Douluo Dalu: My system is not convinced again

Chapter 258 The First God of All Time, the God of Creation

As the high priest of the Sea God, Poseidon knows what is happening.

As the high priest, she sacrifices her life for the next Sea God. This is Poseidon's fate.

What will happen when she sacrifices?

Poseidon once looked up the relevant files for this matter. She knew that when she sacrificed her life, the bridge in front of her would appear. Her life force and soul power would build a bridge that connects the next Sea God with the current Sea God.

"Shouldn't it be?"

Poseidon looked at the scene in front of her, and she was really confused.

"There are only two ways to become a god. One is to cultivate yourself to become a god, and you must obtain the power of faith. The source of the power of faith can be soul beasts or humans. The second is inheritance."

"If you want to inherit, there must be the birth of a bridge. Someone must sacrifice his life. Ye Feng's way of becoming a god now obviously belongs to the second way."

Poseidon was extremely confused.

But no one sacrificed his life now, how could Ye Feng suddenly become a god?

Poseidon glanced around and was stunned.

"The power comes from the creatures of Poseidon Island."

Poseidon was stunned.

At this moment, Poseidon seemed to understand why Ye Feng needed to conquer Poseidon Island.

From the place of raging waves, the guardians of the seven sacred pillars of Poseidon Island, and the light of Poseidon, there were a lot of energies spreading out.

These energies came from living creatures, as well as from inanimate waves and rocks. When they gathered together, they formed the bridge to the void in front of them.

Because Ye Feng defeated Poseidon, even Poseidon's body had light seeping out.

Poseidon was curious and wanted to stop the leakage of power from her body. However, she was surprised to find that as the main body, she could not stop the leakage of these energies. These energies from the world were forcibly extracted from their bodies.

"Maybe, he can change my destiny."

Poseidon covered the sky. A desire for life sprouted in his heart.

The bridge was formed, and Ye Feng stepped on it, and flew up along the bridge towards the void deep in the sky.

Ye Feng used his mental power to explore the surroundings. But he found that his mental power was suppressed by a strong force and could not be released outside his body.

Not only that, when he stepped onto the bridge, Ye Feng found that he could only move forward and could not reach the place outside the bridge.

After Ye Feng flew for half an hour, a gray vortex appeared in front of him.

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, and then stepped into the vortex without hesitation.

The vortex had no resistance, allowing Ye Feng to easily step into another space.

This space was empty and there was nothing. There was no Poseidon Temple that appeared when the Poseidon was inherited. Although the space was empty, it gave Ye Feng a strange feeling. It seemed that there was everything around him.

"It's been so many years. I finally found a creature in the universe that can inherit my throne."

Suddenly, this voice that seemed to come from the ancient times made Ye Feng startled.

Ye Feng used his mental power to explore everything around him. As a result, he could not find any creatures except him.

"Don't look for it. You just have 150% affinity with me. You are not a god yet. And even if you are a god, you can't find my hiding place if I don't want to."

The same voice sounded again. His voice was yin and yang. Not only did people not feel his presence, but people could not tell whether he was a man or a woman from his voice.


The mysterious man's voice made Ye Feng give up the purpose of continuing to look for him. He asked, "You should be the God of Creation, right?"

The God test that Ye Feng received was the test of the God of Creation. So, the person who was talking to Ye Feng at this time, whether it was a man or a woman, must be the God of Creation.

"Yes. As you have 150% affinity. Can you ask me another question?"

"Why just one question?"

"Because you could have asked me to answer the three questions you asked. You asked me if I was the God of Creation before, and used one. Now I answered you another one."

"Oh my god. You are such a thief."

Ye Feng couldn't help but scold the God of Creation.

Looking at the God Realm, the only god who is so thief to the inheritor of the God's throne is probably the God of Creation.


The devilish and proud voice sounded, "When you live for a long, long time like me, you will also find fun for your long life."


Ye Feng pouted. Unable to understand the words of the God of Creation, he asked curiously: "Then let me ask you, are you a man or a woman? Can you show yourself?"

Ye Feng's voice fell without any interval. A person appeared in front of him.

That person was a beggar.

This simply refreshed Ye Feng's understanding of the God of Creation.

The God of Creation is actually a beggar? ? ?

If Ye Feng hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe what he saw now.


Ye Feng was stunned.

"People have lived for so long, naturally they have to find some fun. What about beggars? What about emperors?"

As the voice of the God of Creation fell, his clothes began to change. The dirty clothes on his body turned into a radiant and colorful imperial robe with twelve chapter patterns on the robe.


Ye Feng was stunned and blurted out in disbelief: "Is this okay?"


The God of Creation nodded and continued: "When you inherit my throne, you will also want to enjoy life with different identities. Beggar, businessman, prodigal, rich second generation, gangster, or an emperor with three thousand beauties in the harem. Emperor."

"All right."

Ye Feng had a preliminary understanding of Chuangshi God's abilities. He looked at Chuangshi God up and down and concluded: "So, Chuangshi God is a handsome man."


The God of Creation shook his head, and an incredible scene appeared.

I saw that his appearance began to change. The originally handsome face turned into a monster with maggots crawling on its face. At the same time, his hair grew longer. But his chest became hotter.

In a few breaths, the originally handsome emperor turned into an extremely ugly woman.

"Female?" Ye Feng was stunned.

"That's not entirely true." The God of Creation shook his head and explained in detail: "It's been too long. I have forgotten my original true gender. I have even forgotten whether I am a human, an animal, or a stone. ...When you inherit my divine status, you will find that you can become a man or a woman. If you are interested, you can also become an animal and have a bestiality with your lover. The battle. It’s human, it’s beast, it’s ugly, it’s beautiful… it’s all in your mind.”

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