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The battle ends and peace returns to the world! For a time... the conflict between human soul masters arose again.

In this riot, almost all the big families and sects in the world were hit!

For example, Wuhun Palace, Ghost Sect, Qibao Glazed Sect, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family, and the two major empires.

Relatively speaking, Haotian Sect's losses were relatively objective.

Because they are fierce! Each one is extremely powerful and sturdy.

Just standing on the shore, a spirit beast came to send one away, and hit a child...

The seven titled Douluo of the Haotian Sect stood on the shore, like the mobile bulldozers, almost stabilizing the situation in the Northland with a sweeping force.

However, after the riot, the Haotian Sect left quietly, and no one noticed their departure.

Because at this moment, everyone is fighting for the soul beasts in the sea, grabbing resources and treasures, facing each other with swords, not to mention how lively it is.

In the far north, above a cloud and mist, Ling Mo came directly to Rashomon after dealing with the dark giant.

"Are you OK!"

The snow girl and the ghost master flew in from afar. They didn't dare to get close to the battle just now, so they didn't know what happened.

After the battle was over, the two men appeared and looked at Ling Mo with concerned eyes.

"I'm fine! Except for some loss of strength, I didn't suffer any injuries..."

Seeing the worry in Xue Nu's eyes, Ling Mo couldn't help but comfort her.

Ling Mo thought a lot when his life was hanging by a thread just now.

It turns out that without even realizing it, his own existence has affected the fate of many people!

With a burst of emotion, Ling Mo gently pulled Xue Nu into his arms, and continued: "Now the crisis is temporarily lifted.

But... this Rashomon still exists, and... because of that dark giant.

Rashomon failed to be sealed in time, and now it is too late to seal it..."

There is still a huge problem at the moment, and that is Rashomon.

Ling Mo has no way to restrain this Rashomon right now. Once the order is broken, more powerful creatures will come out of it.

Looking at the Rashomon, Yuki-onna said with sad eyes: "So, what are you going to do next?"

She didn't understand the secret of Rashomon and didn't know how to solve it, so she could only ask Lingmo.

The only one who can break the situation right now is Ling Mo! If he unfortunately dies, the world may also die.

"I don't know! There are too few records about Rashomon, or in other words, its origin is too long ago.

It's so far away that I can't reach it, so far away that I can't pry into its secrets.

Before knowing the specific secret of Rashomon, there is only one way! "

Ling Mo said with firm eyes, always holding the Immortal Sword in his hand.

After coming out of that one-step heavenly realm, his strength has shrunk a lot, and it's a bit difficult to hold the Immortal Slayer Sword.

Just now, if Ling Mo hadn't accidentally triggered the mirror mystery of the inner world, Ling Mo wouldn't have been able to enter the realm of heaven and humanity all of a sudden.

There is no way to fight against that giant.

It can be said that this is a battle that depends on luck. Before the battle, Ling Mo had no idea that there was such a realm.

It belongs to the realm of passive triggering, which can instantly greatly enhance Lingmo's power.

That power comes from the power of the original world, which is endless and has a long history...

"any solution?"

Seeing Ling Mo saying there was a way, Xue Nu asked further.

"The only way is to enter Rashomon alone and find out..."

As soon as these words came out, Snow Girl Ghost Master looked frightened, thinking that Ling Mo was crazy.

"No, this is too risky! I don't allow it..."

Xue Nu directly stopped her. She did not allow Ling Mo to take risks. This was her man. Compared with all the people in the world, she chose Ling Mo.

There is no need to doubt that the people in the world have nothing to do with her. She just hopes that Ling Mo will be safe and sound, which is the best outcome.

Ling Mo was extremely moved by Xue Nu's reaction, but he had to do it.

Even if he can leave in the end, what about Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuqing and others?

Can they leave? It's still a puzzle until now.

So Lingmo had to do it.

Lingmo promised them a bright future very early on.

Now, in the face of such a catastrophe, if he chooses to sit back and leave peacefully, how is he any different from an animal?

Lingmo would never do such a cowardly act! If he really chose to sit back and do nothing, he would never forgive himself in his heart.

"I have made up my mind. If I sit back and do nothing, it will be tantamount to betraying everyone who has high expectations for me!"

Ling Mo said with firm eyes.

Behind him are not only Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuqing and others, but also the 80,000 disciples of the Ghost Sect, and more than 10,000 soul beast legions...

What would they do if he backed down?

Ling Mo never believed that he had any lofty ideals to save the common people, nor did he have any noble personality.

But there are some things he has to do...

"The past cannot be undone. The only thing we can do is to change the future! Although Rashomon is dangerous, it may not be able to take my life.

I know in my heart that I must go on this trip to Rashomon..."

Looking at the wide open door, Ling Mo's eyes were extremely firm.

The chains on Rashomon are on the verge of collapse and can no longer hold up for much longer.

You can feel the evil aura coming from the gate from hundreds of meters away.

The Snow Girl looked at Lingmo with a dull look in her eyes. She didn't know how to persuade Lingmo.

If she stopped Lingmo today, would she be too selfish?

He was carrying the fate of saving the common people. He not only belonged to himself, but also to the people of the world.

The Snow Girl was extremely conflicted. She wanted to be selfish for once, but she was extremely entangled in her heart. Years of rationality did not allow her to do so...

However, she just wanted Lingmo to accompany her safely. There was nothing wrong with this in itself!

"You can go, but you must take me with you! Even if I die, I will be by your side..."

The Snow Girl finally said with a hard heart. It was the biggest difficulty for her to say such words.

"No! You don't have the ability to be immune to this evil spirit in your body. Once it enters, it will instantly become an evil spirit invasion and become a puppet without a soul..."

Lingmo answered very decisively and rejected the Snow Girl's kindness.

Lingmo would not let his woman take risks for himself. This is a matter of principle.

Moreover, the Snow Girl had no Supreme Bone and no double pupils in her body, so she could not resist the evil spirit at all.

Once she entered Rashomon and stayed in that environment for a long time, she would definitely be invaded by the evil spirit.


The Snow Girl wanted to refute something, but she couldn't say it...

She naturally understood that she had no ability to resist that kind of evil spirit, and Lingmo did not lie.

However, she was not at ease letting Lingmo go in alone.

"Don't say but! Now that the riot is over, don't you still have to go find the Ice Bear King Xiaobai?

It just so happens that during the time I enter Rashomon, you can go find it first...

Don't worry about me! Even if I can't solve the source of the disaster, I can return safely..."

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