Douluo Dalu: Goes Down the Mountain at Full Level

Chapter 748 - Shrek is gone (for subscription)

With Dugu Bo's title Douluo's strength, no one actually reacted when he moved, as if he had suddenly appeared here.

"Are you Gu Changsheng?"

Dugu Bo squinted his eyes and looked at Gu Changsheng, "You ate the goose's snake pill?"

Gu Changsheng was taken aback, and then he remembered that the lone geese of the Huangdou team was the granddaughter of the person in front of him.

Back when he defeated the new emperor fighting team alone, Dugu Goose seemed to really put something in his mouth in the end, because he had never felt strange, Gu Changsheng didn't care. It turned out to be her snake pill?

Seeing the subtle changes in Gu Changsheng's expression, Dugubo confirmed his thoughts and said coldly: "How can Yan Yan like your little white face? What kind of Ecstasy did you give her?"

"Hey, old man, it's the first time everyone meets, don't be too much!"

Gu Changsheng said speechlessly, "I'm handsome, I know, but I'm a talented player, not a soft food!"

The people at the scene, including Prince Xue Xing, were stunned. What did Gu Changsheng just say?

He actually called a Title Douluo the old man?

"You kid, no one dares to call me like that!"

Dugu Bo furiously said, "Believe it or not, I can let you die now?"

"Dugu Bo! Do you dare!"

Mengshenji sternly shouted, he also admired Gu Changsheng very much, how could he let Dugubo attack easily.

But after Gu Changsheng heard what Mengshenji said, he sneered in his heart. With Dugu Bo's weird temper, the more you tell him to stop, the more he will try.

"Humph! Do you think I dare!"

As Dugu Bo said, condensing spirit power in his hands, he was about to deal with Gu Changsheng.

"I'm dead, isn't this snake pill gone?"

When Dugu Bo heard this, he obviously hesitated, and Gu Changsheng raised his brows, and it seemed that he had guessed it correctly. This snake pill was indeed a very important thing, just like his Dugu Bo's poison pill.

"Hmph, don't think you can use this snake pill to blackmail me. If you want to survive, use your strength to prove yourself!"

As Dugu Bo said, strong spirit power fluctuations came, two yellows, two purples and five blacks, a total of nine spirit rings hovering around him, and the dazzling light made the entire hall become gorgeous.

When everyone saw Dugu Bo's spirit ring, their expressions suddenly changed. Although they had three spirit Douluos on their side, how could Title Douluo be easy to deal with? At their level, the difference in spirit power at the first level is all heaven. The difference, let alone the big gap.

Feeling this desperate power gap, the master said: "Your surname is Dugu, and his body is horrifying. It must be the poisonous Douluo, Senior Dugu Bo, right?"

"Yes! Now that you know my name, don't hurry up!" Dugu Bo proudly said.

The master said calmly: "Okay, let's get out! Flanders, let's get out."

Although Flander was unwilling, he also knew that a Title Douluo could not be dealt with anyway, so he could only walk out of the door unwillingly.

"Wait!" Dugu Bo said at this time, "You can go, but this kid must stay!"

What Dugubo said was naturally Gu Changsheng. Hearing his request, Flender couldn't help it anymore, and said angrily: "Don't think about it! How many people Shrek is here, and how many people will have to go, you don't want to stay. Leave any one of us!"

A cold light flashed in Dugu Bo's eyes: "Huh! It seems that you want to die, OK, then I will fulfill you!"

Just when Dugu Bo was about to do it, the three Contras suddenly stopped in front of him, and the three stood in a triangular formation, releasing their own tyrannical auras.

"Dugu Bo, don't go too far, let us three old guys come and learn about your poisonous skills!"

Mengshenji's eyes were wide open, and said to Dugu Bo.

And as the three of them summoned their own martial souls, their powerful aura suddenly matched with Dugu's battle.

Although Dugu Bo was extremely powerful, he did not dare to be careless in the face of the three Contras joining forces.

Under the protection of the three Contras, everyone in Shrek was finally able to leave safely. Although Dugu Bo intended to keep Gu Changsheng, he saw a decisive look in the eyes of the three Contras. If he did, The three of them have to fight with him for whatever they say.

"Forget it, this kid can't run anyway, there will be more opportunities to catch him in the future."

Dugu Bo comforted himself in his heart.

When everyone in Shrek walked out of the hall of the Board of Education, Qin Ming also saluted the three Contras at this time, saying: "The three Board of Education, I'm really sorry, I think I should leave the college too."

Hearing Qin Ming’s words, the three Contras were shocked, and even the Snow Star Prince was stunned. Qin Ming’s status in the academy is far higher than everyone in Shrek imagined. It can be said to be second only to the three Board of Education. Because he is currently one of the youngest soul emperors, he is very likely to become Titled Douluo before the age of sixty.

The loss of such a talent is too serious even for a country. Mengshenji hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Teacher Qin Ming, how can this be done? I will naturally report the matter to your Majesty. You must not leave. !"

Qin Ming shook his head, his eyes were full of determination, and he said lightly: "My teacher is insulted here. As a Shrek disciple, what face does Qin Ming have to stay here?"

"The kindness of the three Board of Education Committees, Qin Ming took heartily. When Qin Ming came back, he was alone, but he is still alone when he leaves today. Qin Ming keeps in mind the three people's care for Qin Ming over the years. If there is a chance in the future, he will be Thank you! Goodbye."

After that, Qin Ming didn't give the three education committees a chance to stay, his soul power urged, his figure flashed, and he had already followed Shrek's footsteps out of the education committee hall.(Read more @

All of Shrek who walked down the mountain lowered their heads and did not speak. They only felt as if there was a big mountain pressing on them. It turned out that people were so desperate when faced with the absolute difference in strength!

"Children, remember today's lesson!"

The master said at this time, "Remember the unwillingness in your heart now, and then turn it into your motivation. One day, surpass him!"

When everyone heard it, they clenched their fists tightly. Tang San said, "Dean, why don't we make Shrek bigger!"

"Yes, Dean, my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, I am also willing to sponsor Shrek Academy!"

Ning Rongrong said, "It happens that my house is not far from here, let's go there and rest first! When I go back, I will ask Uncle Jian and Uncle Bone to come forward and teach that Dugu Bo!"

Flender sighed and said, "No, Rongrong, thank you for your kindness. Let's go to Tiandou City to take a rest and then make plans."

Seeing everyone's silent expressions, Flender said vigorously, "What's wrong? Look a little bit away, everyone, this time we didn't get nothing, you see when the three Contras were watching Changsheng just now, in their eyes The shocking look really makes me very happy!"

"Oh? Speaking of Gu Changsheng, how about Gu Changsheng? Gu Changsheng!"

At this time, everyone realized that Gu Changsheng was not among them, and they didn't know where he had gone.

In the Academic Affairs Hall of Tiandou Academy, after Qin Ming left, the three education committees expressed angrily that they would tell your majesty what happened here, so that your majesty will be judged.

Although Prince Xue Xing had regrets in his heart, he naturally couldn't express it at this time, so he said indifferently: "If the three are willing to file a complaint before your Majesty, you can do whatever you want."

Subsequently, Prince Xue Xing left here with Xue Beng, but did not greet Dugu Bo.

At this moment, a pretty girl ran in from outside, saw Dugu Bo standing there, and immediately pounced on him: "Grandpa!"

Dugu Bo saw this young and cold expression softened, stretched out his hand to hug her into his arms, haha ​​smiled: "Yan Yan, ah, yes, your strength has increased again, not here. Are you wronged?"

"Of course not. I'm the only one bullying others here. How can anyone bully me." This girl is naturally Dugu Bo's granddaughter, Dugu Goose, and she is like a big sister in the college at this time.

But who knows that Dugu Bo saw the appearance of Dugu Goose, but said with satisfaction: "Well! Yes, my granddaughter of Dugu Bo just needs to be different!"

"By the way, Grandpa, I heard that people from Shrek Academy are here, did you see the Gu Changsheng I told you about?"

Dugu Goose eagerly asked Dugu Bodao.

Listening to Dugu Goose's words, Dugu Bo was stunned. Gu Changsheng saw him, but he didn't give the kid a good face, so he drove them all away.

Dugu Goose was willing to give her snake pill to Gu Changsheng. She naturally understood Gu Changsheng's meaning and Dugu Bo, but he was just such a granddaughter, so he was willing to hand it over easily, so she was deliberately embarrassed by Gu Changsheng.

In his heart, he didn't want his granddaughter to fall in love so early. Even though the kid was really good, Dugu Bo still said, "I see it, it doesn't seem as good as you said!"

"Impossible!" Dugu Yan raised his head and said, "Grandpa, are you wrong? How could Gu Changsheng not be good? That's the first time I have come across!"

"It's true, Yan Yan, your grandfather, as a Titled Douluo, when I stop here, who dares to speak loudly?"

Dugu Bo said.

The Dream Machine on the side naturally couldn't see that Dugu Bo was so bragging, so he retorted and said, "Huh, Title Douluo? I don't know who was called by an old man just now!"


Dugu Bo became angry, but Dugu Yan's eyes lit up and said: "Grandpa, look, I know that Gu Changsheng is the best! He is the first person who dares to scold Grandpa!"

"Nonsense, Yan Yan, no one in this world dares to scold Grandpa! He is just..."

Dugu Bo was thinking about how to restore his image, but at this moment, a melodious and loud voice came from outside: "Dugu Bo! You old poisonous monster!"

This voice naturally belongs to Gu Changsheng, but the content of this sentence caused everyone present to fall into contemplation.

Dugu Bo?

Where is the title Douluo with superior strength not respected by others?

When has such a person been scolded with rubbish?

After the astonishment, Dugu Yan was the first to laugh: "Hehe, it is him, this is Gu Changsheng! Grandpa, look, I said Gu Changsheng is very good!"

"This little yellow-haired child dare to insult me ​​like this! I have to make him obscure!" Dugu Bo was furious, and his figure flashed towards the door.

"Oh! Grandpa, you are not allowed to hurt Gu Changsheng!"

Dugu Goose shouted from behind, but how could Dugu Bo listen to it at this time. The students of Tiandou College couldn't help wondering, who is Dugu Bo?

Why is he the old poisonous monster?

I'm even more curious about who this person is, who can actually spread the voice so far.

When everyone in Shrek at the gate of Tiandou Academy was looking for Gu Changsheng, they suddenly heard Gu Changsheng's voice from inside Tiandou Academy, and they couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"Gu Changsheng? Why hasn't he come out yet?" Flender asked in surprise.

And when they heard what Gu Changsheng had said, they all looked at each other and didn't know what to say. They just learned how powerful Dugu Bo was. They didn't even have the courage to stand in front of Dugu Bo, let alone insult Dugu Bo like this.

"It's Brother Changsheng, really Brother Changsheng!"

Ma Hongjun said in surprise, "Haha, Brother Changsheng scolded well, that Dugu Bo is an old poisonous monster!"

Oscar also said admiringly: "Brother Changsheng is really very human. Now I think of Dugu Bo's weak legs, let alone scolding him like this."

"Hey, didn't this irritate Dugu Bo!"

Flender sighed, "Even if he wants to vent his anger for Shrek, he is too impulsive!"

The master said directly: "Go, let's go back and take Gu Changsheng out!"

"Why, this time you don't think about safety first, and keep your strength?" Flender laughed.

" think too much, let's go to a good show, but I didn't expect that Dugu Bo is looking for death on his own, so I can't blame anyone!" said the master.

"Don't blow, if that's the case, then we all return to save Gu Changsheng!"

Flender said, "That said, as many people as Shrek come, I have to leave as many people!"

Among all the people who came to the square, the first to arrive is naturally the strongest Dugu Bo!

His figure appeared like a fog, quietly appearing in the open space in front of Gu Changsheng, with an unstoppable anger on his face and said: "Boy, it seems that you are really tired of living, so think about how to endure it. ?"

"Dugu Bo, you are here."

Gu Changsheng smiled.

"Presumptuous, maddening junior! I really thought that there was a goose pill in your body, so I wouldn't dare to kill you? If I kill you, I will take it out again!"

Dugu Bo was furious, and the nine spirit rings on his body turned all together, exuding an astonishing sense of oppression.

Dugu Bo revealed his spirit and spirit ring.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black!

The dazzling light dazzled the entire hall. This is the strength of the green-haired old man.

"Gu Changsheng, right? I heard that you are very talented. It's better to play a game. If you can catch my trick today, I will let them go."

"If you can't catch it, everyone in Shrek won't have to leave."

Dugu Bo's eyes flashed, nine spirit rings burst out from his body, and the pressure of the mountain whistling and tsunami made everyone on the court feel a bit of suffocation.

PS: Brothers, vote! !

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