"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe my eyes..."

Hu Yanzhen sighed, admiring Ling Mo in his heart.

He has built such a powerful sect with just one person's efforts. In the future... his achievements will never stop at Titled Douluo.

"Hu Yanzhen..."

"Hu Yanli..."


"Meet the sect leader..."

At this moment, the two of them no longer hesitated. Winner or loser, they lost.

Ling Mo is willing to spare their lives, which is the greatest gift.

If it were other sects, maybe... the entire Elephant Armor Sect would have been bleeding like a river.

"Get up!"

Ling Mo replied lightly. Sitting in his seat, he had already begun to think about how to reorganize the Elephant Armor Sect.

"Yeah! Old monster, did your actions last night alert anyone else?"

Ling Mo asked.

"Theoretically, there shouldn't be! The entire operation was very rigorous. Judging from the mobility of my sect disciples, it is impossible to be exposed.

Therefore, it is estimated that those people still donā€™t know what happenedā€¦ā€¯

Dugu Bo seriously replied that they started taking action at night last night, and it took only an hour to cross hundreds of miles and reach the Elephant Armor Sect.

Even the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect have not discovered their whereabouts, let alone others.

"Very good! Don't let the news out, Hu Yanzhen, continue to take over the Elephant Armor Sect, and don't expose the secret of this matter.

To create an illusion for Wuhun Palace, last night... nothing happened, and it was as it should be.

Next, I have a big move to make, and you... are the key point..."

Ling Mo felt happy when she heard Dugu Bo's report, and the smile on her face gradually became crazy.

This time, I conquered the Elephant Armor Sect, but I donā€™t know who it will be next time!

Wuhun Palace cannot be overthrown yet, because its existence is related to the success of Ling Mo's plan.

This is a trigger and an important chess piece for Lingmo.

If Wuhundian is overthrown now, not only will it fail to achieve the goal of unifying the continent, but it may also arouse public outrage.

Because Wuhundian has made a great contribution to the mainland, it plays the role of a good old man in the early stage.

Only later, after Wuhun Palace reveals its ambitions and promotes the war pattern of the entire continent, will this be the best time for Ling Mo to take action.

"What does the sect master mean by this?"

Of course Dugu Bo didn't know Ling Mo's next move, so he was extremely curious.

"It's very simple! I want to trick the Wuhun Palace and get some benefits from it..."

As he spoke, Ling Mo whispered in Dugu Bo's ear, not knowing what to say.

After listening to Ling Mo's words, Dugu Bo couldn't help but want to smile on his old face.

All we can say is that Ling Mo is still the same Ling Mo as before, as sinister and scheming as ever.

Regarding their conspiracy, Hu Yanzhen and Hu Yanli looked at each other, not knowing what they were up to.

Just listen to Ling Mo say: "Hu Yanzhen, you can go back soon, take over the Xiangjia Sect again, and pretend that nothing happened.

If someone comes looking for you in Wuhun Palace, just deal with it as usual.

Especially that old guy Salas, this old guy is very shrewd, try not to be exposed..."

"Understood..." Although Hu Yanzhen couldn't understand what Ling Mo was doing, he could imagine that Ling Mo must have some conspiracy against Wuhun Palace.

Now... he is completely convinced. He originally thought that Ling Mo joined the Elephant Armor Sect just because of his previous grudges.

In fact, he thought wrong. What Ling Mo wanted was not just him, the Elephant Armor Sect.

He even dares to scheme against Wuhun Palace, which shows how terrible this person is.

"As for Huyanli, you can stay on the mountain for now!

It just so happens that there is a training ground on the mountain, which will be of great help to your cultivation..."

After thinking about it, Ling Mo decided to leave Hu Yanli on the mountain and send a Yin soldier to guard him, otherwise he would not feel at ease.

Only when Hu Yanli is on the mountain can Hu Yanzhen do things for himself honestly.

Hu Yanzhen naturally understood this truth and was unable to refute it. He could only pray that he could gain Ling Mo's trust as soon as possible.

Only in this way will Hu Yanli be free again.

"Training ground? Sect Master, what kind of training ground is that?"

Hu Yanli was focused on different things than Hu Yanzhen. He just heard Ling Mo say something about the training ground.

Seeing Hu Yanli asking, Ling Mo and Dugu Bo looked at each other.


The two firmly believe that as long as they have met people in the training ground, even if you drive them down the mountain, they may not be willing to go down.

The incredible training speed in the training ground even surprised Dugu Bo, let alone Hu Yanzhen and others.

"The training ground is a special training ground that gathers eight characteristics and eight elements such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and spiritual power.

Since you are a powerful and extremely defensive soul master, you can practice in the two polar realms of metal and earth.

The speed of training in the training ground is extremely fast. In just one day of training, you can achieve the progress of an ordinary person in a month.

And there is also a special training on the power of elements, which is extremely helpful..."

After listening to Ling Mo's introduction, Hu Yanzhen and Hu Yanli were speechless, with disbelief on their faces.

Is there really such a training ground in this world?

"In a moment, Elder Dugu will take you to visit, but... if you want to enter the training ground to practice, you must abide by the rules of the ghost gate.

Only those who have made contributions to the sect are eligible to enter the training ground to practice...

Okay! Enough of the small talk, I have said everything that needs to be said, and now it depends on your performance.

If you are satisfied, I will not miss any benefits for you! "

Hearing Ling Mo's serious words, Hu Yanzhen and Hu Yanli became more and more interested in this training ground.

They wanted to visit it right now.

After explaining everything, Dugu Bo took them to visit, which satisfied their curiosity.

The moment he saw the training ground, Hu Yanzhen's old face finally moved.

"Oh my God! There is such a strange training ground in the world. "

Now that I think about it, the Ghost Gate disciples are so powerful, and not without reason.

He used to feel aggrieved. Why could the Ghost Gate disciples control the entire Xiangjia Sect in such a short time?

Now... after seeing the horror of the training field, Hu Yanzhen is convinced.

"Father, I want to stay in the mountain to practice..."

Hu Yanli said excitedly, wishing he could enter the training field to practice right now.

After he lost to Lingmo last time, he practiced very hard every day.

After seeing the surging power of the training field, he could no longer hold back.

The two looked at Dugu Bo together, asking for his opinion.

"Go! "

Dugu Bo only replied calmly, thinking that he would let them experience it first, and then slowly guide them to work for the sect.

With the temptation of the training field in front, I believe...the disciples of Xiangjia Sect will soon be reluctant to go down the mountain and are willing to stay in Guimen to take root.

And now most of the people in Xiangjia Sect are actually disciples of Guimen.

Since Guimen secretly accepted Xiangjia Sect, it is naturally impossible to leave it alone.

Most of the core disciples were taken to the mountain, and only a few stayed in the headquarters, and the headquarters area was also controlled by Guimen disciples.

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