"So Master, how do you want to play?"

The master took away the tactical control, and Lingmo had to follow the arrangement.


But he could guess the master's idea. In the next game, he should let the Shrek Seven Devils play.

Because of his intervention, they haven't played together for a long time, and they need to warm up.

The tactical system of the Shrek Seven Devils can be perfectly integrated even if Lingmo wants to play, because his martial spirit is versatile.

Any formation can be matched, there is no problem at all, and it will be even more perverted.

As expected.

"In the next game, you Shrek Seven Devils will play. You haven't cooperated on the real battlefield for a long time.

This first round is for you to warm up. I won't arrange the specific tactics, and everything on the field will still be controlled by Xiaosan."

It's almost the same as Lingmo guessed. The master really wants to play the Shrek Seven Devils.

"Teacher, what about Xiaomo?"

Tang San took over the important task, but still asked. Lingmo has always been the core of their tactics.

Now that they have changed, they seem to have no idea how to fight.

"I have my own arrangements for Xiaomo. The real trump card should be kept until the end, otherwise... it is not a trump card."

The master explained, and everyone expressed their understanding.

Everyone agrees that Lingmo is powerful, and there is no doubt about it.

Therefore... it is not unreasonable to keep him for the critical moment.

"Alas, I wanted to continue to win a few more games, but now it seems that there is no hope..."

Oscar said with a decadent face, expressing his depression.

"You kid! Cheer up, there is no simple team that can get to this point today.

Rely on winning the championship, then the championship is yours?"

Flanders said to him without hesitation, and Oscar quickly shrank his neck and stepped aside.

Lingmo was very disappointed. He originally thought that the master would arrange some exquisite tactics, but he didn't expect that he didn't see it in the end.

But it's true, this is only the first game, how can you throw a trump card at the beginning, even TV dramas don't dare to play it like this.

The first game is to let the Shrek Seven Devils re-adjust their tactical cooperation. As for Lingmo, it is unknown when he can play.

"Okay, there are still two days, everyone should hurry up to practice and adjust their status..."

After a brief explanation, the specific tactical arrangements will have to be discussed on the opening day.

After the meeting, Lingmo said hello to Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong and went out.

The two girls were very weak. After all, who could withstand the fierce battle last night.

As soon as Lingmo walked out of the hotel, he found that several pairs of eyes were staring at him.

With a meaningful smile, he remained silent and glanced at the city road in the dark corner. Lingmo did not go over.

"Interesting! So many pairs of eyes are staring at me. How afraid are you that I will run away?"

Since entering Wuhun City, these eyes have always existed, but Lingmo was too lazy to pay attention to them, and there was no need to pay attention to them.

Lingmo knew what the Spirit Hall wanted to do, but... Lingmo didn't think they could do anything.

"Oh, forget it! This Spirit City is so small, there's nothing to see..."

Lingmo looked around casually for a few times, then lost interest and returned to the hotel.

But he didn't go back to Shrek Academy, but went to the residential area of ​​Tianshui Academy.

On the way, Lingmo found a sneaky figure.

"Damn, you bastard, you don't stay in your room, you come here to peek at the beauty..."

This person is none other than Dai Mubai.

"Damn, don't shout, be careful someone hears..."

This unexpected shouting almost scared Dai Mubai to death, and when he turned around and saw that it was Lingmo, he was immediately depressed.

"Which beauty did you like! Let me take a look..."

Lingmo was unmoved, and walked over carelessly. Through the narrow gap in the room, he clearly saw what the people of Tianshui Academy were discussing in the conference room.

Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu were also inside, but they found that Shui Yue'er, who was next to Shui Bing'er, looked outside from time to time.

It seemed that she seemed to know that Dai Mubai was outside, and she was always looking outside with a restless heart.

"Great! In the blink of an eye, you have become my brother-in-law..."

Lingmo could see that Dai Mubai was hooking up with Shui Yue'er.

"Damn! When did you hook up with Yue'er's sister?"

Dai Mubai was stunned when he heard it. When did Lingmo get involved with Shui Bing'er? Why didn't he know anything?

Now, even though she is older than him, she has to lower herself to become his brother-in-law.

"Haha! Okay, Xiaobai, call me brother-in-law..."

Lingmo was so happy. He had seen that these two people were interesting earlier, but he didn't expect that they really hooked up.

"Tsk, things are not certain yet, what brother-in-law! You should think about how to explain it to Zhuqing..."

According to Dai Mubai's understanding of Zhu Zhuqing, Lingmo's nonsense will definitely cause problems.

He didn't know that Zhu Zhuqing already knew about Lingmo.

If he knew, he would probably collapse.

Why? Why can't you forgive me for messing around, but you turn a blind eye to Lingmo's messing around?

Is the gap between people so big?

"Stop talking nonsense, call me brother-in-law quickly, otherwise you can't see Xiaoyue'er anymore..."

Ling Mo smiled evilly and said that it was very simple for him to prevent Dai Mubai from seeing Shui Yue'er. Only Shui Bing'er was willing to speak. Shui Yue'er, who had always been well-behaved, would definitely not dare to see Dai Mubai.

"You... you are cruel! Then, brother-in-law, when we meet for the first time, let's give you some gifts..."

Dai Mubai's teeth were itching with hatred, but after thinking about it, he started blackmailing directly.

"It's the first time we meet. We all know each other so well. It's so hurtful to give us no gifts..."

Ling Mo immediately realized that something was wrong. He had taken advantage of this, but... it seemed like he was about to suffer a loss.

"Now...this time, I am not meeting you as a classmate, but as a brother-in-law.

So, is this our first meeting? "

Dai Mubai said seriously, and Ling Mo suddenly became depressed.

It seems to be the truth, damn... I was tricked by this kid.


At this time, a man ran out of the conference room and called Ling Mo in a sweet voice.

No need to think about it, no one calls her that except Shui Yue'er.

This voice is really sweet!

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Ling Mo replied, and within a moment, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu also walked out.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the people crowded in the passage, Shui Bing'er said depressedly.

But after seeing Ling Mo, his eyes flashed with joy.

"It's nothing, sister! I'm asking for a gift from my brother-in-law. He has so many treasures, so he shouldn't be reluctant to part with them, right?"

Shui Yue'er said strangely.

Ling Mo was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Holy shit, are these two guys colluding?

Looking back, Dai Mubai was looking at him with a wicked smile, and Shui Yue'er looked expectantly.

"It's over, we're going to spend a lot of money now! My sister-in-law wants a gift, but it wouldn't be appropriate if I don't give it to you..."

Ling Mo muttered, "I knew I would come later, but I came at this time."

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