A gray light flashed, and a circular platform appeared in front of Ye Feng.

The platform was very strange, in the shape of the Bagua diagram that Ye Feng was familiar with. In the middle of the platform were the two yin and yang, followed by the four images, and then the Bagua.

"Walk to the middle of the platform and start inheriting my position as a god."

The God of Creation guided Ye Feng.

Ye Feng followed his words, stepped onto the steps, and walked to the center of the Yin-Yang Eye.

Suddenly, layers of wave-like golden light rippled on the circular platform under Ye Feng's feet. It rushed into Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng felt that his body was instantly solidified by these energies. He was completely unable to resist.

Ye Feng found that when the energy passed through the Bagua platform, the color was colorful. When it entered the Four Images area. Eight different colors became four different colors. When the energy flowed to the two yin and yang area, it became gold and silver. Finally, the gold and silver light continued to flow toward the center of the Bagua, forming gray energy.

The gray energy completely enveloped Ye Feng's body. The pattern of the world tree between Ye Feng's eyebrows bloomed with brilliant light. Except for his eyes, his body could not react at all.

Suddenly, without any warning, a burning sensation came from Ye Feng's back. A strong tearing sensation turned into severe pain, causing Ye Feng's eyes to go black and he fainted on the spot.

When Ye Feng woke up, he was already beside Poseidon.

"Awake?" Poseidon asked.

"Yes." Ye Feng nodded.

"Congratulations, you have become the first god in Douluo Continent in a thousand years." Poseidon congratulated.

"Thank you." Ye Feng smiled, paused, and asked, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"You were unconscious for a cup of tea."


"Ye Feng, can I tell you something?"

"You say."

"Do you have any way to solve my problem?"

"Your problem?" Ye Feng was thoughtful. He felt that there was only one question that could stump Poseidon. He asked tentatively, "Do you mean your identity as the High Priest of the Sea God?"

"Almost. I see that no one will open the door of God for you after you become a god. In other words, no one will sacrifice for you. Does this mean that inheriting the throne does not necessarily require someone to sacrifice their life?" Poseidon's eyes glowed with expectation, waiting for Ye Feng's answer.

Poseidon is a human.

If they are human, then most of them don't want to die.

Especially some people with honorable status, they will not be willing to die.

As the High Priest of the Sea God, Poseidon also thought the same in her heart. If there is a choice, who is willing to die?

"Poseidon, you are wrong. My door to godhood is the result of all things on Poseidon Island contributing their own strength, so I opened the door to god." Ye Feng said.

"So, I can only fulfill my mission obediently?" Poseidon's eyes were lost, and then a hint of cold murderous intent shone in his eyes.

Poseidon doesn't want to die yet. So, Poseidon decided to interfere with the God Test and kill Shui Bing'er who passed the Poseidon Nine Tests.

"Xixi, you are wrong." Ye Feng said.

"Wrong? Where am I wrong?" Poseidon asked.

"I ask you, who are you?"


"What is the name of Poseidon?"

"The honorific name of Lord Poseidon is Poseidon?"

"What is the relationship between the two of you?"


Poseidon was stunned.

What is her relationship with Poseidon?

Poseidon is the ancestor of the Poseidon family and the ancestor of Poseidon. In other words, the relationship between Poseidon and Poseidon is the relationship between ancestor and descendant.

"Do you know why you became the High Priestess of the Sea God?" Ye Feng asked.

"Do you mean that I was favored by him?" Poseidon laughed at himself. It was obviously the relationship between ancestors and descendants, but the Sea God deliberately pitted Poseidon. He made her the High Priestess of the Sea God, and for this, she had to sacrifice her life to the next Sea God.

"Yes, you did get his favor. Have you heard of the word Shenpo?"

"Shenpo? What is Shenpo?" Poseidon asked.

"The human soul and divine power are combined to form a kind of ghost wandering in the God Realm. The God Realm named it Shenpo. Shenpo is different from God. It has no divine position, but it can live as long as the sky in the God Realm." Ye Feng answered in detail.

"You mean, this is the favor of the Sea God to me. He wants to wait until I sacrifice my life and turn me into Shenpo?" Poseidon looked stunned. It was the first time she heard the word Shenpo.

"Yes." Ye Feng nodded.

"Then why didn't he tell me?" Poseidon asked doubtfully.

"Because the God Realm has rules. Not just anyone can become a God's Soul. Because of the constraints of the rules, he can't tell you this. Your talent can't become a Sea God, so he can only help you in this way, so that you can live as long as the sky."


Poseidon was still questioning in his heart.

"To become a God's Soul, the gods must consume their divine power and let their souls transform into God's Soul. For many gods, this is something they can't accept in their hearts. If you are not the descendant of the Sea God, then I can't be so sure. Since you are the descendant of the Sea God and the high priest of the Sea God, then I can believe 90% that the Sea God will make you a God's Soul in the God Realm after your sacrifice." Ye Feng answered in detail.

"Thank you."

The cold murderous intent in Poseidon's eyes disappeared. This was good news for her.

After Ye Feng's analysis, Poseidon felt that Poseidon was very likely to make her a spirit of the God Realm.

"Of course, the prerequisite is that you perform your duties peacefully. Don't let Poseidon dislike you." Ye Feng reminded.


Poseidon nodded, and a smile appeared on his face that he hadn't had for a long time since he became the high priest.


Poseidon smiled.

A magical scene appeared.

The surrounding ocean rippled, and the flowers, plants and trees on Poseidon Island were tilted slightly towards Poseidon with a certain degree of inclination.

Ye Feng stared at Poseidon, and he was also stunned. At this time, Poseidon was noble and elegant, not charming, but could soften his heart.

Love love.

Ye Feng had an impulse in his heart, and he wanted to hold Poseidon in his arms at this time.

Poseidon smiled and said happily: "Ye Feng, I suddenly found that chatting with you is a very happy thing."

"Oh, really?"

Ye Feng came back to his senses and saw Poseidon nodded affirmatively. He smiled and continued: "Since you think chatting with me is a very happy thing, why don't we talk about something else."

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