"What are you going to do!"

It was Feiyan's turn to panic at this moment, as if the person standing in front of her was an iron man, and no matter how hard she poked, she couldn't get in.

In all her life, she has never seen such a strong defense.

"What do you want to do? Hehe, little girl, what do you think..." Ling Mo smiled evilly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden change on the sea, and a strong wind came suddenly.

"Look, what is that..."

I saw a huge figure flash across the vast deep sea, and with a flick of its tail, it directly smashed the two giant beasts fighting fiercely on the sea to pieces.


"Oh my god! What a terrifying power. Is this...a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

A hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast appeared, shocking everyone. For a moment... no one could react. They were blown away by the big wave and retreated into the sea with the wave.

Is it okay to enter the sea? He was directly torn into pieces by those ferocious soul beasts in the sea, causing countless casualties in a short time.

"Come here!"

In a panic, Ling Mo pulled Feiyan up and instantly stood up from the ground. The peacock's colorful wings spread out and flew high, hovering in the sky.


Suddenly, a ferocious beast jumped out of the sea and rushed towards Ling Mo and the two. Feiyan screamed in fear and shrank into Ling Mo's arms.

"Haha, I was fearless just now. How can I be so cowardly now?"

Ling Mo laughed angrily. This little witch was really a little witch. She seemed not afraid of anything, but in fact she was still a little girl who didn't understand anything.

Facing this kind of scene, he was obviously frightened!

"Let's go..."

Ling Mo took advantage of the situation and kicked the giant beast hard in the mouth, then kicked it back into the sea.

Looking around, I found that this area was covered by sea water, and everyone was swept into the waves and unable to escape.

But... these people are not ordinary people, and among them are strong men with Soul Saint level or above, so they can naturally escape from the waves.

However, those with low soul power levels were not so lucky and were directly swallowed by the sea.

"One hundred thousand year soul beast? Polar Kunpeng?"

Ling Mo saw at a glance that the culprit causing this chaos was none other than the legendary beast Kunpeng.

This Kunpeng is not that Kunpeng. This is not the one in Lingmo's memory from the Emperor's Fall era.

Kunpeng in Douluo Continent is just a continuation of the ancient bloodline. Although his strength cannot reach the point of returning to his ancestors, he is still very powerful.

Kunpeng swept the entire coastline with a curling tail, then escaped into the clouds and flew away on the wind...

It soared up to 90,000 miles, very fast, and disappeared without a trace in just one breath.

Although it has left, Ling Mo can still sense its breath.

"Let me go!"

Just when Ling Mo wanted to chase after her, Feiyan in her arms suddenly struggled and said, "Obviously..." After realizing that the danger was over, she started to escape again.

"That's what you said!"

Ling Mo sneered and let go. Unprepared, the girl was thrown directly into the sea by Ling Mo.

But simply, there were too many people in this sea area, so she was not attacked immediately, and she was able to escape from the tide even though she struggled.

"You just said it casually and you took it seriously! You bastard, I'm not done with you..."

After fluttering for a while, Feiyan broke free from the tide and cursed Ling Mo in the sky.

This guy doesn't understand anything about sympathy, so he just lets people talk casually, and he really lets go, which is too much.

Facing Feiyan's yelling, Lingmo ignored it and fixed his gaze on the direction Kunpeng was leaving. Six soul rings appeared on his body, surrounded by holy light.

"Kunpeng! It has certain wind attributes. It seems to have caused the strong wind just now.

Although it was covered by the sea water, it could still be discovered that this guy, like other soul beasts, had been infected by some unknown thing! "

Ling Mo looked very carefully just now. Kunpeng was obviously affected by the bewitchment, so he became delirious, made a big fuss and left the sea area.

This was Ling Mo's best opportunity. He lacked such a soul ring now and must not let it escape.

Thinking to himself, Ling Mo opened fire and chased in the direction Kunpeng left.

Although his speed couldn't compare with Kunpeng, Kunpeng was already unconscious and his vitality was obviously declining rapidly. Even if he couldn't catch up with Lingmo, he wouldn't be far behind.

With a flutter of wings, Ling Mo disappeared into this world. Below, Feiyan looked at Ling Mo who disappeared in front of her eyes with a look of disbelief, and fell into deep thought.

At this time, her usual demeanor became very serious, with a hint of aloofness.

If Ling Mo was still there, he would probably be frightened. This guy seemed to have two faces, one for a while, which was really shocking.

"Dad said that there are many strange people and strange things in the mainland. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect... this stinky gangster taught me a lesson today.

How scary is this guy? Judging from his age, he is no different from me, but he is already a Soul Emperor in his sixties.

It seems that it is exactly what dad said, that there is a catastrophe in the mainland, and it seems true...

No, I have to go back and tell dad, otherwise... it will be a big disaster in the future! "

Feiyan murmured, and then... her body began to glow with a golden light, and under the light, she slowly rose into the sky.

At this time, she was like air, and no one noticed her existence.

Surrounded by the holy light, she shines like a goddess, with an alluring face.

A door seemed to open in the sky, and her figure escaped into the door and disappeared without a trace.

This short episode did not cause much impact.

At this time, Lingmo was trying his best to catch up with Kunpeng in the sky above the sea, but he didn't know that his small action had attracted the attention of some people.

"Strange! Why is Kunpeng's breath mixed with a bloody aura? This aura is disgusting and can affect people's minds unconsciously.

If I get caught in it, I'm afraid even I can't resist it and will be gradually eroded by the aura..."

Lingmo chased halfway and gradually felt uncomfortable. This kind of invasion was too terrifying. It could indirectly change people's minds and distort them.

This may be the reason why the sea soul beasts rioted. The entire sea area was corroded and fell into endless fighting.

"The source of darkness?"

Lingmo guessed that this incident might be caused by those evil soul masters infected by the blood of dark creatures.

Otherwise, why did such a turmoil happen for no reason? Abnormally weird...

Lingmo still stayed in the incomplete fragments of the previous life about the dark creatures, and did not know about this kind of creatures.

Or, the so-called ominousness was caused by a drop of blood, and this drop of blood, for some unknown reason, suddenly fell into the Douluo Continent and was obtained by some people with ulterior motives.

This drop of blood may be the culprit of this disaster, and the person who did it was the evil soul master who appeared in Wuhun City last time...

It seems that a conspiracy is approaching Lingmo, but he doesn't even know what the conspiracy is now.

This sea area is very interesting, all kinds of strange forces have come, among which...it seems that there are also some people from the God Realm mixed in, making this incident more and more interesting.

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