, it It ca n’t be a continuous and stable output directly. Once broken, it will immediately produce a big explosion. It ca n’t be used as energy at all. ”

"In order to clarify the reason, we spent more than 1,300 years. During this period, hundreds of scientific researchers died in the god-level metal explosion, which are all our best talents in Tangmen. , But also a group of lunatics in our Tang gate. But it is also such crazy scientists that can finally develop taboo weapons. "

"We found that the reason why god-grade metals cannot be used for energy. The main reason is because of their sublimation. God-grade metals will undergo thunderstorm baptism when they are forged to the last moment. You have not reached that level now. So you do n’t know. Even a normal forging room, even if it can reach the level of a god-level forging division, it ca n’t be forged for many years, because every time they experience thunderstorms, they will be irreversibly traumatized. Only the physical strength of senior Tang, Can truly continue to forge the god-level metal. Only he can become a god-powered person as a god-level forge. Whether we or the federal government have conducted various tests, such as letting the god-level The strong learn to forge. Or cultivate the genius forge to become a god-level strong. "

"Not one time of success. The god-level strong learns to forge, not even the most ordinary thousand forges. And no genius forge master can be a god-level strong again when he reaches the god-level forge. God-level forging, they will be damaged after thunderstorm, not only the body, but also the spiritual knowledge. And in the soul-forging stage, if more experience is devoted to cultivation, and eventually if the god-level strong is achieved, then The step of not being able to sell the god-level blacksmith. In simple terms, the soul master wants to become a god-level blacksmith. The prerequisite is that he cannot become a god-level strongman. Because the god-level strongman can not lead to thunderstorm, or in other words, god-level The thunderstorms caused by the strong are aimed at themselves, not at the metal. "

Lan Xuanyu understands that the god-level forge division needs to be reached before becoming a god, but after he becomes a god, the god-level forge division is traumatized by thunder, and can no longer evolve. This question comes back to asking Uncle Lei why this is so.

Mengfei continued: "So, after the development of god-grade metal, it will only be used to manufacture bucket armor or the highest-level mech. However, it cannot become an energy source. The highest-end energy source in the Federation is the single body made of soul-forged metal. The core of positive circulation. "

"The core of the god-level source created by Tangmen has become an orphan product, and it is also a top secret. Our ancestors are studying. What is the use of such a source core? The energy contained in it, even the soul-forged metal. Thousands of times! It would be too wasteful not to use it like this. "

"After the baptism of thunder, the metal changed, just like our soul master became a god. After the qualitative change, the metal itself has become a living body and an energy body. The core of the source is equivalent to dissolving all of this into Oneness can even be said to form the core of the source at the cost of depriving the life of the god-level metal. What is contained within it becomes violent. In other words, the core of the god-level source has emotions. So It is completely uncontrollable and cannot be used as energy. Therefore, after continuous development and research, we have found that although the core of the god-level source cannot be an energy source, it can be used as a weapon. However, the forging of the god-level metal is so difficult and itself There is life, and it is heavenly to use it to make weapons. Therefore, after completing the research of that year, Tang Men's ancestors discussed and decided to seal this technology and no longer create the wrath of God. Therefore, what you see The thirty-six wraths of the goddess that have arrived are out of print, and one less is used. This is the crystallization of our technology 7,600 years ago. "

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