Douluo Dalu: My system is not convinced again

Chapter 235 Poseidon High Priest


Seahorse Douluo's eyes widened and he stared at Zhu Zhuqing, "Did you just say that the time limit for your first exam is a lifetime?"

"Yes." Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

"How could this happen? You are a land soul master. Logically speaking, the time limit for each test should be one year. The time limit for each sea soul master test is ten years. But yours is a lifetime?" Seahorse Douluo questioned. In a tone of voice, he asked Zhu Zhuqing again.

"Yes, senior. Although I don't know what's going on, the time limit for my first test is my whole life." Zhu Zhuqing answered Seahorse Douluo affirmatively.


Seahorse Douluo was stunned.

The reason why the time limit for each test of land soul masters is ten years shorter than that of sea soul masters on Poseidon Island is because Poseidon favors the sea soul masters on Poseidon Island.

Nowadays, Zhu Zhuqing is clearly a land soul master. The time limit for the first test is longer than that of the Sea Spirit Master on Poseidon Island. What does this mean?

Seahorse Douluo concluded: "You are indeed Lord Poseidon's respected guests."

In Seahorse Douluo's mind, he could only explain this strange phenomenon in this way.

As for Ye Feng, he felt that it might be related to the envy he felt before.

Ye Feng had previously envied the Sea Spirit Master on Poseidon Island for being able to obtain Poseidon's divine examination unconditionally. That is to say, it has a lot of conveniences. So, the system feels unconvinced. Not only did he punish Seahorse Douluo, but he also changed the time limit for each test.

"Okay, next one." Seahorse Douluo called.

"I'll come!" Ning Rongrong stepped forward.

Next, Ye Feng's partners began to accept the test of Poseidon in an orderly manner.

Qian Renxue, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, Hu Liena, Huo Wu, top red test; Xieyue, Yan, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Huo Wushuang, black level six test; Shui Yue'er, Meng Yiran, Dugu Yan, black level five Examination; Zhang Ping, Xu Yu, Li Kai, Tailong, Huang Yuan, Jingling, Jiangzhu, four black-level examinations.

"Bing'er, it's your turn."

Ye Feng called Shui Bing'er beside him with a smile.


Shui Binger nodded.

Seahorse Douluo looked at Shui Binger calmly. After looking at it for a while, a gleam of surprise appeared in his eyes. He felt an extreme power in Shui Bing'er.

"What is your martial spirit?" asked Seahorse Douluo.

"Ice Phoenix." Shui Binger answered truthfully.

"I see. Let's get started." After saying this, Seahorse Douluo activated his soul power and launched the Poseidon's Light for the penultimate time today.

It should be the top red exam.

Ye Feng thought as above.

In terms of talent and strength, Shui Bing'er is not inferior to Hu Liena, Xiao Wu, Huo Wu, Qian Renxue and Ning Rongrong who have obtained the top red examination. And it's a level lower than Qian Renxue.

Because of her own martial arts, Qian Renxue did not pass the Ninth Poseidon Exam, but the Top Red Exam. He has the strength to inherit the position of High Priest of Poseidon.

Shui Bing'er's talent is not bad. The protagonist Tang San once wondered whether it was time to start practicing the Clear Sky Hammer spirit. Ye Feng felt that Shui Bing'er should not only get the sixth black level exam, but she should be able to get the top red level exam, and even the ninth Poseidon exam.

Blue light shines. Quietly bathe in Shui Bing'er's body. But the strange thing is that after the blue light enveloped Shui Binger, the color did not change as quickly as others.

While everyone was surprised, the blue light began to change rapidly. Blue turned directly into purple, then black, then red. Finally settled on gold.


Seahorse Douluo was so surprised that he was speechless.

Golden light shot out from the Seahorse Holy Pillar, forming nine faces in front of Shui Bing'er. After that, all the light shot into Shui Bing'er's eyebrows. A golden trident logo formed between Shui Bing'er's eyebrows.


Shui Yue'er walked to Shui Bing'er, held Shui Bing'er's arm, touched the trident pattern between Shui Bing'er's eyebrows, and asked curiously: "Senior, what does this mean?"

"I have no idea."

"Aren't you the guardian of the Seahorse Pillar? How could you not know?"

"I really don't know. I've never seen anything like this."

Seahorse Douluo shook his head and looked at the trident pattern between Shui Bing'er's eyebrows with doubtful eyes.

When Ye Feng and Qian Renxue wanted to answer out loud, a beautiful voice seemed to come from heaven.

"There's no need to make it difficult for him. This is the first time this has happened since the appearance of Poseidon Island. What you have to endure is not the top nine exams, but the Poseidon nine exams."

The sound comes from far to near.

When the last voice fell, a red light point slowly appeared in the air in front of Ye Feng and the others.

The space was distorted, and a person appeared in mid-air.

Her height seems to be about 1.8 meters. The whole body was covered in a layer of bright red robes, and the long sea-blue hair was spread behind her, almost hanging to the ground after spreading. Her soft face looks like she is about thirty years old at most.

Her beauty comes more from her temperament, which is nobility, elegance and gentleness.

In her right hand, she holds a three-meter-long scepter. The scepter is golden, just like the gold that appeared in the sky just now. The whole body is engraved with magic patterns, and the head of the stick is a diamond-shaped protrusion like a spear. Starting, five inches below the tip of the spear, there is a diamond-shaped golden gem inlaid.

If you just look at her appearance, she is definitely a rare beauty, and her temperament is indeed incomparable to anyone, even the Pope of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong, is inferior to her in temperament. The most surprising thing is her eyes, the clear blue eyes are deeper than the sea, and the vicissitudes of the kindness in them seem to have experienced eternal years.

She is the High Priest of the Sea God, Poseidon.

"See the Great Priest."

Hippocampus Douluo bowed slightly and saluted the red-robed woman, "I failed to complete the instructions of the Lord of the Sea God, please punish me."

Poseidon smiled slightly, and the sea in the sea seemed to have waves, "It's not your fault. This is also the first time I have seen such a situation. Young man, I have waited for more than a hundred years, and finally saw it in my twilight years. Can you tell me your origins?"

"Hello, senior, my name is Shui Bing'er, the daughter of Shui Ruohan, the head of the Shui family of the Tiandou Empire." Shui Bing'er said, and was about to bow to Poseidon. As a result, he was supported by a force of energy. Unable to bow.

Shui Bing'er looked up at Poseidon in confusion.

"Shui Bing'er, remember. No one in the entire Sea God Island can bear your bow. Even I am no exception. You are the descendant of the Sea God." Poseidon instructed.

"Yes." Shui Bing'er nodded.

Poseidon landed in front of Qian Renxue and asked, "What's your name? I feel the breath of an old friend of mine in you."

"Grandfather Qian Daoliu. Grandfather told me that if I see the senior on this trip to Sea God Island, I must say hello to the senior on his behalf." Qian Renxue bowed slightly and bowed to Poseidon.

Poseidon's deep blue eyes revealed a trace of melancholy, "Time flies so fast. I didn't expect his granddaughter to be so big. Is your grandfather still healthy?"

"Grandpa is fine." Qian Renxue replied.

"Well, that's good." Poseidon's eyes swept towards Ye Feng, stayed on Ye Feng for a while, walked to the side of Seahorse Douluo, and had no intention of leaving immediately.

She felt a strange breath on Ye Feng's body. She felt that Ye Feng's talent and strength were better than Shui Bing'er. She was very curious whether Ye Feng would also get the Nine Tests of Sea God.

Although such a thing has not happened, it cannot be said that it will never happen.

Poseidon ordered: "Continue to start the test of Sea God."

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