"What secret is there? Don't think too much, little girl!"


Lingmo laughed and covered it up. At this time, Dugu Bo suddenly appeared outside the car.

"Hey, why is he here?"

The appearance of Dugu Bo puzzled Flanders and others. Shouldn't he be at the front of the team?

"He should be looking for me!"

Lingmo also found out, whispered something in Zhu Zhuqing's ear, and left the carriage directly.

Everyone was confused and didn't know what happened.

Before leaving, Lingmo left a puppet, which was the strongest puppet in his hand.

The puppet sat on the horse's back and showed people the image of Lingmo. Others couldn't tell that it was a puppet at all, and thought it was Lingmo himself.

"Zhuqing, what did he say to you?" Ning Rongrong was puzzled. What was so mysterious?

After hearing Lingmo's words, Zhu Zhuqing's face became strange.

Lingmo just asked her to release No. 5, and didn't tell her anything else.

Is something going to happen? Why did he suddenly release No. 5?

Zhu Zhuqing was very puzzled, but she did it anyway.

She waved her hand, and No. 5 appeared behind her, which made everyone even more confused.

No. 5 stayed quietly in the corner of the carriage, and the atmosphere became weird.

"Zhuqing, what's going on? Did something happen?"

Tang San and others cast doubtful eyes. Lingmo had already gone out. The only one who knew the truth should be Zhu Zhuqing.

"I don't know, he asked me to release No. 5, but didn't tell me what happened..."

Zhu Zhuqing explained, she didn't know what happened either.

"What is this kid doing! It seems that something big is happening, everyone should be prepared for battle..."

Careful Flanders said, he vaguely guessed something.

Now they have left the territory of the Tiandou Empire, walked for a full eleven days, and have walked half of the way.

After getting out of the carriage, Lingmo followed Dugubo to the back of the team and left the team.

"How are the preparations going?"

It was a long canyon, and Lingmo stood above the canyon, standing side by side with Dugubo.

"Don't worry, everything has been prepared! The disciples of Tianji Pavilion and Cangfeng Valley have already joined the game.

In addition, there are hundreds of Yin soldiers, ambushing all the way! In addition, the disciples of Xiangjia Sect have also arrived...

Everything is ready, now we just wait for the lackeys of Wuhun Hall to fall into the trap.

I have waited for this day for more than ten years, and I can't wait..."

Dugubo said in a low voice, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Very good! If nothing goes wrong, the valley ahead is the best hunting ground...

Just now I used a puppet to hide my identity. They might have thought that the puppet was me!

Hehe, it's interesting! I wonder what big fish this fishing trick can catch..."

Lingmo doesn't believe that the Spirit Hall will remain indifferent, because... the Spirit Hall can't let something that can threaten its position exist.

Lingmo has already endangered the development of the Spirit Hall. If such a genius cannot be used by me, the best way is to destroy him.

The tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

Lingmo still understands this truth, not to mention that Qian Renxue had confessed to him before that the Spirit Hall must take action.

Therefore, in this game within the game, it is unknown who is the prey. It depends on how much money the Spirit Hall is willing to spend.

"Sect Master! Does Yanyan need to send some people?"

Dugu Bo said worriedly. This hunting game is too thrilling. He is afraid of hurting Duguyan.

"Don't worry! Their target is me, and all the main forces are also on Shrek Academy.

Therefore, Yanyan will not be in any danger, and... judging from the treasures I left for Yanyan before, it is no problem to deal with these people."

Lingmo was fully prepared a month ago, how could he not even consider this problem?

Lingmo gave Dugu Yan, Shui Bing'er, and Xuewu the best equipment, various hidden weapons, and clothes.

As long as there are no Titled Douluo-level characters, they will basically be fine, and it is impossible for them to be in trouble.

Lingmo cares more about their safety than anyone else, so it is impossible for him not to be prepared.

After hearing Lingmo's answer, Dugu Bo was relieved!

He has been planning this hunting game for a long time, and he is very worried about every point.

"Master! The enemy is found..."

A disciple of Tianji Pavilion appeared behind the two and said.

The disciples of Tianji Pavilion were the first to enter this area. They had been hiding for a long time and were always paying attention to the movements of Wuhun Hall.

"Well, don't alert the enemy, continue to lurk..."

Lingmo gave instructions and did not let them take action directly.

This canyon is still very long. We need to wait until they all join the game before we can catch them all in one fell swoop.

This is the best and most direct way.

"Understood! But Sect Master, the Spirit Hall has a lot of people this time. There are several Title Douluo-level masters. The situation is a bit complicated. Will the plan still be maintained?"

The disciple of Tianji Pavilion asked worriedly.

"Title Douluo? How many?"

Ling Mo asked anxiously. He wanted to see how many Title Douluo the Spirit Hall sent this time.

"There are as many as four, and more than a dozen Soul Douluo-level masters..."

Ling Mo had no idea how many titled Douluo there were in Wuhun Palace.

After listening to the report from the disciples of Tianji Pavilion, the two fell into deep thought.

"It seems that this time Wuhun Palace not only wants to attack you, but also wants to catch all these people!

What a ruthless method, even I am included in the plan..."

Dugu Bo sneered.

Wuhundian was fine if he didn't take action, but he was so ruthless when he did.

Four titled Douluo were dispatched in succession, and they really looked up to them.

Apart from Dugu Bo, the only titled Douluo traveling with the team this time was Chen Xin, the swordsman from the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Obviously, the two titled Douluo who appeared in particular were prepared for them.

The remaining two titled Douluo should be the ones to deal with Ling Mo and this team.

Four against two!

Good guy, this is the rhythm of killing everyone. If the ghost gate hadn't predicted it in advance and made preparations, they would have fallen into their trap.

Not to mention the Ghost Sect, even the Qibao Glazed Sect was included in the conspiracy.

"Go down, the plan remains unchanged..."

Ling Mo replied coldly, and the Tianji Pavilion disciples immediately retreated.

"Old monster, go back first! Don't make the other party suspicious, and use the fastest way possible to solve the matter ahead.

Shrek Academy has me on my side, nothing will happen...

Remember, as soon as they take action, don't hold back and kill them on the spot. "

"Sect Master, can you bear it alone?"

Dugu Bo worriedly said, although there was a ghost master in Lingmo, but... two titled Douluo attacked at the same time, and he was afraid that the ghost master would not be able to withstand them.

"Don't worry! I have my own way... Remember, don't expose our ghost gate's last trump card until absolutely necessary.

These trump cards are the gifts I kept to prepare for them at Wuhun Palace..."

The implication is simple, Ling Mo doesn't want to expose the existence of the titled Douluo from the Ghost Sect too quickly.

Therefore, this hunting game depends entirely on the disciples of Tianji Pavilion and Zangfeng Valley.

Together with the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect, they set up a trap for Wuhun Palace.

Restore the third update first! Adjust the status and resume the fifth update next Monday

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